Have JEHOVAH ever supported WARS between his WORSHIPPERS?

by Longlivetherenegades 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Longlivetherenegades

    Jehovah's witnesses used to state other Christian denominations go to WAR and in fact that their religious leaders bless such WARS. They see this as one reason why all other christian denominations are not true Christians since they kill one another at war and therefore they don't love one another as stated by Jesus in John 13: 34,35.

    For example when a roman catholic go to war, he/she is bound to kill a fellow Roman Catholic in the cause of the war. Therefore Roman Catholic can't be true Christians since its member don't love one another and kill one another at WAR and as such God cannot be in support of such WARS where his WORSHIPPERS kill one another.

    The question that comes for consideration is, HAS JEHOVAH EVER SUPPORTED WARS BETWEEN HIS OWN WORSHIPPERS?

    What comes to mind is the incidence recorded in the book of Judges chapter 20 - 21.

    After reading please be free to add your points of view.

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  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Very good point. Add to that Cornelius, an active army officer who was baptized. There is absolutely nothing said about him resigning his position as a prerequisite to baptism, let alone doing so afterwards. As regards to government service in general the New Testament also says to go above and beyond when called into service, but it says nothing about this being only non-combat or being led only by civilian leadership, as WT now requires for any community service.

  • pistolpete

    That account is more about Jehovah tricking the nation of Israel to fight the tribe of Benjamin just so Jah could see them slaughter each other. About a million total were killed plus tons of innocent animals for his pleasure.

    That account is more about Jehovah being a prick psychopath.

    The entire nation of Israel seeks Jehovah’s direction to bring to justice some men that raped a woman to death. It was just a few men who committed the act. All it would have taken to prevent more killing was for Jehovah to send an angel to kill those few men who raped the woman to death. But instead Jehovah tells all Israel to go and fight the tribe of Benjamin who would not hand over these men, probably because they wanted a fair trial first to see who was guilty.

    Instead Jehovah directs the nation to go and fight and 22,000 men are slaughtered. None of the bad men are killed according to the account.

    Only the good men who wanted to do what was right and asked for Jehovah’s direction were killed in battle.

    The Good men of Israel who wanted to do the right thing and went to Jehovah for direction on what to do next are distraught, and wonder if they should just all go home. But Jehovah tells them not to go home but to go again and fight the war. So they listen to Jehovah and this time they kill 18,000 good, righteous men. But none of the bad men are killed.

    I can not imagine the pain that 40,000 wives went through after they found out their husbands had been killed for listening to Jehovah’s direction to go out and fight. Probably several hundred thousand children lost their fathers that day. Also many parents who lost their sons. But none of the bad men lost their lives???

    Now 40,000 wives had to do all the farming work if they wanted to survive or become a secondary wife, or let's just use the correct term- SLAVE-- to her husband's brother according to the law.

    Finally on the third try Jehovah helped them get the bad guys but in doing so they almost commit total genocide to the tribe of Benjamin. Jehovah directed them to kill every innocent child, and every mother, every father who had nothing to do with the original crime of rape to begin with. And even all the domestic animals were slaughtered. Probably totaling a MILLION INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS and animals.

    Why? Why would an all loving, all just, all powerful God do such a wicked thing? When all he had to do was give the good guys the victory immediately without any loss of innocent fathers who were just trying to do the right thing by obeying Jehovah’s direction?????

    Why didn’t this almighty Good God just kill the few bad men that raped the woman to death and avoid the slaughter of millions of innocent children and mothers and even animals who had nothing to do with the original crime?

    This atrocity, this awful slaughter left only 600 Benjaminites left over, out of the whole tribe of perhaps a million considering it was the entire tribe.

    So what are Jehovah’s people directed to do after this slaughter of innocent people?

    They are directed to go to the city of Jabesh-Gilead and Murder everyone with the edge of the sword. Every young girl, every mother, every father, every elderly person was slaughtered. And even the little infants were slaughter like animals, even though they had nothing to do with the original crime of rape. And then they were directed to kidnap all the young children who are girls and virgins so the Benjamities can forcibly rape them and force them to be their wives.

    But that’s not all. There were only 400 young virgin girls left after the slaughter, and they needed more young girls, so they are directed to go to Shiloh and hide in the vineyards and when the opportunity arises, they are to forcibly kidnap the young girls so they can forcibly be raped by the left over Benjaminites and forcibly make them their slavish wives.

    This was not an account of Jehovah ordering war against fellow Israelite's but this was more of a glimpse of the kind of God Jehovah is. He is a murderous, psychopath. Worse than all the villains shown today in movies like Texas Chain Saw massacre, or SAW

    Who in the world would worship such a God, they have to be crazy to do so.

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  • Rocketman123

    Apparently Jehovah in the past supported wars with non believers from different civilizations and taking virginal girls as captives, this makes Jehovah a very poor Christian.

    The WTS once showed and made the reference that Christendom supported wars, such as priests blessing the guns of the solders before battle.

    There have been many Christian based faiths that through their own doctrines will not participate in warring combat, the JWS are just one in particular.

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  • wozza

    Strange how the believers on here are really silent ,when someone like PISTOLPETE makes an observation like that above.

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  • waton

    here is my take on the moral of the [exaggerated] story.

    Having been witness to events like that, and having actually lost a close relative as a result of mass rapes: -----

    I if your relatives commit crimes like that, if you raised such a criminal if you did not stop crimes in your midst like that, you bear co-responsibility

    2. if you were not prompt to eliminate these enemies that hurt woman like that .

    you deserve to be eliminated. period.

    if that can be done by you all killing yourself, so much the better. have a civil war over an uncivilized crime.

    bible author: thank you for not having to dirty my hands by touching you untouchables.

