People in most of the world have no idea about this strike. I wouldn't have known about it in Europe if it wasn't for this forum.
This is an expression that applies to Jehovah's witnesses down the ages: "Can't you see everything isn't about you?"
canadian truckers are demonstrating and blocking roads and bridges.
they demand that all covid restrictions and mandates to be lifted.
but justin trudeau and his government do not seem to be willing to change anything.
People in most of the world have no idea about this strike. I wouldn't have known about it in Europe if it wasn't for this forum.
This is an expression that applies to Jehovah's witnesses down the ages: "Can't you see everything isn't about you?"
original reddit post (removed).
Yes I have no idea. If you don't want to post it on here, maybe link it?
I've actually had a close listen to @Burg3rtime 's video with Kim. I notice Kim said to him please either stop posting about your mental health distress, or tell people the truth. Because your behaviour is seriously negatively impacting vulnerable members of the community.
Because she knew It wasn't a mental health crises - he got caught being unfaithful.
I used to see a mental health crises as someone like my husband's sister, who is schizophrenic, being sectioned. I do realise I was wrong to think in such a narrow way.
Kim has had depression in the past and she knows Calling people out on their BS is not being insensitive around mental health. It's about time, like the media, we stopped calling every piece of bad behaviour a 'mental health crises'.
did anybody else catch it?.
he said that people who come back in the earthly resurrection would be given a body "reasonably similar" to the one they had prior to death.. what the almighty hootch?.
Another choice from the belief of the month club now I guess. Where do they get this stuff?
Ha ...belief of the month club lol
does anyone have access to the leaked copy of the annual meeting?
because on part 2 (released as the feb. 2022 monthly program) there is a piece cut out at the 1:30:20 mark..
Wow that's a pity because Sam Herd was at least showing some humility in that part. He was kinda saying "who are we to be looked up to? Just humans!"
Actually made me laugh when he said the parents tell the kids to do drawings of them and he's like "and they do....Good God!....but they mean well"😳😆
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Silent lamb silent no more That's who I was trying to think of, Neal! I thought he was the goat apostate😆
Anyway he wrote a free book about how to exit Jehovah's witnesses, Lloyd got the idea from him, wrote a short pamphlet using his ideas them tried to charge people £200 for putting the stories they wrote in the back.
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Cedars EVERYONE who works closely with you is a volunteer (except the producer you just hired) because they do all the leg work and provide the expertise FOR FREE and YOU take in all the money.
With the exception of your jw broadcast reviews, almost all your content is provided free by others. Either through their stories/interviews, their legal expertise (Kim), their survey articles & court reports ( O'Donnell and others), their support (Sherrie d'souza). He's never once personally helped someone in need, so he recruited her to do it free of charge. Plus I'm sure sherrie, like Kim, has paid hard cash for the 'privilege' of working with him) etc.
The only guest he paid was Bart Erhman and I'm certain he would have drummed up the cash for that from his patreons, for the privilege of a basic interview they could see on myriad other channels.
Really most of the people who woke up in the last ten years learned everything from PAUL GRUNDY, Barb Anderson, Jim penton and others who wrote books or posted what they learned on this site.
. Do you think they'd have the brains to research everything from scratch - track people down, check receipts etc.without most of the people who went before??
NB what's the name of the guy who wrote about the book "Life how did it get here by Evolution or Creation?' and went through every single reference, fact checking each one? That's the sort of thing I mean is really responsible for waking people up. Lloyd just makes it easier for lazy People to access this information.
lloyd's twitter statement this morning states:.
today photos are being circulated that djana disclosed privately to someone she assumed to be a trusted friend.
i want to make it clear that the woman in the photos is in her 20s and not a sex worker.
Lloyds released a statement he's accusing Kim of lying and says he's getting legal help. That everything that's happening to him is illegal!!🤣He's going back to videos in March.
If course he'll carry on and of course his wife will support him. What choice does she have? He makes darn near six figures .....he's no education and has barely worked a normal job in his life (because pioneering). How else will she support the kids?
She previously told him to stop Hacktivism till he sorted his head out hence the livestream from the kitchen....(she took the key to the bunker I imagine!🤣) He's probably threatened that unless she supports him they'll go broke/divorce etc
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Dagney this is the beginning of the icsa with Marc and Katy kitten ( Louise) and Alison
original reddit post (removed).
video by Marc.
Quick question. Marc and others have mentioned something happened with ICSA and LE. Can someone tell me or point me where I can read/see what happened please. I mean what the heck
Dagney I have posted this elsewhere. Two videos, one is the beginnings of icsa and how Marc and Katy Kitten etc got the ball rolling. Lloyd being pushy and talking over others (I think Kim Silvio mentions this). The other is a JW community podcast on how Lloyd behaved toward BCG (I was there for that one)
the problem is where do we go from here?
lloyd is not going to go away , he has too much to loose(money) neither will his followers go as we have seen the last few days there was hardly a drop to his membership .so what's next?
we will be branded in the same colours and because of him we won't be taken seriously anymore.
kids at a food bank have no idea who it is serving them. But it is activities like these that help former addicts see other people as real human beings with internal value and worth rather than simply objects for their manipulation, enabling, gratification etc.
People become addicts for very different reasons, there's also often quite a big disparity between the reasons male and females do. Whilst it's true some are self aggrandising egoists (King babies - I think Lloyd fits in here a bit) who fail to treat people as Kant puts it as not also only means to an end, but as ends in themselves. (Think gambler who gambles away his families money, or sex addict who repeatedly cheats on his wife).
However addictions vary and some rather take the form of *self harm* particularly in opiate addictions. Many female addicts find themselves in the situation of being used, rather, because they are often too empathetic with damaged people. This often stems from disorganized attachments to the mother figure as a child and results in fearful/avoidant attachment. They feel they don't deserve love or closeness from others and is the result of abuse and trauma in childhood (I've found a strong correlation here with disorganized attachment to the mother in particular - John Lennon was a really good example of this).
This is another reason I'm not fully onboard with 12 steps for everyone. It tends to work with people who find it through the criminal justice system, for the reasons you mention. But the kind of woman you might find in a refuge, for example, needs a very different approach. She certainly doesn't need to go make amends to others.(I'm a big Alice fan, by the way) It's strokes for folks, really.