He “bristled” over the beard....🤣
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Do You Ever Wonder Where Are They Now?
by minimus ini remember so many witnesses who were pretty liberal minded.
i knew some that were the ones someone would talk to to get a “balanced “ perspective.
they were not hardliners.
''Faith in Action'' video....Jesus Disciples depicted with ''field service bags'' and preaching with ''Scrolls''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inhere is a screenshot from a video on jw.org.
go to videos, our organization, history .
jehovah's witnesses—faith in action, part 1: out of darkness.
What gave me the pip in those videos is the portrayal of all males discussing & writing Russell's work. No portrayal of Maria Russell who did much of the writing. Then Russell listening to another theology written by a woman, yet portrayed as male, a second Adventist sermon which restored his faith (Splane was keen to say Russell wasn't an Atheist....he just lost his faith!!) He didn't believe a loving God really existed because the cruel God of the Bible had less morals than a good man.
That door to door portrayal of the apostles, complete with bookbags, was ridiculous!
And they always make Rutherford the victim of brutal thugs following his "peaceful" sermons....never that he was a rabble rouser who brought much of the aggro on himself (or rather his JW patsy's)
Good News Covid vaccine on the way !
by RickJones inlatest news announcement is that there are two companies that have developed a vaccine for the covid virus which they say they will start being distributing to the public in a matter of weeks.. one comes from a company called moderna (94.5% effective) and the other is from pfizer (90% effective).
if all things go to plan you could see things return to normal once the majority of the general public is vaccinated by easter of next year.. yoo hoo .
Avoid getting 2020s least recommended experience lol😂
Politics and Hope
by lriddle80 inso there are a lot of atheists on here.
my question: where does your hope come from?
that the right people will be put in political positions and will eventually form a utopian society that will meet all needs and we will have equality for all?.
Thanks for that thoughtful answer! For me, I got saved and my soul finally found peace when I realized I didn't need to know who is "right" only that Jesus would save me if I asked him to and I believed him.
I like that you have an open mind. I think it's fun when all possibilities are considered. It leads to better conversation!!
First I thought about the story of Pandora’s box. You see, the ancients had wisdom and thought about these things long before Jesus time. I wonder, what hope did the people of Northern Europe circa 5000 BC have, I wonder? Would you consider their hope legitimate?
Because I have a strong sense of fair play, I often wonder why it is only those born after a certain time and in very specific areas, have the possibility of declaring faith in Jesus and being saved. It just doesn’t seem fair or logical, to me. That’s just my take. I’m open to conversation around it and having my mind changed.
My hope is simply that no one gets hurt or is in pain. But that’s never going to happen. My neighbour, a father of four, was knocked from his push bike and killed on Friday. We’ve shared the same front door for 17 years nearly. I have to hope no one else I care for will suffer the same fate. But 15 people have died that way in London so far this year. 15 destroyed families. Without hope no one could live. That’s why even those without faith have hope. We’d simply shut down and stop breathing without it.
The Documentary Hypothesis and the 20th century trap.
by HowTheBibleWasCreated inthis post will be for the schoolars amoung us.. in the late 19th century were many of the worlds best scientists.
darwin, faraday, testla, edison etc.
and amoung them wasa lone archeologist named william albright who screwed up biblical schoolarship for over a hundred years.. before albright schoolars in europe hit on several conclusions about the bible:.
Oh I love Russell Gmirkin....plus he has the sort of name a Hobbit should have.
Understanding a family member that’s A witness
by understandingjehovah ini need some advise or understanding.. my brother became jehovah witness because of his wife.
our dad is dying and over the last two months he’s done some very weird stuff.. my family knows he’s not a real witness because he sells corn liquor and pills, drinks daily, let us have our moms birthday at their house.
he’s also committed adultery, it’s rumored that he molested our cousin when he was younger, done fraud to my dying dad, lied about being our dads poa for greed only to find out he’s not, lied to the family about his estranged daughters, called his oldest daughter a b*tch because she doesn’t want anything to do with him, lied on our dads life to her to get her to talk to him, he has the name nympho tattooed on his neck, has slandered his immediate family and abandoned two of his daughters for over 20 years to start a family with his new wife.
Welcome to the forum.
I URGE you to please check out JWfacts.com. It's the most comprehensive website on the Watchtower and Jehovahs Witnesses there is.
