JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
CEDARS (Again) Is it really about religious beliefs?
by Listener injohn cedars has posted his latest blog "the trouble with apostates (and why it shouldn't put you off becoming one)".
i acknowledge that he is entitled to his opionin just as we are ours but i am disappointed in some of his comments.. at this stage i'll try to be objective about it.
he is defending his own position after all.. what bothers me most is his comments about athiests and christians which he seems to identify as being in conflict with each other.
Re Cedars and the razor aversion: Its real!y very simple, he thinks he looks sexier like that - he's got the whole George Michael thing going on ( weak chin or summat) -
Another mass shooting, three or four hours ago.
by James Mixon insan bernardino california.
up to 12 people have been killed.. the center a private non-profit agency that assists people with developmental.
Just throwing this into the mix, make of it wwhat you will.
* The firearms where purchased legally & registered.
* The suspects had no criminal records that where known to police.
Source: los Angeles Times
It seems the 'end' might come by way of humans stupidity, not a plan of a god
by sowhatnow inhttp://www.sciencealert.com/it-s-official-we-re-on-the-brink-of-earth-s-sixth-mass-extinction.
pretty obvious, we've deforested the planet so much it cant clean the air, we've polluted the water so much its not fit to drink, we've poisoned the soil so much it cant grow food, we use so many chemicals, its killing off the insects who pollinate.
so while on post on this site claims the end of freedom for mankind, by way of evil governments, .
DJS admittedly the title of the OP was a bit OTT, but Huston we do have a problem, and I get the Orig.posters anology of the nagging parent - sometimes you have to scream to get the world's attention.
Besides, he was asking for opinions.
Merry Pantsmas Everyone!
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inokay, i posted this in a thread that got locked and buried.
since then i've been really busy and have overdosed on christmas music in the past week.
so, i'm resurrecting this "holy day" holiday that most people will unknowingly be celebrating tomorrow.
A Seal Ring bearing King Hezekiah's found in Jerusalem excavation, with ankh symbol and winged sun
by fulltimestudent infrom a story in the jewish press:.
quote: "the city of david excavations of the jerusalem hebrew university on mount ophel, at the foot of the southern wall of the temple mount compound, have yielded a sensational discovery: a seal (bulla) with the name of king hezekiah (727-698 bce).".
"king hezekiahs bulla was discovered in a garbage heap that was dumped during or shortly after hezekiahs time, from a royal building that was used to store food.
With this Egyptian symbolism, especially the winged sun, does it make the idea that the Jews first borrowed the concept of heinotheism (then monotheism) from the Egyptian worship of Aten, more plausable? -
A Seal Ring bearing King Hezekiah's found in Jerusalem excavation, with ankh symbol and winged sun
by fulltimestudent infrom a story in the jewish press:.
quote: "the city of david excavations of the jerusalem hebrew university on mount ophel, at the foot of the southern wall of the temple mount compound, have yielded a sensational discovery: a seal (bulla) with the name of king hezekiah (727-698 bce).".
"king hezekiahs bulla was discovered in a garbage heap that was dumped during or shortly after hezekiahs time, from a royal building that was used to store food.
Hezekiah King of Judah
1 And it was in the third year of Hoshea the son of Elah, the king of Israel, that Hezekiah the son of Ahaz the king of Judah, became king.
2 He was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem, and his mother’s name was Abi the daughter of Zechariah.
3 And he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, like all that his father David had done.
4 He abolished the high places, and smashed the monuments, and cut down the asherah, and crushed the copper serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the children of Israel were burning incense to it; and he called it Nehushtan.
Except on his ring, where he kept a sneaky Ankh , just in case!!
I never understood field service...
by Joliette init was always boring, and i was afraid that i was gonna get attacked by a dog.
i actually almost got attacked by a rottweiler once.
i didnt get paid for it, nobody listened to us, i actually had guys make passes at me while i was out doing street corner, i was always afraid i would get grouped and raped.
Kaik it sounds like you were in paradise...Carpathians..summer morning..a good friend...a nice pack lunch...hot cup of tea..mmmm..I can just smell it❤ -
Feeling rejected
by Esmeralda001 injust a little disclaimer: english isn't my first language (i'm from france) thus the poor writing skills.here is the situation: i'm not a jw.
however, i'm in the process of becoming one.
in fact, i'm studying with the jw's, and i'll proceed to become an unbaptized publisher as soon as i finish the first book.to make a long story short i was introduced to the truth when i was 18een.
What an odd post. You claim difficulties with language "influent, 18teen" then make grammer 'mistakes'only an extremely fluent people make, knowing they do so eg "good of a person". Oh well, I guess you have your reasons. Also does any newb JW attempt to dress "sensually?" too?
Ps it's 5 yrs to become an MD
Feeling rejected
by Esmeralda001 injust a little disclaimer: english isn't my first language (i'm from france) thus the poor writing skills.here is the situation: i'm not a jw.
however, i'm in the process of becoming one.
in fact, i'm studying with the jw's, and i'll proceed to become an unbaptized publisher as soon as i finish the first book.to make a long story short i was introduced to the truth when i was 18een.
What an odd post. You claim difficulties with language "influent, 18teen" then make grammer 'mistakes'only an extremely fluent people make, knowing they do so eg "good of a person". Oh well, I guess you have your reasons. Also does any newb JW attempt to dress "sensually?" too?
Ps it's 5 yrs to become an MD
YMCA ? Are we allowed to go there or not?
by Quarterback inhalf of our congregation goes there to work out because of the good pool facilities and prices, and the other half think that it's wrong due to it's old charter.
but no one is enforcing the wrong or right of it.
i'd be interested in knowing how this is being applied worldwide.
Young Men's Christian Association.....and though shit if two pioneers couldn't be a member who the hell could!
I'm still pissed about it!
Exactly Gordano - at least a little bell went off in your sensible head though - definately an improvement on my numbskull!