Ok I'll agree the main and most tragic area of spread was care homes.
The government should have seen it coming and it's a national disgrace they didn't put everything they could into protecting the elderly with LIVE IN volunteers until a vaccine became available.
I'm a nurse and, having had the disease which was like absolutely nothing I have ever experienced before in particular the taste and smell aspect and the fact that all my hair has fallen out , I am absolutely convinced that it is a man made virus.
We caught the virus the minute my kids went back to school in between lockdowns. The schools were rife with it. It was crazy to open them because education is the one thing that can wait!! So the kids do their exams a year later...probably a good thing and no businesses will go bust because of it. It will also keep them out of the workforce for longer, only a good thing with so few jobs available.
Having said that my husband and I were very ill for a week but otherwise fine. We know that there have been tragic deaths in the UK of many frontline workers from GPs to bus drivers, mostly in their 49s and 50s.
There have also been some high profile tragedies. So this is not a myth. This disease was a threat to the elderly and some sadly predisposed.
Just because he is a scientist doesn't mean he can't have some odd views. And yes, as in ALL PROFESSIONS as I have previously said, there are corrupt people, sociopaths, loonies...the lot But I genuinely believe the government wanted to protect lives, that was their ultimate aim.
Look at Israel and their vaccine programme. They value their people....especially the elderly, the living recepticals of their Holocaust memories. They would never mess with the lives of their fellow citizens.