Oh....don't ...just don't !!🤣🤣🤣🤣
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Oh....don't ...just don't !!🤣🤣🤣🤣
hello all.. i need a quick answer, and also a solid reference in the literature, please.. if a jw marries an unbeliever, there is reproof, it's frowned upon, it's disloyal, there will be loss of privileges, etc, but there's no other more serious consequences.
but, in a scenario where two people are free to marry, but one is a baptized jw and the other is disfellowshipped / disassociated, what are the consequences?.
thanks for your help.. r..
Good grief, Duran, that link! It perfectly describes the worst practices of the organization as directed by it's leaders! For example shunning/DF, stealing kingdom halls bought by the publishers & making them pay twice for literature, lying in court and baring false witness against CSA sufferers/slandering ex witnesses.
W 74 8/1 p.468
Today, too, we want to realize that one of the best evidences of repentance is not just in words, formally stated, but in actions. (Compare 1 John 3:18.) Thus, when certain ones came to John the Baptist (who was baptizing persons in symbol of repentance for forgiveness of sins), John did not view their formal action as the most important factor or all that was needed. Rather, he told them to go and “produce fruits that befit repentance,” citing for them examples of such fruit or good works, such as showing merciful generosity, abandoning cheating and extortion, abstaining from harassment or false testimony against others. (Matt. 3:7, 8; Luke 3:7-14)
i now view jwlite like the trekkie conventions.
star trek is fiction and all the fans know this full well.
but they find it beneficial.
I think even back in the day there were aspects we knew, or at least surmised probably weren't true.
Good analogy.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
think it's obvious that he has a German speaking insider he trusts, thus the reason for that language.
I've noticed quite a few supportive German speaking commenters under his videos & posts, often with no clue as to what's been going on. It's where I think he gets quite a bit of his financial backing. May also be because prostitution is legal in some of the Nordic/Germanic countries - love things up their backsides. Because they're quite protective of prostitutes they jump to defending the industry as a whole, which is quite a different premise and damages vulnerable women and children.
I appreciate it's not in the same ball park but they also tend to walk around completely nude at home etc, bless them - (I mean in front of visitors😂)
(revelation 17:5) “babylon the great, the mother of the prostitutes (plural!
) and of the disgusting things of the earth.”.
btg is spotlighted as being the principal "disgusting thing" which affects christians & christianity, with other lesser "prostitutes" in the background... (revelation 18:4) “get out of her, my people, (christians) if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.".
The world Empire of false religion....
(Pretty odd that the old time Catholics called their church's organization 'The Holy Roman Empire,' then??)
As OP says if this empire is just made up of different denominations, why isn't Watchtower just another one to add to the list? Apart from the odd silly term for things, what makes it different if they're not inspired, get things wrong and prioritize money over members?
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Toblerone5 Guess some are piss that he didn't cover the Norway court case. Is CSA video only got 23K .
Derek m So there's Norway, Spain, more to the beardgate, and god only knows how much else he's not covering because he's so busy coming up with a long-winded rebuttal to their broadcasting
Why does he still bovver with those ridiculous "rebuttals"?
Rebuttals to what, exactly?
It's not like you need a philosophy doctorate to understand, analyse and take apart JW broadcast "dramatisations"(who else uses that absurd word?)....André refuses a good job opportunity for the troof....Andreas studies plumbing to help on a quick build...Mr & Mrs Face-like-a-slapped-Arse remain firm in the troof and shun their single mother-of-four daughter when she's diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer....
.....not exactly Schopenhauer's metaphysics of the Will to contend with🙄
i was shocked, really shocked.
what i am doing now is so acceptable to the friends around me.. my friends are all doing it.
it is so normal in the society,.
Dear God in heaven.
Posting that you gang raped someone, I don't care what military you are in, is clearly evil and going to get you banned. The homophobia is just the obscene cherry on the cake. You'll probably get banned here too.
You must be trolling - because you surely can't be stupid enough to think that it was posting about teen sex that got you banned, having posted what you did - or you are mentally unwell sinboi.
* Jeffro I really don't think it matters if he's 22 or 23 or 21 and he clearly struggles with English.
are any or all of the gb from jewish descent?.
why are they so fascinated with following ancient jewish 'principles' ?.
isa 43:10, 44:8 ' you are my witnesses ' which they based their religious identity on, jehovah's witnesses, yet those verses address the jews, not christians, which they profess to be.. jesus said in ac 1:8 'you will be witnesses of me ', .
Pioneer schmioneer Actually it was likely in the time of Ezra, which was in Biblical times, that matrilineality in Judaism, was likely set, around 460 BCE, due to Jewish men taking on foreign wives. But it could have been set as late as the period of the Tannaim (10-70 CE) who were Jewish sages contemporary with Jesus and the Apostles that recorded the Mishnah.
Makes sense. Dont the JW's claim it runs through the male line? I was aware of Abraham, Issac, Ishmael etc In fact its why I assumed it ran through the female line. So where does this idea of it's still running through the male line come in, then, do you know? Im sure Watchtower used to talk about Jesus being of the line of David through Joseph originally(?)
the period of the Tannaim (10-70 CE) who were Jewish sages contemporary with Jesus and the Apostles that recorded the Mishnah.
wow.....i didnt know the Mishnah wascwritten so early!
Blondie As a sidepoint, in the New Testament, no where can you find "witnesses of Jehovah" "Jehovah's witnesses" but you will find "witnesses of Jesus" and "witness to Jesus" all over. The WTS in the past has said that in Isaiah 43:10-12, literal jews were being talked about, but that it "foreshadowed" the anointed members of the WTS, as spiritual Israelites.
yes, that one always stumps JW's when people do street epistomology/apologetics with them!
this is worth a look!.
Blondie I think the US has a stronger belief in separation of church and sate, embedded in the US Constitution, Bill of Rights. It was one of the reasons it separated from the UK
Very true. And yet particular religious denominations in the US have far more political influence than our national church in the UK could ever do. I think it's one reason that it's highly unlikely Watchtower will ever loose it's charitable status in the US. Or at least it's the last place it will do so....
i was shocked, really shocked.
what i am doing now is so acceptable to the friends around me.. my friends are all doing it.
it is so normal in the society,.
No, he never said that. Probably will now though. 🙄
If you check this post of 4 years ago he is a newish army recruit. Therefore if he served his two years he will have been out two years. Remember his English isn't perfect.
He said he had sex with a minor.
Yes and he was also a minor....sometimes Reddit gets so puritanical. No it's not advisable but they were both kids