Good grief, Duran, that link! It perfectly describes the worst practices of the organization as directed by it's leaders! For example shunning/DF, stealing kingdom halls bought by the publishers & making them pay twice for literature, lying in court and baring false witness against CSA sufferers/slandering ex witnesses.
W 74 8/1 p.468
Today, too, we want to realize that one of the best evidences of repentance is not just in words, formally stated, but in actions. (Compare 1 John 3:18.) Thus, when certain ones came to John the Baptist (who was baptizing persons in symbol of repentance for forgiveness of sins), John did not view their formal action as the most important factor or all that was needed. Rather, he told them to go and “produce fruits that befit repentance,” citing for them examples of such fruit or good works, such as showing merciful generosity, abandoning cheating and extortion, abstaining from harassment or false testimony against others. (Matt. 3:7, 8; Luke 3:7-14)