Geoffrey Jackson". But again, as I said, it is not my field,"
What a pomous ass that man is...exactly what is the " field" of a man that left school at 15 to sell pamphlets??
i could really do with some advice on what's acceptable when you leave.
we have left of our own accord about 6 months ago.
we didn't celebrate xmas this year but have just celebrated my daughters birthday.. a friend of mine who is still a witness told me that an elder had approached her and asked if we had celebrated xmas and that if we did it was a df offence as is classed as apostasy!
Geoffrey Jackson". But again, as I said, it is not my field,"
What a pomous ass that man is...exactly what is the " field" of a man that left school at 15 to sell pamphlets??
OK...this is how sister D gets around, wanna swap mad puppy???( its me, the Aston's in the garage)
as i am aware a lot of posters are feeling down or grieving the certainties lost when their faith is revealed as nothing but the stories of mortal men...i am posting one of my favourite youtubers, philhellenes who, like the ancients you studied, contemplates that sense of awe that he is indeed fearfully and wonderfully made...and when faced with the inevitability of mortality he imagines the plight of the mayfly...and wonders" would it be cruel to tell an adult mayfly that it only has that afternoon to live...would it still fly as far and as high as it could?might it fly further and higher than usual?or would it forget about it's wings and sit on the water, head bowed, sufficiently traumatised to invent religion?".
we are privileged that after millennia we are some of the first life forms to know exactly how we came to be..and what we are made of ...and if that isnt miraculously awe inspiring,i don't know what is.
As I am aware a lot of posters are feeling down or grieving the certainties lost when their faith is revealed as nothing but the stories of mortal men...I am posting one of my favourite youtubers, Philhellenes who, like the ancients you studied, contemplates that sense of awe that he is indeed fearfully and wonderfully made...and when faced with the inevitability of mortality he imagines the plight of the mayfly...and wonders" would it be cruel to tell an adult mayfly that it only has that afternoon to live...would it still fly as far and as high as it could?Might it fly further and higher than usual?Or would it forget about it's wings and sit on the water, head bowed, sufficiently traumatised to invent religion?"
We are privileged that after millennia we are some of the first life forms to know exactly how we came to be..and what we are made of ...and if that isnt miraculously awe inspiring,I don't know what is
i recently installed youtube on my ipad, as i was prompted to view some videos of a non jw source.
it was more for entertainment.
eventually jw related videos showed up and i viewed some and found them interesting.
this is a quick experience i have recently had and i have two questions at the end.. a couple of weeks ago, the dogs were barking at the gate on saturday morning and wouldn't you know it, it was some witnesses.
there was a father with his lovely wife and their young daughter.
the father did all the talking as mother and daughter just dutifully smiled and watched.
DJS Class?
Do you mean..
A) you are a class act
B) what class was this publisher in?
C) OK class ... What's the answer 1,2,3,4,5 or 6?
If its c) my answer is all of the above!
according to you tubers mike and kim and son of thunder, egyptian branch closing.
son of thunder is saying he has relatives that we're running bethel in egypt for years and they have been let go reassigned as special pioneers yet according to him this job no longer pays a wage.
he also states that 5000 total bethelites world wide are being let go.
the brief outline for this item makes reference to the most recent wt on the subject of "reaching out" (sept 15 2014 - pages 3-6) if you are a jehovah's witness and thinking about becoming a ministerial servant or elder, then please consider the following information prior to attending the kh for this weeks clam.
first - if you hope to become an elder, in the uk you will also become a charitable trustee.
you will not be given any training for this part of your role.
NicCop You might find the contents of this book to be surprisingly generous with rules and scarce in spirituality
This is all they need to know should they really think about it
NicCop If you still want to be appointed as an elder, consider getting third party liability insurance to protect yourself, your family, and your estate
Is this reference to the recent case in the UK where a victim of child sexual abuse has sued the elders at his KH for failing to protect him? The first of many I imagine and I'm quite sure the wtbts intended to throw the elders under the proverbial bus.
Excellent post.
i was just thinking about how the wts has been spouting off for years that satan and his demons were cast down to the vicinity of the earth in 1914, but really, when you think about it, what was the difference before 1914 or after 1914?.
its not like satan and his demons did not have access to the earth.
satan and his demons always were messing with earth.
Good point about the Lords Prayer..." As in heaven". So how could there be a war..or any shenanigans ( converting angels, job etc )without Gods approval???
Atomant well summed up.
in my former indoctrinated state, i used to yearn for a time when all the world would be jws.
but hang on minute, let's just think about what the world would be like if everyone was a jw,.
first of all, no higher education, so no medical advances, no scientific research, no modern day medicine, infectious disease rife, no doctors, no engineers, so no modern day comforts.
Landu I have read that excellent story and believe me it sent a shiver down my spine, very realistic.
The premis of the story is that SOME type of catastrophe has occurred, we are not told whether natural, man made OR divine...and the main protagonists don't know either. But guess what?its not long before 'those taking the lead'start to assume complete control over the JWs they can find (not to mention the few 'worldlies'that confusingly still seem to be alive). Needless to say these elders start bumping off people they believe have slipped through Jahs net or dubs not towing the line..,very scary and oh so realistic.
if the world was full of only dubs they would assume Armageddon arrived invisibly and they should impose theocratic ' standards'immediately - for standards read bullying hierarchy and unloving nitpicking whilst the rest of the world goes to hell in a handcart - no medicine no school no essential services no books and worst of all no desire to increase human knowledge and achievement.Back to the dark ages for us......nightmare scenario if ever there was one!!!