See how correctly Albert Einstein identified the problem: “We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.” Bible too says: "Widen out."
Love that quote ISW 1961 thank you for sharing😀
Please please don't be offended by some posts here believe me they only fear for your physical & emotional safety💕❤❤❤
Lee Elder is/was a respected elder who, with other hospital Liason Commitee Jehovahs Witnesses started 'Associated Jehovahs witnesses for Reform On Blood' to lobby for change & to educate regarding the Watchtower confused dangerous doctrine on blood.
I urge you tocheck out their site. That witnesses may now use fractions is largely down to their ceaseless canvasing. Please take care & do not refuse blood transfusions for you or your family should it be nesessary! The command is to abstain from eating blood - transfusions are not nutrients, they are not food. White & red blood cells are exchanged between mother &baby via placenta too which is the reasoning behind why they accept some fractions - so why not red cells too?!
All the best & keep researching !