  • jhine

  • jhine

    The post above is part of a commentary by Matthew Henry who has commented on all of the Bible

    It gives a different side of the debate . All of the tribes knew about the meeting but Benjamin seemed to decide not to attend . This would at least suggest that they were protecting the guilty parties .

    Also because it's not good to take a few verses out of context l read ch 19 . The Benjaminites did not offer hospitality to the Levite, verse 18 . Only one old man offered to take him and his party in for the night. That was considered a real not sin exactly but totally against all Eastern etiquette .


  • pistolpete

    Matthew Henry????? That man lived like 359 years ago. People back then still believed the Sun revolved around the earth.

    But let’s continue anyway; Quote;

    Notice given to the tribe of Benjamin of this meeting v.3 They heard that the children of Israel had gone up to Mizpeh.-----------------------”PROBABLY” -------- they had legal summons sent to them to appear with their brethren, that the cause might be fairly debated, before resolutions were taken upon it.

    Oh there’s that favorite word “Probably” that the Watchtower loves to revel in. Other words used by WT, (“more than likely, it seems, we can assume, etc.,”)

    Instead of assuming, and saying PROBABLY, let’s see what exactly the bible says;

    (Judges 20:1-3) Consequently all the sons of Israel went out and the assembly congregated themselves as one man, from Dan down to Be′er-she′ba along with the land of Gil′e·ad, to Jehovah at Miz′pah.

    2So the keymen of all the people and all the tribes of Israel took their station in the congregation of the people of the [true] God, four hundred thousand men on foot who drew the sword. 3And the sons of Benjamin got to hear that the sons of Israel had gone up to Miz′pah..

    That's it.

    There is no mention in the Bible that a legal summons was sent to the tribe of Benjamin. PROBABLY IS AN ASSUMPTION BY Matthew Henry. No different than the Governing Body making an assumption that there will be NEW SCROLLS during the 1000 year reign of Christ.

    The law given to Moses had already set detailed instructions on what EACH TRIBE had to do in cases of crimes like this one, which might occurred in their particular TRIBE.

    God’s arrangement was that each tribe had a group of Older men that were qualified to judge these kinds of cases.

    No tribal Judge could go out of his jurisdiction to another tribe and judge there. Each Tribe had their own Judges that would render justice to their own clan. No different than today around the world.

    (Deuteronomy 16:18) You should appoint judges and officers FOR EACH TRIBE in all the cities that Jehovah your God is giving you, and they must judge the people with righteous judgment.

    Any infraction against the law of Moses was judged by the LOCAL OLDER MEN OF THE PARTICULAR CITY WHERE THE LAW-BREAKER LIVED

    (Deuteronomy 21:18-20) “In case a man happens to have a son who is stubborn and rebellious, he not listening to the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and they have corrected him but he will not listen to them, 19his father and his mother must also take hold of him and bring him out TO THE OLDER MEN OF HIS CITY and to the gate of his place, and they must say to the older men of his city,This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious; he is not listening to our voice, being a glutton and a drunkard

    Notice is says----HIS CITY----THAT IS THE LAWBREAKER'S CITY!

    Even if there was a horrendous murder and the body was found, but no evidence of who committed the murder, there was still instructions on how to handle it.

    (Deuteronomy 21:1-9) .“In case someone is found slain on the ground that Jehovah your God is giving you to take possession of it, fallen on the field, and it has not become known who struck him fatally, 2your older men and your judges must also go out and measure to the cities that are all around the slain one; 3


    must take a young cow of the herd that has not been worked with, that has not pulled in a yoke; 4and the older men of that city must lead the young cow down to a torrent valley running with water in which there was customarily no tilling or sowing of seed, and they must break the neck of the young cow there in the torrent valley…...

    6Then ALL THE OLDER MEN OF THAT CITY who are nearest to the slain one should wash their hands over the young cow, the neck of which was broken in the torrent valley; 7 and they must answer and say, ‘

    Our hands did not shed this blood, neither did our eyes see [it shed]. 8Do not set it to the account of your people Israel, whom you redeemed, O Jehovah, and do not put the guilt of innocent blood in the midst of your people Israel.’ And the bloodguilt must not be set to their account. 9And you—you will clear away the guilt of innocent blood from your midst, because you will do what is right in Jehovah’s eyes.

    Instead, what the bible really reads regarding the account of the rape and the war that followd, is this;

    All the sons of Israel -----went out and the assembly congregated themselves as one man, from Dan down to Be′er-she′ba

    This was a no-no. They should have followed the law of Moses and given the case to the Tribe of Benjamin and leave it at that. But instead they took it upon themselves to met out justice.

    Still-----no excuse for an Almighty God to trick them into warfare thereby killing tons of innocent men, women, children, infants, and domestic animals. When all he had to do is just kill all the men involved in the rape.

    And let’s not forget the hundreds of pubescent girls who were forced to have sex with old men under the guise of honorable marriage.

    Honorable marriage is not the same thing as FORCED MARRIAGE of young children!

    How is it possible that the same God who supposedly killed hundreds of millions of wicked people with a global flood, couldn't kill a small group of men an avert a war that took the lives of many well intention-ed men, and who knows exactly how many innocent mothers, fathers, daughters, and children.

    And if for some reason God was to busy, why couldn't he of sent the same angel that killed 185,000 well armed, military trained, hard -core Assyrian solders in just one night?????????

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  • Longlivetherenegades

    @ pistolpete.

    It look as if you are on standby with that response waiting for the question to drop on that account in Judges 20 - 21.

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