Slim Ive mentioned before that, much as I disliked LE from years back, I still would have had a difficult time believing the things Kim disclosed were it not for his own livestream confirming it all.
That's because it wouldn't enter the wildest dreams of decent men.
I'm afraid, though, I wasn't in the least surprised.
I'm not a man hater. Ive had, and have, the most wonderful men in my life - Sons, husband, grandfather's. But I've also had experience with, let's just say men like Lloyd. I observed it in his attitude and behaviour toward women repeatedly.
I also don't believe for a minute that Dijana has control of the family finances. For a start she'd immediately notice unaccounted money going missing, but anyway it's not in the nature of a man like Lloyd. He's a double lifer. He probably always has been since his youth as an elders son. He enjoys getting away with it. But he also enjoys "bragging". It's one of the reasons he told PB & Kim his dirty little secrets. He got a kick out of it because they're both women, yes, but he also expects women to keep his secrets.