JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
David Bowie
by smiddy ini just heard the news david bowie has died ,so sad .
rip d,b, .
smiddy .
David Bowie
by smiddy ini just heard the news david bowie has died ,so sad .
rip d,b, .
smiddy .
I was wondering when someone was going to post some kind of eulogy to Bowie...
Je.suis.oisif.I felt such a terrible pain when I heard, he's been such a big part of my life...the magical part anyway, it hurts to think that amazing piece of sentient energy we knew as David Bowie no longer exists. Its not surprising his death, in particular, brings on existential angst for a bunch of music loving dubs who've just learnt this cruel but beautiful universe is profoundly unconcerned about the death even of a creative giant like Bowie, who means so much to us.🌹
Cry away. I'm joining you xxx
Don't know what to do
by looter ini'm in a crazy situation.
about a year ago, i was going to get baptized.
it was all planned and arranged until ttatt was learned.
OK you have to buy yourself time - don't worry about principals your situation is far too precarious right now, effectively you are being blackmailed and you need time until you are ready to SAFELY move on with your life.
Baptism should be avoided at all costs, it will complicate things later and as u only have one functioning parent AT THE MOMENT try to keep things as calm as possible.
Its a good idea to mention calling in the elders, say your fear around your mum is affecting your mental state at that u have to be sure you are not going to betray Jehovah by ending up like your mum. Say u know alcoholism is genetic so your fears are grounded. Yes its BS but if it buys u time till u get finish your education and move out, in other words gets your dad off your case for a bit its all good.
And please DO reach out to your mum, do it safely but do try, if u can. Goodness knows what she has gone thru with this cult. She needs help, perhaps if she knows you will be waiting for her if she cleans herself up it may be the motivation she needs. I don't know your situation of course, but I do know noons becomes a homeless alcoholic unless they are hurting like hell.
Anyway do anything u can to buy time, talk to a school counsellor and check out Secular refuge/safe houses.
To all JDub lurkers: How can you continue to preach knowing that you are telling lies?
by macys inthis is a damn serious question.
you must know by now that jerusalem was not destroyed in 607 bce and that 607 was initially picked by ct russell by using his "pyramid scheme" measurements.
there is no hiding these facts yet you continue to preach this nonsense.
How about this for an idea - I empathize with your predicament- where I live younger folk, on their daily run, call in to older people do shopping/ run errands/ check on them if they live alone, as part of a scheme. The pensioner acts as a kind of coach/ encourager for the youngster's fitness activity. Could u do similar , marking it down as fs but just do good deeds instead - OK maybe give 'em a bible or an innocuous Awake about ' gods lovely world' sort of thing maybe?
That way you put in hours to help with your reinstatement/ fade but salve your conscience at the same time. If they try to pressure you to do fs in pairs the traditional way you could either 1. Refuse saying you get better results doing it your way or 2 take another youngster to 'RV' your elderly neighbours who may need some yard work doing etc - you get my drift anyway, maybe worth a try in terms of loo!ing really keen and doing exemplary hours?!
Can you imagine how dull it will be without kids or our grandparents...sure everyone looks good but it will grate being with a bunch of self absorbed 21 yr olds forever....And without our memories ("neither will it come up into their hearts") and with new bodies in what sense our we ourselves still?? -
Would I lie to you?
by slimboyfat ingiven recent posts on the forum and discussion, maybe we could play this game: would i lie to you?
in the uk we have this tv programme where minor celebrities tell weird or embarrassing stories about themselves and the rest of the participants have to guess if it is a true story or made up.
when the others have voted then the person reveals if the story is true or false.
Lostwon...its a game! Dudess!!
Anyway..wow, youse are TRICKY customers!
Shepardless...no 2 is true..they ARE a real estate co.!
LoveUniHateExams ...no 1 is true..no 2 is too pedestrian! ( wow BTW you were fast!)
Nicalou....hmmmmm...difficult...I'll go with no 2 is true...because you look handsome!
Pete ..1st scenarios...no 1 is true..cos were a bethalite & no 2 is too outrageous.. Several book studies?!!Nah!
2nd Scenario... Difficult..no 1 is true..your a yank? Stupid reason but details sound right.
Counsel from Bro Losch (GB Member) to the Elders about the NFL
by James Jack inwhile attending a week long training class for elders in patterson, bro losch gave the concluding talk about loyalty to the borg, which i was in awe of(i went more in detail in a recent post about a s.a.d.
where losch was the speaker).
at the end of his talk, here's what he said: .
This berk worships a god who cheerleads some of the most genocidal, violent acts in history and yet his barmyness whine's about the game of American football being too rough...
Didn't he get up to some infamous nuttyness recently...something to do with hand signals? Hasn't he seniority within the GB? Perhaps they allow him his peccadilloes due to that...
Jehovah's witnesses..the religion that likes to say NO!
Galling Meeting Today! Truly Nauseating!
by Nicholaus Kopernicus infirst scripture used by the public speaker was jeremiah 31:34 - "and they will no more teach each one his companion and each one his brother, saying, know jehovah!
for they will all of them know me, from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them, is the utterance of jehovah.
for i shall forgive their error, and their sin i shall remember no more.immediately, i was distracted.
Basically, anything can be forgiven if people are willing to acknowledge their mistakes and try to make amends...do they EVER listen to themselves!!!!??
As the lawyers representing Candice Conti said, at least the Catholic church was willing to say " mea culpa".. but these guys (JWs) Deny,deny,deny...being "belligerent" and " treating their victims as the enemy".
Ready everyone..1,2,3..Where is the love??
Fishing and JW's???
by lurkernomore inso i was just reading a thread and came across a completely new jw 'rule', that of not being allowed to go fishing!..
at least it's new to me as i always enjoyed fishing as did others in my old congregation.
anyone else heard of this or had this imposed on them in they're jw lives?.
Nevertheless, the Bible says that God “hates anyone who loves violence.” (Psalm 11:5) So it stands to reason that God does not want us to harm or kill animals merely for pleasure or for sport.
Awake April 2015
Fishing and JW's???
by lurkernomore inso i was just reading a thread and came across a completely new jw 'rule', that of not being allowed to go fishing!..
at least it's new to me as i always enjoyed fishing as did others in my old congregation.
anyone else heard of this or had this imposed on them in they're jw lives?.
Lurkernomore Hi, I think it was me who mentioned fishing. I grew up in the home counties ( UK) . In the late 70' s I was told you could not fish for sport as a JW. In fact we had a couple around for dinner and I distinctly remember being told that they " could give up LSD for "the truth" but not fishing!" ( ie it was more troublesome to give up). This from my uber dub spiritual pioneer mother.
She was an avid reader of dub literature so do a search on JW.org...I would put money on her being correct.
On the other hand I was also told that smurfs had talked, the heart was the seat of emotion , aluminium pans were dangerous and chewing gum should not be eaten....