"Oh and absolutely no strings attached you are free to associate and worship whomsoever you choose" of course.
Oh and when you are old, feeble and can no longer work you will both receive a pension for life
just got a phone call from an older sister saying that a couple that got re-assigned from bethel 4 years ago to live at their kh apartment as special pioneers, just received a letter saying "as of january 2016, your special pioneer assignment will be discontinued".. they live in a south miami kh(snapper creek congregation).. this couple had only served in bethel for 15 years before they were sent out into the special pioneer work.
they are now in their mid 50's and the sister said that they have to find part time jobs to support themselves.. the older sister (does not have a pc or internet), says that the couple are just devastated!
"Oh and absolutely no strings attached you are free to associate and worship whomsoever you choose" of course.
Oh and when you are old, feeble and can no longer work you will both receive a pension for life
just got a phone call from an older sister saying that a couple that got re-assigned from bethel 4 years ago to live at their kh apartment as special pioneers, just received a letter saying "as of january 2016, your special pioneer assignment will be discontinued".. they live in a south miami kh(snapper creek congregation).. this couple had only served in bethel for 15 years before they were sent out into the special pioneer work.
they are now in their mid 50's and the sister said that they have to find part time jobs to support themselves.. the older sister (does not have a pc or internet), says that the couple are just devastated!
Wish I was a millionaire business owner, I would like to say "I and the world wide brotherhood of my fellow apostates would like to offer you both jobs with accommodation"
i saw a vid on-line awhile ago, i cannot remember the title so can't find it, but the guy was some sort of expert in the languages of the bible, and he made a very good case that there has never been a proper translation of the bible.. what he was saying was that all translators fall into the same trap of an overly slavish use of the etymology of words rather than how language was actually used at the time of writing.. he said that what was needed were scholars who were familiar with secular contemporaneous writings, and knew how language was used at the time.. this looks like a very interesting argument.. any thoughts ?
okay, so yes, i'm a born-in, but this point has always baffled me (and i guess i never bothered to research or ask).
what is the purpose of counting time in service?
when was it started and why?
Interesting question though thinkerbelle, does anyone know when reporting time started or has it always been?
As finkie baby says, it is a publishing house after all.
Love your handle thinkerbelle btw!
so i was watching clips from the annual meeting.
i must say i do miss the jersey city assembly hall.
i loved going to that place as a kid.
has anyone noticed how the phraseology of this letter is so far away from todays jw theology and idioms used?
do you notice what word is missing?
how would any of us be viewed in the congregations if we were to speak or write this way?
oh my word that poor boy, poor generation in fact. If ever anyone touched jehovah's eyeball it was the nazis surely.
I didn't know german boys could be executed for refusing to bear arms.
Heartbreaking. Image being the poor parent who read such a letter.
Edited to add, certainly sounds like a regular Christian.
there doing this right under my nose but i just found out.
not sure what to do but would like your help on getting me wt information on my headship role and how they shouldn't be doing this with out my permission.
also would like some help on showing my son the ramifications on what happens to someone when they get baptized and how they'll expect him to treat me.
If you are still considered a witness they will have to listen to you if you say he's not mature enough to make the decision & that you have prayed about it
If they don't you need to bring out the big guns with your wife & threaten to ban him from meetings until his is 18, in any legal action she wouldn't stand a chance - the legal system & social services don't like cults
Ask his mother why she is setting him up for her to have to shun him at some point because it will happen, kids these days will find out the truth at some point in their lives
Does he appreciate that the WTS frowns on people marrying too young, fearing they may not be mature enough to enter into a lifelong relationship, which is to be taken very seriously??
Thats a laugh tho', I have never known a bunch of people who get married so dang redneck young (we all know why).
Most other groups would never allow it fullstop not just moan about it, its why witnesses have such high divorce rates considering their values
a year to a year and a half ago, i would have taken this article at face value and believed it.. now, i realize this article comes from a dubious source.
world news daily has a die-hard right-wing bias.
so, in an effort to get real information, i'm asking my european exjw's, is this article all true?
has anyone else's family finances been victim to the 'seek the kingdom first' economic policy?.
for years, my husband and i have had our own business, my husband is not the most proactive guy, prefers to go in field service than to work, but he has always encouraged me to 'rely on jehovah and all these other things will be added to you', 'seek the kingdom first' etc etc.
there have been times, such as when i was heavily pregnant and we lost a big deal, that i have been begging jehovah on hands and knees to honour that promise, wondering why he wasn't helping us.
Ok.I can totally relate but I was wracking my brains for some useful advice.
What I was thinking was that as you rightly said what has got you this far is your hard work, brains & family help. As you continue baring most of the load and pull through whatever issues arise hubby will no doubt put that down to Jehovah too.
The only thing I could think of was to find a decent financial advisor of some kind ( the free kind that come with your bank or better yet a paid proffessional if u can afford it) and put your cards on the table. Tell them everything. The reason you are in this situation, that your husband can be relied on to a limited extent only and what you want.
See what they can come up with, a life plan if you like.
I really wish you all the best, beautiful and talented, you go girl!
jesus spoke of loving your enemy, matt.5:43, luke 6:26, but look what is said in.
mark 16:51,16 "go preach but who ever does not believe his ass will be set on fire".. i don't think that is good news.
hell if that is love, what the hell is hate.
Better to get thy (ASS) CHEEK slapped by the devil than set ablaze by Jesus!
Nb And what is wrong with being a dog, pray tell?!!
Edit: canine-ism! Or is that Canaan -ism??!!