Pistolpete I couldn't agree more. That very thing could have happened to my kids if it weren't for the ARC, Ray Franz and this site.
I left the religions clutches when I got together with and married my husband. However although I had major problems with the blood doctrine I had begun to talk to my kids about "the truth".The blood doctrine was the major issue for me and truth be told it was only because I didn't want to be a hypocrite and rely on the state to protect my children if they needed lifesaving blood that I didn't go back. You see I'd seen witness parents show relief when the doctors took the burden of administering blood from them. They knew in the UK their children would not be allowed to die. So it was easy for them, not so in other countries. I thought it was unfair some parents should have that burden when I knew I didn't have to worry about it as a UK witness. I didn't agree with it and was not prepared to just keep quiet knowing I was "ok Jack". I myself was fully prepared to refuse it but I knew I would never be able to refuse it for my kids. So I could not in fairness be a witness. However if it wasn't for that I would have indoctrinated the fear of Armageddon into them.
Leaving isn't enough, you have to do the research.