Leolaia's posts should be collected and printed in a book, they were that good.
Agree. In fact JW.net could publish a book with her's and some of the best and it would be fascinating. A real keeper.
who of those passed away jwd/jwn members, do we think of??.
oompah and the lady from australia, are there more??.
Leolaia's posts should be collected and printed in a book, they were that good.
Agree. In fact JW.net could publish a book with her's and some of the best and it would be fascinating. A real keeper.
who of those passed away jwd/jwn members, do we think of??.
oompah and the lady from australia, are there more??.
Gorby Yes he is. Borean Pickets channel posted some great videos of James Penton, 3 I think, on You tube. He gave talks on Watchtower history based on different eras ....so during Russell's time, Rutherford etc etc Absolutely fascinating.
Also do you mean @wakemeup before you GoGo?
anyone heard from these guys ?
it's been a while since they have posted ..
JHine please give Stan my very best. I really hope he'll still post occasionally. Stan cracks me up every time, I'll sure miss him if he's not around😔
a thread in honour of our departed friend minimus.
Did you notice with Min, after posing the question he always allowed the space for others to post their own views before launching in with his own straight away??
I really appreciated that🥀
Ah, Rick's a good sort, you know? He's got a good heart.
Listen I loved Minimus and we didn't agree on politics all the time either, but he had a great sense of humour. Rick knew Minimus personally and they obviously were very fond of each other.
That's the horrible thing with witnesses we can't be open about our friendships. It's horrible. I'm so sorry Min we'll miss you!
And rock on Rick "TELE NETWORK"🤣AND Simon you're the OGs as the kids say!
minimus former jw, prolific poster on jwn died.. minimus.
joined 19 years ago.
started 4,139 topics.
My heart literally went into my stomach when I read that line....
Can anyone tell us anything more?
Poor minimus! He will be so missed. I wish there was some way to pay respects to his family, under his real name (since pretty sure he was out)
I wish Rick would put date stamps on the video because I can't find anything.
If so RIP minimus, I will miss your sense of humour, you could really brighten all our days😥
imagine the "faithful" jws who are now having to talk to this person by court order or face the consequences----legally.. exjws are spreading the news and now some exjws who have been disfellowshipped for years are starting to research to see if this is an option in their country.
here are the articles, you need to translate in google.
Just to say, the victim is a believing Jehovah's witness and that explains why she would not involve the man in the case, nor prosecute him, since he is a "brother". Therefore no court has been able to ascertain as to whether she was raped (which is why the judges in this case would not officially make that claim).
It also explains why she has yet to "go public" about her court victory. Watchtower broke some very specifically Norwegian laws and @goatlikepersonality has made a YouTube commentary on the case since he knows the lady in question.
howdy folks,.
i am interested in learning whether or not the watchtower society is the only religious entity that teaches the "from paradise lost to paradise regained" idea.. the "idea" is that god's original purpose for man and the earth has not changed.
god purposed for adam and eve and their offspring to reproduce and fill the earth and live forever upon it; but the problem of sin entered into the picture and temporarily interrupted that purpose from being completed.
SB I believe Jesus used to walk around the garden with Adam, just the two of them enjoying each others company. It will be like that. People just hanging out with God, enjoying him
I must admit that sounds pretty good. Imagine being able to pick God's brains and ask anything.....no need for Google lol😜
sometime within the last 2 weeks, someone took a sledgehammer to the pyramid monument in allegheny.
they stole the topstone, smashed the cross and crown emblem and removed the seal.. personally i'm surprised it lasted this long untouched.
although through the years russell's grave has been vandalized, it was always repaired by the bible students..
They are also criminally responsible for countless suicides due to their teaching that a person can self-atone when they die.
Absolutely, Sea Breeze, I think governments don't understand the power this teaching has on the psyche of a witness.
If they understood it's connection to suicide they'd reconsider Watchtower tax exempt status.
ok, i'm not one for conspiracy theories but lately i've uncovered some interesting facts that i think warrant some attention.. first of all, russell was a freemason.
all the early watchtower and books he authored have freemason symbology and art throughout them.
not a big deal i thought, until i read more about freemasons and the so-called "illuminati", a group of 13 families that supposedly control the world.. supposedly these 13 families, such as the duponts, mcdonalds, kennedys, .
Supposedly these 13 families, such as the DuPonts, Mcdonalds, Kennedys,
Onassis, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, the Li family of China, etc, all
have their fingers in investment banking, politics, sciences, etc.
freemasons technically only started in 1700'something, when a group got
together of the above families and began fermenting a plot to overthrow
the british and french empires.
Pretty sure the MacDonald and Li family's, not to mention the Kennedys and Russell's, were busy digging up potatoes or rice from some Godforsaken bog back in the 1700's😂
Your typical Freemasons are usually boring dentists or black cabbies, not billionaires with their fingers on the pulse of world events .....