Buy a Bible, close your eyes, open the Bible randomly and point to a verse👇🏼’re probably a confused young Jehovah’s Witness looking for answers from Jehovah that never come!🤣🤣😂
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Buy a Bible
by joey jojo inthis is probably an oldie.
buy a bible, never read it- you're probably a catholic.
buy a bible, read only the parts you find interesting - you're probably an evangelist.
We in the UK are dealing with COVID all wrong
by LoveUniHateExams inyeah, so boris johnson has plunged the whole of the uk back into a second lockdown.
kids are still going to school (thank goodness!
) but this second lockdown is ruining the economy and killing small businesses.. the first lockdown was forgivable because, at the time, nobody knew what we were dealing with.. but now, we know more and more about covid-19.. it is lethal to elderly people (the average age of deaths with covid in the uk is 82 years - the average age of deaths without covid in the uk is 81 years).. it is also lethal to obese people and people with diabetes.. i'd imagine hiv+ people are another vulnerable group.. but to everyone else, catching covid is fairly similar to catching the flu.
Earnest It is curiously convenient that the first appearance of a conspiracy-endorsing statement attributed to FDR should be in a conspiracy-endorsing book.
Very interesting. I think folks don't realise that even conspiracy theorists often have an angle/ hidden agenda....most usually a *book and/or career to sell!
*documentary/website etc
Fred Franz 85 talk on WTS History
by Vanderhoven7 inlearn why fred quit university to join the watchtower.
DropoffyourkeyLee Franz's statements about this were always ambiguous enough to leave a lot of questions. I only half believe what he said on the subject.
Yes I tend to think when he said he'd been "chosen" for the scholarship, he actually meant his school had chosen him to compete in state exams, maybe?? Certainly the Rhodes Scholarship society had never heard of him.Ambiguous to the point of being misleading....
Franz is just another fraudulent false prophet. So fed up as the lies pile up.
Fred Franz 85 talk on WTS History
by Vanderhoven7 inlearn why fred quit university to join the watchtower.
Earnest did you listen to the speech? I'm talking about the above speech! He claimed to those in the stadium he had gained a place to study at Oxford university.
He's lying.
To actually apply for the Rhodes scholarship itself you don't actually take examinations, but submit a statement (or essay). Now your state may require you to take exams in order for them to choose their candidate/s, but that just means he was at several points of remove to even apply for the scholarship!!
We actually have a statement from the Rhodes society itself stating he is not on their list of successful candidates.
Drinking during Prohibition
by Davros induring a recent conversation i had with someone, a question came up that i really don't know the answer to.
did jw's still drink during prohibition in the us during the 1920's until it's repeal in 1933?
was alcoholic beverages considered forbidden and possibly subject to disfellowshipping?.
Rutherford got Bible students to smuggle booze over the border for yes, well, they drank at Bethel for sure.
Fred Franz 85 talk on WTS History
by Vanderhoven7 inlearn why fred quit university to join the watchtower.
Bible students "of prominence to be buried"?? I thought witnesses were all equal??
I was surprised to hear him lie out of his own mouth about having a place to study at ,"Oxford university college" ( there's no such place btw, There's Balliol college in Oxford, Jesus or Keble college in Oxford etc etc ) It was his tutor in his freshman year that suggested he might apply to obtain a place as a Rhodes scholar (so he claims). He didn't even apply let alone be accepted.
Profanity on Surrey Kingdom Hall
by lssjr inif it is a non-jw who did this as a result of their pandemic campaign (letter-writing and telephone calls), jehovah’s witnesses really need to check themselves.
they have been directed by their new york headquarters (since last year shortly after the start of the pandemic) to send letters to only people they know.
people don’t like receiving unwanted, unrequested, unsolicited letters and phone calls, especially from jehovah’s witnesses.. if it is a former member who received a letter as a result letter-writing pandemic campaign- most former members do not like being harassed by active jehovah’s witnesses and have been directed by their new york headquarters to send letters to and call only people they know.. .
This wasn't someone annoyed at being called. No one is that bothered.
It's probably just kids up to no good. Look at the grammar, for one.
Wife told me a tale about a letter writing experience and my BS meter was like "uhhh ya rightttttt"
by goingthruthemotions inso me and my pimi wife are driving today and normally we don't talk anything about her stupid cult.
because it will end up with me saying something and her getting p.o'ed.
well anyways i have been trying to just ignore the bs and keep my mouth shut.
JWUD Well, to be honest, that is one of the ways that JWs draw people in. They call on, send letters to, and visit people who are at risk. They draw in the lonely and people who need help. I saw this happen all the time. It is very possible that an elderly woman received such a letter and carried it in her purse. It is highly unlikely that the person who helped her was the same person who sent her the letter. The JWs often inflect truths with non-truths.
I was thinking that, too JWUndubbed . It’s not unusual for the elderly to carry & treasure personal letters of any kind. Maybe there to read fully at an opportune moment.
The unbelievable part is that it was the same person.
Its very typical for witnesses to embellish stories in order to validate their beliefs and virtue signal to other dubs.
Wife told me a tale about a letter writing experience and my BS meter was like "uhhh ya rightttttt"
by goingthruthemotions inso me and my pimi wife are driving today and normally we don't talk anything about her stupid cult.
because it will end up with me saying something and her getting p.o'ed.
well anyways i have been trying to just ignore the bs and keep my mouth shut.
I asked my wife, Is this a personal experience from the JW who told you or was it from someone else.
My wife said it was a personal experience.
sorry to say but I think that answer was a bit of “theocratic warfare” to encourage you !! Your wife probably justified it by thinking “well it was a personal experience”, just not by the woman who told it to her!!