Incidentally, it is not superstition alone which provides the perfect petri dish for manipulation. Any emotion is capable of allowing one to be manipulated - even love. Not allowing our emotions to dictate our behaviour but instead allowing positive emotions to enhance clear thinking is key. If humans are to progress to the next level of psychological evolution, we HAVE to stop letting our emotions preside over our thought process and make an earnest effort to think critically.
Just my two cents.
Secretslaveclass Fantastic as always, we are still so primative in our thinking I do agree fully we need to rid the world of superstitious belief systems. thank you everyone for these interesting & informative posts,
Kaik you are right, my post was driven b y emotional reaction to the kid. Thank you for pulling me up on that๐
Think about how Obama won't say "Islam extremism" just "violent extremism". That is burying your head in the sand. Protecting the very root of the evil.
So true Freemindfade