disfellowshipped for having a personal opinion based on WT

by Leslie 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Leslie

    In 2008 I was baptized into the truth after leaving a Trinitarian faith. During my eight years as a Jehovah’s witness, I strived to keep the standards set by the Bible, WT and the Faithfull and discrete slave. But unfortunately, the congregational elders from the Kingdom Hall I attended were not keeping to Jehovah’s standards, hence, wrote my letter of resignation.

    The text in doing was Ephesians 5:7 which says.

    Be not ye therefore partakers with them, if you are partakers of their sins, you must be their punishments. Don’t participate in the things these people do. Therefore, do not be partakers with them.

    After several years attending meetings in various Kingdom Halls, I meet with an elder who was very sympathetic to my cause and convinced me not to harbor any resentment towards elders who were just imperfect humans. Taking heed of his wise council, and in retiring to Childers with my JW wife, I thought it a perfect opportunity to make peace with Jehovah via elders from the Childers congregation Qld Australia . In doing so I meet with elders who suggested I write a letter with reasons why I need to be reinstated.

    The response from my letter was at first very positive, One elder knowing I had autism even congratulated me for writing with honesty and sincerity. The stage was now set for a judicial meeting to discuss my reinstatement into the Childers congregation. But to my surprise the issue regarding Christ not being the archangel Michael was raised.

    Apparently, I had mentioned the WT article below to a visiting brother prior to my letter for reinstatement. I told the elder that my view regarding Michael was not false teaching but food at the proper time. Let us digest this WT article,

    WT April (2010) entitled; The man who changed the world Subheading; What Jesus taught about himself Paragraph 1-3 states:

    “The Son of man”.” Jesus used this expression more than any other to refer to himself. (Matthew 8:22) he thus showed that he was neither materialized Angel nor an incarnation BUT fully Human…”

    I recall this study article very clearly because not one person in the congregation when answering up mentioned the name Michael. Let’s be honest, if there’s any misunderstanding as to Christ real identity the elders should be the ones to explain- otherwise its left up to the congregationalist. But my being Asperger's interpreted the WT article at face value. But according to the Childers judiciary by view was false doctrine-conveyed to a brother of the local congregation.

    Judicial committee wasn’t acting in accordance with the disfellowshipping rules from the WT elders hand book under the heading

    Deliberately spreading teachings contrary to Bible truths as taught by the Jehovah’s Witnesses (Acts 21:21, ftn; 2 John 7,9,10)

    “Any with sincere doubts should be helped. Firm loving council should be given (2 Tim.2:16-19,23-26; Jude 22,23) If one obstinately is speaking about or deliberately spreading false teachings this may be or may lead to apostasy. If there is no response after a first and second admonition, a judiciary committee be formed”. Titus, 3:10-11; w8910/ ,19;86 4/1 pp.30-31; w86 3/15 p 15.

    As I see it, the above protocol applied by the wisdom of the Faithful and Discreet slave was not privy to me at the judicial meeting. Simply put, I wasn’t given the three strikes and you’re out rule. Rather the elder’s judgement was without loving consideration to a pair of elderly people, suffering from physical and mental health issues. On this note I was hoping to join my wife at the memorial, not as an apostate but as a brother of equal status in the Childers congregation. But sadly, that wasn’t to be when the committee simply said that I wasn’t ready to be reinstated with no explanation of how I should readjust my thinking.

    Whether or not you believe that Jesus was / is an archangel incarnate matters not. But if the FADS make the issue ambiguous they are the ones that need to be admonished and corrected and not me. But my point is that these matters are of a personal nature and not to be bandied around the congregation Hence, the 3 strikes and your out principle should have applied.

    As it stands my status is that of a disfellowshipped apostate ostracized from close family members.

  • enoughisenough

    Leslie, from where I am sitting you should be glad you are DF and not try to be reinstated into that God dishonoring religion! In reality, they bring reproach upon God's name rather than sanctifying it. As to Micheal the arch angel being Jesus....I don't know where this thought came from, but I think it bears being stated. 1 Cor 6:3 Do you not know that we will judge angels? Then why not the matters of this life? /// so think about it, if Jesus is an arch angel, then they would end up judging Jesus....how does that work? NOT!

  • BluesBrother

    It is perfectly normal to have private opinions and viewpoints on things , I believe most experienced Witnesses do. The wrong thing , in their eyes , is to say it out loud to Another brother. That makes you a danger , in their narrow close minded view.

    Keep it to yourself and your wife ……

  • punkofnice

    Again welcome.

    In 2008 I was baptized into the truth

    Firstly 'the truth(tm)' is the loaded language of the corporation. It is used to trick the mind. Don't use it! It isn't the 'truth(tm)' it's a big scam.

    Rather than saying 'the truth(tm)', why not say 'the cult'?

    Watchtower(tm) is a big business pretending to be a religion to get money and power. They use weasel words and loaded language as part of their brain washing.

  • Hellothere

    "We are not inspired" I'm gonna go translate that to normal Day speech. " We are normal persons, without any education, trying to take good decisions ". But it get worse. They are people raise in s cult we're you don't learn to think, question or evaluate information. Living in artificial world called bethel. Headquarters (the Bunker). You think this gonna end well?

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Leslie, since you officially resigned, you officially left the religion. Since you officially quit the religion and since you have not been reinstated your status is disassociated instead of disfellowshipped. Since you gave the elders the impression that you are now an apostate you are now disassociated person who according to the elders and to the WT is also now also an apostate. It appears to me you are not a disfellowshipped apostate, but rather a disassociated apostate according to the WT. Since you are considered an apostate it will be much harder for you to become reinstated.

    I notice you quoted the following words. "If one obstinately is speaking about or deliberately spreading false teachings this may be or may lead to apostasy. If there is no response after a first and second admonition, a judiciary committee be formed”. My understanding is that that policy pertains to people who are still JW (ones who are neither disassociated or disfellowshipped) who are in danger of becoming disfellowshipped (by way of a judiciary committee). I thus think the 'three strikes' policy stated above does not apply to disassociated people (nor disfellowshipped people) who are trying to get reinstated.

    Regarding Michael the Archangel, my understanding is that the WT teaches (and has taught for many decades) that Jesus was Michael the Archangel prior to being conceived as a human in the womb of Mary, but while not he was human. And, that the WT teaches that after ascending into heaven (and perhaps staring with the moment of his resurrection) he became Michael the Archangel again. In other words, I think the WT teaches that Jesus was and is Michael the Archangel only during the time that Jesus was a spirit being, instead of a human being. The WT teaches that Jesus was never at the same time both a human being and a spirit being. For the WT that is a major teaching, and thus according to the WT tells others that you disagree with it means (according to the WT) that you are an apostate. Since you have the view the view that the F.A.D.S. are "the ones that need to be admonished and corrected and not" you, then to the F.A.D.S. (even if your view is correct) you can not be reinstated (if ever) until after you abandon that view.

  • Foolednomore

    My family are nolonger Jw's. We Don't follow their rules or policies. Df'd ,Da'd, whatever! Yeah, we use to do that. But now we do what we want. Some old guys in Warwick are not going to tell us how to live.

  • Bartolomeo

    Dear Leslie, I am writing to just say that you are a beautiful and sincere soul and that Jehovah and Jesus love you just the way you are. I'm really sorry that you have met narrow-minded people on your path. I send you my big hug!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Instead of calling the"truth" the "truth"'....I refer to it as the "Borg"

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Telltale recently had an outstanding video....the last day or so.

    He outlined Jw's as victims. Yes victims. Victims of "brainwashing" & "mind control"" he described.

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