Toblerone5 Guess some are piss that he didn't cover the Norway court case. Is CSA video only got 23K .
Derek m So there's Norway, Spain, more to the beardgate, and god only knows how much else he's not covering because he's so busy coming up with a long-winded rebuttal to their broadcasting
Why does he still bovver with those ridiculous "rebuttals"?
Rebuttals to what, exactly?
It's not like you need a philosophy doctorate to understand, analyse and take apart JW broadcast "dramatisations"(who else uses that absurd word?)....André refuses a good job opportunity for the troof....Andreas studies plumbing to help on a quick build...Mr & Mrs Face-like-a-slapped-Arse remain firm in the troof and shun their single mother-of-four daughter when she's diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer....
.....not exactly Schopenhauer's metaphysics of the Will to contend with🙄