Thank you for your incredibly touching post.
I will definately re read James & John in your Dad's memory.
I think your Dad sounds like he was awake and gave you the best advice he could in the situation. He also sounds like a man of principal, a much rarer thing than we would like to believe.
Sounds like you were priviledged to have him as a Dadπ
Welcom btw. Don't worry about some of the heated debates we get into here. What you will notice is that most of the real ding dongs are between long time "grown up"members who "know"each other well enough to take the gloves off.
Most members are very sensitive to "newbies" and those at different stages of their journey.
Even the most militant just want you to think for yourself really.I guess that's what your Dad was kind of teaching you to do.
That's the great thing, you can think what you like and even your ideological nemises will be here to support you if you need it.