stuckinarut25 days ago
Welcome mate!
Another Aussie!
I take it that's the REAL Perth., with an icon like that!
i have been lurking on this site for 3 years and this is my fist post.
i would like to thank everyone for helping me wake up.
i was baptized at 24, married at 25, ms for 18 years mentally in for 24 years but started to wake up 3 years ago doing research to give public talks, and the actions of arrogant and narcissistic brothers and sisters did not help.
Welcome mate!
Another Aussie!
I take it that's the REAL Perth., with an icon like that! would a jw shun, treat as dead, with contempt his own mother for her attempt to have him leave the wt religion?.
They are the same. I don't know why people cannot see that!
Its only a question of doctrine...the utter belief you are carrying out the will of god and that others are spawn of the devil is identical. If the witnesses did not believe that Jesus ended the law they would gladly kill.
here in the uk new drinking guidelines have been issued which suggest "no more than 14 units a week - equivalent to six pints of beer or seven glasses of wine.".
another piece of the advice which is getting a lot of attention is that "if people drink, it should be moderately over three or more days and that some days should be alcohol-free.".
already people are making cries of "nanny state!
Every man I have ever lived with, with the exception of my brother, drinks every day. As has been mentioned earlier alcohol is the only thing JW's are allowed to do guilt or sanction free. They can't even go fishing for bleeps sake. Is it any wonder I have met quite a few in rehabs. I used to get told that drink " was a food" by JW' s. No, its a poison. Besides which many foods can be lethal.
However I totally get how some people cannot face life without it. Or think they can't. I know many people who are dying because of it.
Why is it some can go totally Ott with it in their youth and just stop whenever..and others caught in a cycle of addiction/dependence/depression/death. Christopher Hitchens, despite fully knowing the damage it had caused him, did not regret it and believed he wouldn't have achieved all he had, or been the person he was, had he not regularly imbibed. That is easy to believe when you see his sober, dull, reactionary christian brother
i was working on my car in the factory {bld.
1} on friday oct. 31 1973, when all hell broke loose, the fire alarm in bld.
4 went off at about 9:30. the night watchman could find nothing.
It is the modern day Abraham and Issac...these folks pass their own flesh and blood "through the fire".. Child sacrifice is an evil thing..the Borg is always willing to sacrifice a few more.
An earlier poster to this thread said it aright that " obsessive doctrine should never come before a life"
ok so most of you guys know already that i am going through the reinstatement process for my parents but i do have a partially sinister plan which i will not mention here since someone told me that there are b-lites that read boards like this.
last night and it was the funniest experience i have ever seen.
besides that the brother doing the sound and video screwed up the whole thing when showing the videos and it took 3 brothers to fix it after 10 minutes, the whole thing was a joke.
this is what is happening in a spanish congregation in our area.
this happened 3 weeks ago.
this brother conducted the school and after the school was over, another elder gave the announcement: "( name of the person) is not longer a jehovah's witness".
Boy do I ever feel sorry for this kid. The poor thing could be that desperate to drive her family out of the cult, who knows?
If, I say if, its not gossip and she is looking for love in all the wrong places the worse thing they can do is shun her.
was i dreaming that he posted here a few years ago?.
our families have cut off contact with us for the last several months.
they found out that we were celebrating holidays with our non-witness family.
our families were our last tie to the organization, as our former friends stopped associating with us about 3 years ago.
as i mentioned last week i'm a covert fade.
it dawned on me that i had the watchtower bible and tract society in my will.
i just changed it.
She's afraid to rip the band-aid off and I'm afraid not too. I don't want the kids indoctrinated any more than they already are now.
"The belonging you seek is ahead of you, not behind" The force Awakens!
Re the job and the mischief: just do it!!😈
hello people.. i'm tired and a bit sick at the moment but i can't let anyone think that this is going to go away.... i am able to tell you a few things in order to prevent any confusion in the minds of those who are thinking that nothing will come of this arc;that nothing will effect the wtbts in america and other places.. i have been there and given my testimony.
helen milroy and her assistants were there along with another group of people who are there to lend assistance if you crack up at any time during or after the hearing.
i did not crack up but can see how this happens.. security is tight and anonymity is sacred to them as they want to protect all who come forward.