JM Was he hunting for Moby-Dick?
Or was he COS playing Moby Dick?đ{Laughs at own jokes...sad}
LMsA This is the guy who, inspired by Lloyd's rhetoric against certain people, called the police on the Warwick protesters and called them terrorists and aggressive activists.
This is why I abhorred Lloyd way before Thailand.
It wasn't enough to give zero support to the first ever Warwick protest and totally ignore it. Nor to actually launch the JWSurvey website the same day as the protest.
He had to actually call the Old Bill out on the protestors!!! Not Watchtower! Another Apostate!!
Though we all assumed Lloyd was behind it, Truth Seeker confirmed it - and had the decency to apologize. Something Lloyd has never done.
He used the same playbook with Katy Kitten and Marc/Cora when they organized a serious CSA interview with a journalist from the mainstream British media. He got someone else to do his dirty work and actually defame Marc Latham to the journalist - resulting in the article being cancelled!! Again his lacky admitted what he'd done and who had provoked him into doing it. The chap in question apologised for destroying a really important opportunity - but not the real instigator, green-eyed Lloyd.