Watchtower Walkill vehicle department has solved an age old problem...
Where to store traffic cones when there are no roadworks being done...
i subject to you some pictures of splane, which can examine and form you own opinion.
before gb:.
may i suggest that the before pic he was not so pointy but the after pick he he seems to have gained length with a shrinkage of width.
Watchtower Walkill vehicle department has solved an age old problem...
Where to store traffic cones when there are no roadworks being done...
the difficulty of finding a marriage mate is well known for sisters.
but i would say it's hard for brothers also.
i was talking to a jw last night.
JW marriages often don't work for one simple reason - they marry way too young, before their character has developed, we all know why.
As others have pointed out what compounds their youth is their emotional immaturity due to their somewhat sheltered life.
Finally, lack of trust. Again, we know why, the marriage is conditional on the approval of others and compliance with strictly enforced rules.
the difficulty of finding a marriage mate is well known for sisters.
but i would say it's hard for brothers also.
i was talking to a jw last night.
It's the godamm clothes they make you wear. Especially in the 80's, man.
Men in cheap shiny brown or BLUE suits - yuk - padded shoulders and peplum skirts, don't get me started.
And the record collections. Good grief.I don't care much about looks, but music, now that's serious.
i am having trouble understanding how to post a question in regards to jehovah's witnesses on this website.
can someone please help me.?.
mel c..
the trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
And..first across the finishing line is.....
the more i think about it, the more i feel an extreme dislike for the apostle paul.
he was on par with hitler in his treatment of the jews before he "saw the light".
he replaced jesus teachings of love and mercy with a more legalistic, pharisaical concept of devotion to god.. any evil person can come to believe in god and worship him if the scales were literally and miraculously removed from his eyes.
Pinehas, son of Eleazar who went into the tent where two lovers (an israelit and a foreign woman) had a rendevous and pierced the pair with his spear.
7When Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he arose from the midst of the congregation and took a spear in his hand, 8and he went after the man of Israel into the tent and pierced both of them through, the man of Israel and the woman, through the body. So the plague on the sons of Israel was checked.β¦
Oh yes that Phinehas, the one named after the fabulous fury freak brother...killed a guy for marrying a Midianite gaining that idiot Moses approval - you know, the moses married to a midianite women!
when i left the watchtower i realised it was best to put friendships on hold.
however i mentioned to my best friend that i didn't agree with how they handled child abuse issues and that was one of the reasons i left.. anyway as i am fortunate and own two rental apartments and he is a plumber so we have kept in contact, in that i email him when i require his services and he sends me the invoice.
anyway i am now dissociated, but yesterday i emailed him about a pluming problem, and he replied.. " sorry we missed going to the indian ( this was a comment made about us having a meal together about 9 months ago, which i backed out of because i felt he was too indoctrinated and i had not disassociated myself) anyway his email continued:-.
btw it's case study 29, might be good to post a direct link
a tragic story of how the watchtower unduly influenced or brain washed a 14 year old jehovah's witness into martyrdom.
the real irony here is the synthetic blood that failed was a hemoglobin solution, and red blood cells are nothing but tiny doughnut shaped bags of hemoglobin.
any thinking person will conclude that if red cells are blood, then so is hemoglobin.
a tragic story of how the watchtower unduly influenced or brain washed a 14 year old jehovah's witness into martyrdom.
the real irony here is the synthetic blood that failed was a hemoglobin solution, and red blood cells are nothing but tiny doughnut shaped bags of hemoglobin.
any thinking person will conclude that if red cells are blood, then so is hemoglobin.
I am so raaaaagingly angry at this story fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck shiit
This rings all my bells sooo much, it could be my story they prey on the vulnerable I am seethingπ‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘π‘πππ±π¨πππͺπ₯
okay, i need to vent.
as a newly awoken individual, i have yet to "come out" to my hard core jdub parents.
my plan was to lay low and use my unbelieving husband and baby as an excuse for my "inactivity", it has worked for the last few months.
shattered_origins there is a of evidence to suggest that kids under 2 should not be exposed to TV fullstop.
TV is an easy thing to stop - so you don't even have to get all anti JW about it, just make it a TV thing period. There, thats one hurdle sorted!