Anna Marina Rev 2:2 - 5 nice scripture. Perfect for those SW**es
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Scriptures they use to justify disfellowshipping
by Lynnie indoes someone have a list of the scriptures the jw's use to justify shunning and disfellowshipping?
i know there are only a few..
Court confirms:--Severe Criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses is Justified!
by Atlantis incourt confirms: severe criticism of jehovah's witnesses is justified!.
posited the idea on another Thread that the In House Lawyers advising the Org. are probably not very good, that probably they have grown up in the org, and not really had much experience in fighting Cases for clients in the real World. Anybody know the background of one or more of these shadowy folk ?
YES! YES! and YES! Their lawyers are an absolute shower.
Always thought their bumbling behaviour smacks of brainwashing, yes, but more than that pure arrogance in thinking you are right and protected by God.
I also think it's often a case of The Emperor's New Clothes and that those nearest to the seat of power (GB) don't EVER challenge them and suck up to them . To the point they do their bidding fully knowing it's risky.
I do know the Aussie lawyer at the ARC, Vincent O'Toole,was put through law school by the org.
How Did You Discover This Site?
by minimus ini’ve been here a long time.
i saw this site jwd/jwn.
i thought it was very lively and interesting.
found a wealth of information here from many an erudite Poster, Allen F, Leolaia, a guy called Nicos ? who had worked on the French translation of the NWT,
Oh I forgot to say it really grinds my gears when I read that idiotic, egotistical banner atop Exjwreddit "The internet's biggest resource for all things watchtower/JW" etc.
What cobblers! This site is an absolute bloody MINE of information!! With there's simply no better than this site!
How Did You Discover This Site?
by minimus ini’ve been here a long time.
i saw this site jwd/jwn.
i thought it was very lively and interesting.
I found the site with a simple search. Looking for old friends initially....I found the people really funny so the laughs drew me in at first.
Boy am I embarrassed when I look back at some of my posts, though. Talk about brainwashed. I knew it wasn't the truth but still believed a lot of the hype.
Then the CARC became a huge talking point and I watched proceedings live.
That blew me away and I could finally bring myself to use the C word - cult!!!
BBC Sunday Morning on Jehovah's Witnesses
by Newly Enlightened inin august the jehovah’s witnesses will give evidence to the independent inquiry into child sex abuse.
submissions will also be heard from survivors who have criticised the church’s handling of abuse allegations.
their appearance comes as campaigners around the world are questioning why the religion is restructuring the organisation and selling off substantial amounts of property.
Oooo thank you kimmy/Mike. I always have radio 4 on the dial so will be listening with interest!
Let's hope they mention the Swiss verdict, too!!
236 Words On Scrabble Are Being Removed So That Some People Do Not Get Offended
by minimus ini play scrabble all the time.
i guess they are getting rid of any racist type words.
damn, i wonder if i can still use blackface.
Rub a DubI just hope they don't ban wetback since you can use all seven tiles
Surely only Sissies would be aware of that word?(I meant Aussies😂😂😂do you know autocorrect turns "Aussies" into "Sissies"....maybe another word that will be banned?)
J.W's and " but that is Pagan !".
by Phizzy inthere have been a number of threads touching on this before, leolaia for one, back in the day when we had many an erudite poster, showed the pagan origins of many things, including the passover , and by extension, the jw " memorial".. what prompted my thought on this was a conversation i had the other day with a young lady, never a jw, who said the jw stance on birthday celebrations, was groundless and cruel.. i thought later that jw's do a " pick and mix " as usual, as they do with so many other things, on what they condemn as "pagan" and what they accept and practice.. the institution of marriage itself is pagan, marriages were performed long before the bible was written, and long before the nation of israel was formed.
yet jw's perform marriages, use the veil, and the ring, all pagan.
the names of the days of the week, the months of the year, all pagan.. i guess you guys can think of many more things ?
If Watchtower had actually gone for this whole new calendar thingummy You just know they’d all make sure their bonking occurred so that their babies would be born on Gods day the 1st of Jehovah.
Witnesses are pre programmed to be superstitious.
JW feeling persecuted yet (California)
by Anony Mous incalifornia, after failing to ban all religious gatherings (failed in court) has now banned all singing and chanting in religious places, including if you are on a live stream and the only person around.. i haven't heard a peep yet from the jw.borg about how to handle this new 'persecution' on religion, the only thing that came up with a search was this: .
As DesirousOfChange mentioned, the Borg is laying low. IMO, that is a smart move in a political sense. If you had half of a congregation affected with the virus, it would be considered "bringing reproach on God's name" or some other thing when it was broadcast on the news and throw a negative light on the Borg.
watchtower is protecting its assets. Because they know their real assets - their cash cows if you will - are the legions of mostly older and often unfit JWs who still deeply believe and still deeply dig into their pockets to donate. Without this their backbone, healthy and able to obey, watchtower is lost.
Did The Elders Bother You or Did You Get Along With Them OK?
by minimus ini’ve heard a number of horror stories regarding elders.
i have a lot of stories about elders, some funny, some not so.. were all your experiences with elders bad?.
did you like any?.
They knew what I was doing and one of the last visits they came out and said you know why we are here why don't you just ask us to disfellowship you.
Hang on....I thought it was about your eternal life. Don’t they want to save your life? “Ask us to disfellowship you?”!!! All casual, like?!
They make it sound like a bloody club! Hmmm. Methinks these guys know it ain’t da twoof
Food Boxes given out by Society
by JustChillin inanyone else get a food box delivered by local congregation to your door - allegedly by the society?
i looked online and found a couple of youtube channels saying the society is taking food from food banks and giving it only to their congregations.
I note farms to families has a remit to distribute the boxes to community and faith groups....and that it should go to those in need.
Watchtower definitely has pensioners, disabled or needy members....but because Watchtower couldn't give a stuff and offers nothing in the way of charity or support it has no idea who the needy are among its membership.