Van means in JW ORG “speak” but ONE dreadful thing. brother Morris must have been DELETED, Removed from Watchtower HQ by reason of undergoing a Judicial Committee action hearing, possibly for matters involving Alcoholism and causing serious “embarrassment” to Jehovah.
This is definitely incorrect. Or at least poorly phrased. Any Bethelite who requires Judicial action is immediately removed from Bethel. They don't allow them to sleep even a night following Judicial action of any sort. Because they haven't announced he is no longer one of the Bethel family, we can be sure whatever happened, it was not officially convened as a Judicial committee.
If the problem is alcoholism, as seems likely, they will need to contain him. A loose cannon with a tendency to go off script and say too much, they cannot afford to make an enemy of him, that's for sure.