Hi there's a 1959 Watchtower pamphlet called "Look! I am making all things new!" that mentions waiting on Jehovah.
Although Drearyweather is correct in that the Bible is the original source of the JW concept of having a "waiting attitude".
yes, waiting on jehovah for him to handle a problem/ doctrine etc.. when did the jw's first start saying that?
they've been saying it as long as i can remember.. what scriptures do they trot out to back that teaching up?
Hi there's a 1959 Watchtower pamphlet called "Look! I am making all things new!" that mentions waiting on Jehovah.
Although Drearyweather is correct in that the Bible is the original source of the JW concept of having a "waiting attitude".
are any or all of the gb from jewish descent?.
why are they so fascinated with following ancient jewish 'principles' ?.
isa 43:10, 44:8 ' you are my witnesses ' which they based their religious identity on, jehovah's witnesses, yet those verses address the jews, not christians, which they profess to be.. jesus said in ac 1:8 'you will be witnesses of me ', .
" consider the balance of teaching time spent between talking about OT topics and characters and NT topics and characters. What do we see? It is obvious that the ratio is at least a 75/25 split, in favor of Jewish themes."
"Simply said, people in a rule based religion are easier to control, it demands unity of thought and purpose ... and in our case, it was important that the Jehovah's Witnesses religion, looked drastically different to the classic Christian faiths "
I'm with No Zombie on this one.
They focus almost exclusively on Jewish "principals" to the exclusion of the loving and forgiving message of Jesus, only visiting the NT in order to twist Paul's words on shunning and deprive witnesses back in the day of children and a happy family life.
are any or all of the gb from jewish descent?.
why are they so fascinated with following ancient jewish 'principles' ?.
isa 43:10, 44:8 ' you are my witnesses ' which they based their religious identity on, jehovah's witnesses, yet those verses address the jews, not christians, which they profess to be.. jesus said in ac 1:8 'you will be witnesses of me ', .
Jew is usually someone born of a Jewish mother (but in very liberal cases, a paternal line is sometimes acknowledged today).
Interestingly enough, in Bible times a Jewish identity was reckoned from the male line and only after the founding of Rabbinic Judaism did it change to the maternal line (it's thought around the 4th or 5th century C.E. although no one knows for sure). It's funny because I always assumed it had always been through the female line, since back then it was the only provable line.
was very creepy. Used to show up at my house, uninvited, with a bottle of wine. Telling me things like "Im not circumcised, but I pull that skin back every day, and wash myself.” 🤮
Oh Lord....where do they find these perverts...🤦🏻♀️
Tahoe May be interesting to rifle through some of that old Watchtower paperwork...perhaps some old tracts and books/elder manuals?
happy new year!
time to give us your vote for lloyd's fall from grace this month.. december 6th he was at 406. as of today, january 3rd, he's at 388. that is exactly, on the dot, where he was january 3rd of last year!
he's lost all gains from his begging videos and reminders and tin cup waving and etc.. so, fire up the shrooms and let us know where you think flab boy will be on february 2nd.
Are you going to state the cut off time prior to deciding the winner?
I assumed it was the 1st of the month...😕
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Aww no.....I hope everything is okay with Kim. It's just that coincidentally Lloyd's patreon funding has dipped back to its previous level..... I hope he's not called Dijana in to pull on Kim's heartstrings !!
Thank you Mike and Kim for a great Tribute....clearly a man with a big heart who led the way for many who came after. So tragic. My condolences to all his friends and family.
Rip Derek. We all owe you🥀
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Elena would his family still be together? Would he have better friends and quality of life? Would his children have a happier childhood and future than the one they have now?
Are you serious?!! They'd be witness to their father psychologically abusing their mother on the daily - only without so much chance of her escaping (without a shed load of self recrimination and guilt). For witness girls without positive outside influences there'd be the possibility of a similar future mapped out for them, too.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Jana I cannot and will not defend or debate his actions, admissions and accusations.
Clearly......even a tag team of Judge Judy and Rumpole of the Bailey would have their work cut out there!
Jana I only wanted to come in here and be clear about my level of involvement in his channel.
oh it was plenty clear enough without you coming on here
jana wouldn't you rather there be someone there to bring a sensitivity to the topic? To bring a lived experience to the topic?
ah my favourite phrase..."lived experience". Is there any other kind? Do you think your life experience in any way excuses you from such gross insensitivity as to collude - lets not be coy in order to chalk up clicks and subs - with a repeat sex tourist who used some of the worlds most traffiked girls, for whom consent nor age can ever be verified by a punter, on of all things a CSA video.
I just hope your 5 mins of noteriety was worth it...
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
debra2 Surprised he hasn't tried to sue the airline for "allowing him to fly to Thailand and be faced with all that temptation!