Ixonegal I refused to witness to them because I felt it was wrong for me as I was someone that they trusted to keep their information private. When I took the job at work, I was bound to ethical and confidentiality rules.
Vintage I'm not sure if Ixonegal is still on the site if it's been a year since she posted. Whoever she is, she's a rare and conscientious witness not to break "worldly" confidentiality for the organisation. Without wanting to cause offense here, I have to say I've found these principals tend to be found among converts, rather than those raised in.
They use the scripture about following God's rules, rather than men's, to excuse breaking their ethics.
But of course God doesn't ask you to break professional (& personal) codes of conduct. Watchtower does. They have no respect for anyone.You are more likely to loose trust than gain it among clients, patients, colleagues and friends if they believe you cannot be trusted not to break a confidence. I've heard of numerous nurses informing elders of information they came about during the course of their duties. Information they have promised not to reveal outside of the healthcare setting without prior consent.
Orphan Crow Has done AMAZING work in this area of watchtower targeting vulnerable groups. Particularly first Nations and indigenous people & those small languages groups that watchtower obtains grants to preach to, because they are publishing in minority languages. Also on watchtower, blood & their military contacts. I highly recommend folks check out her posts on these subjects.
Vintage I highly commend your idea. I only wish I could help. I used to use makaton with my special needs kiddies many years ago but I'm very rusty!