Calebinflorida, thank you so much for this. Coming from a 'hebrist' religon , one happy hangover of my departure was my deep interest in Judaism. Whilst the little I know has made me realize the little I know, if you look at my posts I always recommend confused Christians study up on Judaism as it staggers me how ignorant we are on the belief system Jesus of Nazereth himself adhered to.
You mention the public nature (or theophany)in judaism ie Jews dont have to take the word of another, that God reveiled himself to the whole nation who stood at the ft. of Mt.Sinai. I am aware of this tenet in Jusaism. However, whether it is the translation of the scriptures Christians' use, this event never seemed obvious to me. Is it indeed a different scripture ( the Septiguint ??) Or am I too much of a bozo to find it?