I find the opposite these days..... they dress up to the nines because its the only thing they have to spend their money on. JW women have zero mental stimulation, its cruel. People are like kids ....the busier and more fulfilled they are the mukier they generally look as its lower on their list of priorities.Where I live in London only the poor and their kids "dress up" for everyday stuff.......same principal.
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Rivalry among the sisters
by Esmeralda001 inwhen i was first introduced to the "truth", i was so distracted by the love and affection that the members were showing me that i was ready to convert into the religion without thinking twice.
i was conviced that jws were god's people (i still think some of them are).
i made it my goal to get baptized as i wanted to be part of the "only" religion that produce such good people.
A rhetorical analysis of the Sept. KM Question Box
by Leolaia insome have pursued an independent group study of biblical hebrew and greek so as to analyze the accuracy of the new world translation.
they have also held conferences and produced publications to present their findings and to supplement what is provided at our christian meetings and through our literature.. throughout the earth, jehovah's people are receiving ample spiritual instruction and encouragement at congregation meetings, assemblies, and conventions, as well as through the publications of jehovah's organization.
rather, the claim is implicit.
elderelite5 years ago
Sombody with enough knowledge or who is willing to take time to learn about mormons needs to rewrite this! that is an excellent idea and one that has HUGE potential. Nothing will work on everyone and nothing is a surefire but I think that could have a huge impact on some, to read that as written for mormons and then be told its true origins...
Agreed, something to add to the arsenal at our disposal. There is a poster on this site who is an ex Mormon. I will see if I can contact him.
Proof that the lingiusts are lying about words used in the bible IE: Shaddai, Angels, Elohim, Yhwh?
by Crazyguy inin 1967 an archeologist found at tell el-deir alla an inscription that they called the book of balaam son of beor.
this looks to be about the same balaam that's talked about in the bible book of numbers.
remember the guy where his donkey is talking to him.
Crazyguy may I ask what you study please? And you also full-time student?
Fascinating stuff. I was always given to understand Shaddai meant mountains, so rarther than the plural Elhoim representing a single god of majesty, a kind of "royal we", it actually may simply mean GODS (of the mountains). Occam's razor and all that! I also read somewhere that yahweh maybe Baal, the son of el, and the host of heaven referring to the many gods of heaven...not as in god and his angels. Does anyone have anymore info..I will definitely look into the book full-time student mentions.
Wow...not even sure this qualifies as a "fade"
by respectful_observer ini'm posting this both as an anecdote and also to see if, by chance, this person reads this site.
(if you do, it'd be great to catch up since you now live fairly close to me!).
i've got a friend who until very recently was actively serving as an elder in hall close to bethel, and on a body heavy with bethelites.
Local Needs part given after Ministerial Servant left the organization
by cappytan inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbb8rt2bem8.
some crazy cult language in this talk.. some highlights:.
18:15 - obey.
Hang on, he said Why couldn't Two IMPERFECT people obey one simple command......, I thought they were PERFECT until they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and bad. ?
Edit: I guess he did not want to say why couldn't two perfect people obey one simple commsnd as it would have sounded as stupid as it actually DOES sound
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Relatives who work in Warwick are visiting
by cappytan inso i have some relatives who work in warwick visiting us this week.
the visit has been largely drama free.
they came between meeting days, so the subject of going to the meetings never came up.. however, they have been talking about the "downsizing.".
Get a load of Oubliette's picture...no surprise at the person sitting at the head of the table...123..WHOSE THE DADDY?!!Link +1 / -0 -
Request for Research Help: WTS Views on Intersex Individuals
by Oubliette inrequest for research help: .
several recent threads have gotten me started on an essay and i need some research help.
does anyone have access to anything the wt has ever published on intersex people (they might have used the now-outdated term: hermaphrodite)?
I always used to bring this up with dubs when they start any rants about sexuality..I heard a statistic that 1 in a hundred kids is born with both sets, or parts, of genitals to some extent...and that doesn't include the one's whose endocrine system is out of sync with their tackle.. -
In Judas' Defense
by opusdei1972 ini have read in jw.org that the governing body affirms that judas has been eternally condemned:.
did judas iscariot commit an unforgivable sin?.
his greed moved him to steal money that had been donated for a sacred use.
That was Oscar Wilde's argument , that Judas was the one true sacrificial lamb:
Someone had to betray Jesus for gods purpose to be fulfilled
Satan entered him, like Adam it was Satan's fault
So Judas therefore had no freewill..he was a pawn
Unlike Jesus' temporary death, Judas' death is permanent
Therefore it's Judas we have to thank for our salvation.
If, of course, any of it is true.
These 1st century Jews were not the best philosophers....let's face it their reasoning is easily taken apart. This 300 years after Socrates death too...very poor show!
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This Cult Should Be Called to Account
by berrygerry inthe emotions from this are surreal:.
(kudos for the kid to record it).
This women's reaction leads me to think she knows there are issues with her religion..she cannot handle the fact she has wasted her life on BS. What an unloving b*#ch, I would love to be part of a community of atheist refuge's for kids in situations like this. We need something like a "secular shelter" for kids suffering from religiously abusive homes. Horrible.Link +2 / -0 -
Are Magicians Spawns of Satan the Devil?
by Cold Steel ini was perusing the internet not long ago and came upon this series of videos by a guy calling himself xendrius.
it declares that many of today's best magicians are in league with the devil.
his claims are based on his observation that the tricks would be impossible to do unless the magicians had made unholy pacts with the devil.. so what's the take of the wtbts?
I like the magicians who explain before hand its all science....psychology and neuroscience (slieght of hand, diversion tactics) or physics. Penn and Teller are a great example of these post modern magicians.Link +1 / -0