Interestingly, the man who named Jehovahs Witnesses and formulated many of the religions central ideas (no blood, disfellowshipping and shunning, Jesus 'choosing' them in 1919) 'Judge' Joseph Rutherford, was a notorious alcoholic and also abandoned his wife and son. They also have a huge problem with child sex abuse and have been investigated by Govts in Australia, Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, New Zealand with court cases in the States & many places. The have a massive secret database of paedophiles they've refused to hand over to many US courts.
All of which goes to prove they are like any other religion with the same problems. Some things stem from sexual repression, and there are good and bad people within the org just like everywhere.
No one is all good or all bad. Everyone is influenced by their background, their level of wealth, childhood abuse, education level, culture, sex and sexual orientation, birth order...you get the picture. Are there mitigating circumstances for some of your brother's behaviours? Was he very young when his eldest kids were born? Was their mother very young and immature? I'm a little suspicious that you seem to be character assassinating your brother to such an extent...Why? I don't think his Association with the religion has anything to do with the level of animosity you seem to have for him. This thing seems to go far deeper.
Imo Association with such a narcissistic organization can only serve to make a narcissistic person (and if all this is true he is certainly a narcissist) even worse!!!
Jehovahs Witnesses are a cult. Look up the definition of undue influence, cults and the Bite model
They fit the "BiTE" model perfectly:
B behaviour control - many rules they MUST Obey
I Information control - not allowed to read outside or critical sources
T thought control - must confess if they doubt etc
E emotional control - watchtower uses carrot and stick, fear of death loss of family through shunning etc
Also they operate using F.O.G. "Fear, obligation & guilt"
If your brother and sister-in-law are messed up this is probably why. Also please, try to bring everyone together, for the sake of your father, during his last days....please, if you can be a force for good, for love.
Also, just to say, as to him using your dad's illness as a way of getting to speak to his kid...I'm sure your brother will use any and everything to get his daughter back in his life. If you're being honest wouldn't you? I would!
Collapse of JW Org - Possibly on the Horizon?
by JWTom inthis topics get a great deal of discussion here.
what i find interesting is even some of my pimi family is embracing the reality that all is not well with jw.org and that many current jws are just going through the motions due to not having a good way out of the org.
wondering what could realistically lead to the collapse of jw.org in the not distant future?
Disease: I think this one is unlikely, but an extreme amount of death due to Covid within JW.org could lead to not enough R&F drones to keep things going. Potentially leading to the financial scenario.
Perhaps it’s the take-the-lead drones dying off that could really lead to the collapse of the Org, at least as we know it (fascistic, controlling, demanding, guilt and fear inducing).
I think the only reason they’ve been so careful about COVID-19 is because it’s the LEADERS themselves - older, heavy, unfit even morbidly obese MEN - who are statistically most at risk of death, or at least long term debility, from Covid.
If they all die off we may end up with women leading the Org....heaven forbid!!!!
why are all pictures of heaven in wt all white males?
by Yomama inis that the ultimate for anyone going to heaven?.
The fact is the artists for WT need to follow previous drawings. In heaven all is shining so all seem white like Jesus in Revelation 1. (Yeah he's white there) So to follow from that the 144,000, must be like Christ.
You’re right that Watchtower has to follow everything it has previously stood by, they are terrified of the new and only allow ‘new light’ if they’re backed into a corner.
However Revelation 1:14 only says that Jesus hair is white. So ironically, because it is ‘like wool,’ black people (especially Rastas and that new American religion) claim Jesus is black!!
Do You Believe In A “Deep State”?
by minimus inor do you think the idea of a deep state is malarkey?
I guess when Trump declassifies the JFK files as he walks out the door the world will know.
Has he said he’ll do that?? Wow how to make yourself super popular with the proletariat in one fell swoop!
Many Jw’s Love to Speculate About the New System
by Davros ina comment on another thread cracked me up where the poster related what some elder said on the platform that: .
in the new system, we likely will not have genitals.” lol.
i’ve heard so much speculation from many jw’s on what will and won’t be allowed in the new system.
Davros- No gentials in that new world. How I 'm Going to hang my sign for a mate with no wedding tackle
I think they confuse who their Bible is supposedly written for, the scripture that says they will be neither male nor female is speaking about heaven. In other words it’s not meant for them.
The Witnesses I was most close to tended to have joined in the 70s and envisaged travelling slowly around the world, getting to know everyone. Spending eternity writing new books, learning to play instruments, learning to paint, learning every known language etc etc.
Its really quite sad since much of those hobby type activities can be done now. And for the more challenging things like learning Ancient Greek or some such they are sacrificing college to work for watchtower, again possible now if witnesses were not enslaved to a cult.