Whadd'ya expect from a guy who can't pronounce his own surname!
Whadd'ya expect from a guy who can't pronounce his own surname!
well i was loathe to start a new thread on the australian royal commission, but i've been reading in thread after thread how jw's are trying to dismiss what's happening with "it's persecution".. if anyone says this to you, just respond "it's not persecution, it's accountability.
they are being called to explain their procedures, and nothing more.".
persecution is hostility against someones religion.this is not against the jw religion, it's against procedures that jw's champion as being 'the best in the world' when in reality, and with a little analysis are proving to be among the most harmful.
i was born into this religion.
i was a jw for well over 30 years.
i did much research before i had internet, i compared bibles and prayed deeply to help me to know if this was the truth.
I would say it boils down to doing evil in the name of God. But its actually doing evil because of organizational pride. Organizational pride is at the root of the child abuse mess they're now mired in.
100% Agreed. Exactly the same type of thing that Jesus spoke out against again and again.
heard someone mention that certain acts are pagan.
so thinking about it, i surmised that marriage, sex, eating certain things were okay and then after g-d gave the law to moses (supposedly) there was a separation for things, actions etc., that were pagan and otherwise bad.
just wondering what others may think about this.
today i feel deep sad memories in my brain.. visiting bookstudy with my parents, doing my best giving answers at 7 years old.. doing fieldservice every weekend and on an evening.. i could write so much story's about it.. we believed from our hart and listened to what the organisation told us.. it makes me sad, what a scam it became.. today i can't stand it.. i can cry about it.
07/23/2015russiacossacks attack, throw stones at jehovah's witnessesby nina achmatova.
jehovah's witnesses were meeting in congress on 10-12 july in krymsk, krasnodar region.
a friend of mine that is df went to hall today someone held door for him he thanked them ,soon after and elder aproached wispered in his ear "you cant talk to anyone" the pharisees .
Love that expression.... ass-hat!
Ass-Hat, gloves, coat &wellies too!
a friend at the convention told me that kenneth williams, a co in the houston texas area was recently removed and taken off the road.
does any one have any details?
He was probably an NPG. LOL
http://chrisfugue.tumblr.com/ weirdly fascinating lett take 2 (sorry for 1st error)
Yeah...I was laughing..then u scroll down to read this about the 'CANCELLED' kingdom hall loans ...not so funny...
So they weren’t cancelled at all. What happened was: the wt changed the terms of the loans. They no longer tell the congregations what their balance is, and the congregation no longer has a way to pay the loan off. They will just pay and pay and pay.
Is this sounding mafia-esque to anyone other than me?
http://chrisfugue.tumblr.com/ weirdly fascinating lett take 2 (sorry for 1st error)