Because his name isn't James Evanston
.....or is it?🤔....da da dAHHH!🤨
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
LMsAIt’s like the Fall of Constantinople and the conquered Temple Mount all in one.
We are like Islam. Took the holiest of sites and built a fucking mosque on top of it.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Ron W.even when he eventually produces content they are still getting shit!!!!😉
It's so funny the way his numbers shot up overnight - before he even made an announcement about free membership- 🤣🤣 He must have literally stayed up all ruddy night creating email accounts & joining🤦🏻♀️
And you get nothing at all for joining!! Not even his crappy announcements!!! He's too tight to give away the smell off his farts for free but that's so stupid because if he drew people in by giving them just a taste of what they could get as a member, he may entice more to join 🤷🏼♀️
Instead he just annoys people by getting them to go to the effort of becoming a member, all for them to get one stupid message in total🤦🏻♀️Not a great strategy!
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
T5And about that all paid holiday , vacation, "mental health break"If, who ever did this , thinks that , by doing this, he will get back the L.E. he once knew ,and he thinks that is " Lloyd and savior " will start doing lots of Youtube videos about the bad watchtower again , now that his all rested, he or she is in for a rude awakening ! That ship as sailed now , and it looks like the " captain" is not going to go down with his youtube ''ship'' either...
Exactly Tobey5! Mainly because it was other EXJW's doing most of the work - that is the interesting stuff - (they no longer allow themselves to be taken advantage of and no one's willing to trust him with the latest leaks from Watchtower).
Also don't forget he's run out of source material for videos like his earlier, in-depth output. Most of this was 'gleaned' from Paul Grundy's website and/or our two seminal exJW works - by Ray Franz & Carl Olaf Jonsson.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
DOC Midlife crisis?
Maybe he should buy a sporty convertible!
LMsARichard Kelly was the brainiac who shipped him a BMW and then covered the import and registration taxes when Jabba the Hutt complained that he couldn’t afford it.
Was gonna say....he's been there, done that. On someone else's dime, of course.
SlimYes wasn't that Marvin Shilmer? He had his own blog and did some really good work. I've zero idea why an intelligent man like that fails to see Lloyd is just a puffed up, incompetent windbag with a serious sounding veneer....all sound and fury signifying nothing etc
"Bit his hand off" = accepted the offer with alacrity.
At this point it's just beyond ridiculous. Never mind all the people Lloyd fucks up on the way. Don't they need bloody therapy, too? What an absolute shameless c#nt. Sorry but there's no other word for him🤬
LMsAThat podcast by the Scathing Atheist is hilarious! Lloyd to a tee!
i do hope that all its fine with you, and allow me to post.
an example for someone special:.
"w61 6/15 p. 373 § 20 progressing toward maturity.
Wow, I'm really feeling my age because I really assumed that was a recent article 🤣
I must admit the bit about being too busy to go out in the Ministry due to a prior engagement with a Gladiator down the old Coliseum,,l made me chuckle...🤣
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Lloyd will continue for the simple reason he has no choice. He's never done anything else. (I don't count Dijana's translation business) Her parents clearly covered their basic necessities.
Lloyd would threaten to stop doing hacktivism for us if we weren't suitably appreciative, but the truth is he did it because he had nothing else to do anyway.
breaking news | highlights of 2023 worldwide service year report.
on november 15, 2023, the service committee of the governing body shared highlights of the 2023 worldwide service year report with the bethel family.
the following exciting increases were announced: baptisms: during the 2023 service year, 269,517 persons were baptized.
Who wants to get baptised in an elder’s bathtub?
That really made me smile! 🤣👍
Oh....I dunno.....a nice freestanding, cast iron roll top, claw fixtures.....mmmm....nice mature-ish single elder...😜😂
if not, what's in it for the gb?.
but seriously, how is it supposed to work?
pictures of jws in paradise show them raising crops, wearing clothes and building houses.
Others have said the answer is DiY/self sufficiency etc
no money = time cannot exist, then
Because : there's only so much in a 24 hour day one person can accomplish. In a world where ALL your material needs are satisfied, you cannot possibly have enough time yourself to make everything you need. Even basics such as food and clothing. Therefore you'll need a barter system of some kind.
(Saying we have forever doesn't work because humans still require a certain amount of food etc in a given period in order to live. The only way it works is magic)
Unless, of course...socialism👍😂
atlantis, is there anywhere else that the watchtower admits that disfellowshipping or excommunication is pagan?.
sure, they said the same thing back in 1880 about a lot of churches being like the beast for practicing excommunication.. as papacy established the priesthood over the church, soprotestantism has established almost the same, and there isno opportunity for the body to edify itself, every joint takingpart.
true, there is a seeming show of liberty at prayer meetings,&c., but it is only upon the surface, for the ordainedpastor is to watch zealously lest anything contrary to theteachings of his church should be expressed, and if so tosilence the audacious member at once, for the church creedis the rule, not the word of god.
Unbelievable Atlantis that's incredible. Can you imagine in your average Witness read this today???!!
Thank you 😊I'm only sorry I can't help you find more but I'll surely keep an eye out💝🤘🏼👩🏼🍳🥘 Digital spaghetti meatballs I made my son's tonight winging over to you