btw am athiest
Am thinking of you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring for the beloved sheep xx
i am still serving as an elder but just hanging in there.
i think their quandry is that they don't see me out in the field, but when they need encouragement and decent prayer they come to me.. i just got off the phone to this poor sister who i have only met twice.
she is not even in my congregation (her sister is).
btw am athiest
Am thinking of you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring for the beloved sheep xx
i am still serving as an elder but just hanging in there.
i think their quandry is that they don't see me out in the field, but when they need encouragement and decent prayer they come to me.. i just got off the phone to this poor sister who i have only met twice.
she is not even in my congregation (her sister is).
Warren wilson me too, in the uk
Be careful you wonderful man, take care of yourself too!It sounds like many folk need you, do you have famlly in?
"my burden is light and my yoke is easy"Mathew 11.30
Please, please watchtower - stop adding to the things written to your poor slaves for its THE PUBLISHERS that are the FAITHFUL and discreet SLAVE, not the egotistical magisterium giving leaders!
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
Why did hundreds of independent cultures point up and say "God"? And have an overwhelming compulsion to pay homage and pray and believe is a being greater than us? How did that happen?
I beleive its connected with the human compulsion to see "intentionality" in everything.
So imagine 65, 000 years ago homo sapiens jo and jane are walking close to the dark woods, they both hear a rustle
jo hears the noise and thinks a tree rustles
jane hears the noise and thinks someone MADE the tree rustle
jo does nothing
jane runs
a hungry bear jumps out and eats jo, jane escapes and lives to pass on her genes: the tendency to see events as CAUSED by an AGENT or AGENCY is passed on
Thus the human tendency to see agency in everything is universal, and the ultimate agent is God/s.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
he deist worker creator proposition is simpler in the sense that we see work done to produce someTHING all the time, to carry that proven sequence of 'cause and effect' back into time beyond the beginning , that is the simplicity. of course you are right: we've got another thing or two coming. glad for that, and consider stuffwotifink's posts above.
Just want to say (sadly) who created the creator? If you insist complexity requires an intelligence surely the creator is very complex and therefore requires a creator too and so on ad infinitum.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
t like the idea of hanging my future on a reaction to a negative. (the JW religion)
When I first began participating on this site, I realized there is a formula that is supposed to be followed of leaving, poking fun at the religion, look to science and lastly, become an atheist.
That feels like pressure.
I want to have my own experience - something the JWs do not allow.
I do wish there were more opportunities for friendly discussions about the topic but the folks here that believe in God are pretty quiet and the atheists are as zealous as the JWs
millie210 I agree with you, and although I am someone who has followed that formulae to a tee and am now an athiest I feel very uncomfortable with the fact that thiests are nervous about expressing their views on this forum. I love the idea of you following your own path, thats cool. Thats what we should all be about here - ACCEPTANCE.
I personally am still grieving over Jesus.I really miss him being in my life. I know it seems foolish but there it is.
I like that..
The notorious GB...Straight outta Beth-Hell..!!
... until they have fulfilled their role in the org's master plan to sit down with the bodies of elders in the circuits and ascertain which congregations should be merged or consolidated.
this "culling" of k.h.
's will now have to be accelerated - considering the panic to rake in cash.. after the c.o.
They know! I really think there is a chance the boys at the top know. They have been looking over their information in the Watchtower library and the UN library (lol)not to mention the projections re lawsuits for abuse and the gay marriage laws that will finish them eventually (loose their tax exempt status for both reasons)- and someone with clout has finally persuaded them that it was all a delusion (for Russell & Franze)and a pyramid scheme/book sales turned property development business (Rutherford). That its time to switch off the lights and go home. They dont want a riot or any law suits so they are doing it gently.๐๐ฌ ๐ญ
If only.....๐
churches and religious organisations would lose millions of dollars in tax breaks, concessions and hand outs under a radical plan to force priests, rabbis and imams to sign up to a national faith register.
under the bold proposal clergy would for the first time be forced to undergo government-specified training and security checks and would be monitored by a national body, or risk losing government funding..
former premier ted baillieu has backed the plan that has been put to federal and state leaders including the prime ministers office, and premier daniel andrews..
This is a fantastic idea. Can you imagine CO's having lectures in child protection issues, domestic violence, countering hate crimes against minorities & equal rights legislation for gays & women including info on historical abuses & the reasons why all these things are important. Accountability & transparency you name it basically modern, decent "moral"attitudes that are now encoded in our laws! Lessons WITH other faith practioners!!How primative and unloving it will make the JW's look! I am all for educating JW's!!! I think they would have to go for it in order to claim their tax exemption!! Im guessi!g only paid workers like CO 's & branch workers would qualify, maybe elders, can u imagine the lessons...
(teacher)ok folks, now, imagine you are taking part in a charitable work & a child approaches you crying with bruises on the leg & face saying that daddy did it after catching her kissing a photo of "One direction", now what will you do J.Dub?
mrJ.Dub. Ok im going door 2 door..
teacher: no I said a charity function..
mr J.Dub: We dont do that kind of charity...we show our love through our ministry...
teacher: (sigh)...ok, so your love through your ministry & your response..
mrJ.Dub: Whats the matter little A.Child..whats that daddy hit you? He that Spares the rod is not loving his own flesh...What's that you kissed a boy? A photo..? Pornia!! Pornography no doubt! How exactly did u kiss him, with toungues ..ahem..I mean I you baptised? You are! Good we can institute the loving provision of disfellowshiping & shunning you..
Teacher :....oh mr J Dub..if the father is violent perhaps you could talk to the mother about a place of safety..
Mr J.Dub: oh no, principal of headship ... the wife must be in subjection ...could not possibly go behind mr violent drunk Dads back...
You guys get the picture anyway.I am all for educating the ignorant!!
since this will be the norm in america, perhaps we should put a date on each of these topics.
can't really put school mass shooting because too many to choose from.
I'm in a tough spot on this issue. While I agree with a person's right to own a gun (I own one too), I acknowledge that beer-bellied rednecks and hot-headed idiots bent on saving Amurr'ca with religion, guns and the Republican party are the types of people who (mostly) go buy these deadly tools.
That scares the $#!* out of me.
I have a gun and a licence to open carry. But the only time I carry my gun out of the house is when I go hiking in the mountains. I do that so that I can make sure I never slip to second place on the food chain. There have been several reports of bear attacks in the area I like to explore and, well... I think second place would suck.
There have been some fantastic posts on this thread. Really likeFrazzled ubm & stephen Pinker has got the historical reasons down pat. I would just like to add Zoos that in the uk you would have a gun no problem, "country pursuits"is the main reason folk own guns in the uk & your exploring would definately come under that catagory - I mean noone would expect you to come a bad second going a few rounds with a grizzly!!(well, in the uk you wont find any bears , we have some bad tempered badgers, but you get the principal). So we do in fact have guns in the uk for many of the pursuits mentioned in the gun threads we get after these tragedies, just really strict laws around ownership.
any takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
Somewhere we should dedicate it to those early ones that had courage and paid for it. Ray Franz. Barbara Anderson. We owe them a lot. - Freemindfade
If we can fit it all in I love this idea, it really is true we owe them a lot. Intetesting - its kind of a modern sacrifice, they are modern "saints"if you will. Similarly with those such as Oompa, although I didn't know him, I see them as emotionally pure "givers" to humanity๐