Half banana8 days ago
Bender does not tax the brain like Jesus
Speak for yerself sir!
Bender taxes my brain inordinately!(well, futurama does - especially the Farnsworth para box and the one with the devil in it!
a careful examination of the historical pagan religious context existing at the time of the genesis of christianity leads any reasonable person to conclude that jesus is just another one of several similar myths.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn7teoa9ark.
Bender does not tax the brain like Jesus
Speak for yerself sir!
Bender taxes my brain inordinately!(well, futurama does - especially the Farnsworth para box and the one with the devil in it!
today i added a new article to my blog.
it includes a not-yogi berra quote in memory of a beloved man.
oh, and it includes a two image depiction of how watchtower has but hasn't changed.
its been a couple of weeks since a new c.o.
was appointed to the circuit and im starting to hear tidbits of his talks..
one brother told me that in one of his talks he asked the question; .
Hey, isn't this how the other religions evolved??
Cirgactly - wtbt$ is just another (young ish) religon and it's gradually loosing its homey egalitarian small town innocence and evolving into just another hypocritical religo-business with big bucks, a checkered history, skeletons-in-the-closet, power politics, a large legal team ready to pounce and the true mark of an establishment religon. - it's own nasty brand of intractable institutionalized child abuse (problem ).
go to the live streaming site and sign up or sign in:.
skip to 9:02 and the debate begins.. _______________.
Great - thanks Terry.
One thing I will say @phizzy, it always amazes me what a good historian can deduce from written sources.
its been a couple of weeks since a new c.o.
was appointed to the circuit and im starting to hear tidbits of his talks..
one brother told me that in one of his talks he asked the question; .
I've thought the whole shebang was moving this way for a while.
My reasons: Wtbts fears bancruptcy and has pulled in marketing professionals (in fact professionals generally)who have told them they are wasting their manhours with unsuitable (ie shy etc)folk going d2d when their time/resources could be more profitably spent volunteering in other ways and, of course - big turn here- working & DONATING if you cant do owt else!!
Also, going d2d pubs at risk of meeting folk like US who can easily show them proof that the WT is bs. At the carts (ususally)only interested/mad/desperate folk will approach.
I think the anti cold calling climate does not help either. Just my two penny w'th !
there were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
Oh yes I had the hairdye is worldly. In fact, I was told you are not allowed to dye your hair.
Anyway, stupid one is this.
I was in a school play & I was going to be wearing a (particularly beautiful)sari my school friend lent me. I was told, in all seriousness, that I should rethink it as Indian religon is demonic and some Indian women in Saris' have been known to astrally project.
ok i'll go first...... i won't be happy until i see antony morris iii.... on stage with a bunch of gladioli stuffed down his trousers singing "this charming man"....
Ok I'll go first.....
I won't be happy until I see Antony Morris III...
On stage with a bunch of gladioli stuffed down his trousers singing "This Charming Man"...
so, you thought joshua had jehovah on command to make the sun stand still*?
well this week's bible reading shows isaiah at 2 kings 20:11 upstaging joshua!
for the prophet prompted the sun not only to stand still, but to reverse, shadows retracing backward.
Yes Username what is it with these old sand tribe religons and Ass?
Talking Ass
Mohamed's Ass with a face
I mean everbody likes a nice Ass...
i think possibly their are a few valid reasons for either options to this question ,depending on a number of factors .. such as how old you might be, how long you have devoted your life to the "truth" as you believed it .
?....how it may affect your mental/physical health and well being.?.
how it will affect your financial position in your life ,?
ms Faye Dunaway You are not only beautiful , talented actress..😄
you are smart & beautiful on the inside too!
the culture of jws as encouraged by the watchtower is one of informing on one another, reporting to either the elders or ones designated head.
whats the wackiest thing that someone reported on you?
im not talking about a black-and-white watchtower rule that would land you in a judicial committee, but some judgmental nonsense that someone thought they should turn you in about?.