This is the "Armourer" who sounds like she had zero training except to go with her Dad to movie sets on "bring your kid to work" days!
so alec baldwin shot a woman dead on set and seriously injured another man.. what do we put this down as?
a tragic accident?
maybe ... except that implies no one was to blame.. the more you find out, the more it seems that this was due to negligence and lack of attention to safety.
This is the "Armourer" who sounds like she had zero training except to go with her Dad to movie sets on "bring your kid to work" days!
so alec baldwin shot a woman dead on set and seriously injured another man.. what do we put this down as?
a tragic accident?
maybe ... except that implies no one was to blame.. the more you find out, the more it seems that this was due to negligence and lack of attention to safety.
What if a well known celebrity who was a staunch right wing republican did this while working on a movie set, would they be labeled in the same manner ?
I've got to admit I agree with everything you said simon but I think it's got bugger all to do with what side of political spectrum actor is etc.
It's the second on set death I've heard of in the last year or so. A walking Dead stunt man was pushed 20 ft on to a concrete floor because someone "forgot" to check if the soft-land mattress was underneath.
These people get paid a fortune but still can't do a common sense job.
Whose the senior, most experienced person on set with all the clout?
You have your culprit.
dorothy kilgallen was a fearless journalist who broke major stories, and was the only reporter to interview lee harvey oswald's killer, jack ruby.
her biggest case yet -- investigating president john f. kennedy's assassination, and finding fault with the official story -- became the last one she ever pursued.
she died mysteriously in november 1965, after being threatened, but the cops never probed further.. .
Veronica Guerin
I remember this. Terrible. Really shocking.
Notice a lot of them are women? I mean cervix Havers....🙄
The move was announced in a memo signed by President Joe Biden and released by the White House Friday.
Wozza Do you think they're worried about riots?
im not sure if this has already been asked here but i have some questions about 1914. if jesus arrived "invisibly" in the year 1914 why do the anointed partake of the emblems?
why didn't they stop in 1914?.
if jesus is ruling in heaven then why are the anointed still on earth?
I have questions, too..
If he came already, why is he coming again?🤔
Edit: aha Anna Marina is the expert in this subject. You should please post your video it's very enlightening Anna.....(on you tube)
jgnat posted this in one of punky's posts.
third century.
why is jesus portrayed as a horse, does anyone know please?.
Jgnat posted this in one of Punky's posts. Third century.
Why is Jesus portrayed as a horse, does anyone know please?
next years memorial article focuses on the two class system that they promote.. interestingly, they mention how the anointed are in two covenants.
the new covenant and the kingdom covenant.
they claim that both of these covenants opened up the way for a small number to become kings and priests in heaven.
I don't remember there being two (NT) covenants previously. Am I not remembering correctly? Is this a new thing?
However they've always said the 144000 would be "kings and priests with Jesus", I'm sure of that. So I suppose they always claimed them as being co-rulers in heaven.
In some ways, no. In some, yes.
I'm certainly, 1000% less judgemental toward myself! It's such a relief as I would torture myself.
I never, ever believed being gay was wrong. I was delusional about The Truth and took the good bits ignoring or excusing the bad. I thought God would forgive everyone (except me, of course).
Now I believe that death is the end I am no longer forgiving of murderers. I judge them far more harshly. So in that sense I'm more judgemental.
if i was a jw, and covid put and end to the door to door work for two years, and kingdom halls closed, it would get me to re-visit and think about the stupidity of the overlapping generation, and how they extended the deadline for armageddon to 2072.
(1992 franz death +80 more years).
if i was 20 years of age, plus another 80 = 100 years of age for the system to end.
But trick or treating is once a year.
Jws knock on doors EVERY SINGLE DAY
Yes and if neighbours are elderly or no-contact etc they tend to leave treats in a bowl outside for the kids, these days anyway.
this stupid little autistic twit is a no talent hack.
she can not dance, sing or even talk well.
the liberal idiots follow this little idiot like she is the oracle of delphi.
In 2019 she completed the 9th grade (the completion of lower secondary education in Sweden) with excellent grades, 14 As, and Bs in three subjects:[36] Swedish, home economics and physical education.
I know this is silly quibbling, but...
How can a year 9 student attain 17As and Bs? The very most these are are teacher/in school assessments. These are not exams. Year 9 students don't take formal exams. They haven't even chosen their GCSE subjects yet (or equivalent exams taken at 16).
I don't think this is accurate.
And unless Swedish students spend way more time in school than anyone else I'm not sure how they manage 17 subjects, either, in that year.
mack moore ex-jw recovery writes:.
yes, that is how they want people to esteem the magazine.
they believe it is the unique mouthpiece of god.
This is excellent Van
I learnt a lot reading this. A couple years back I got a call from a sweet elderly Jamaican witness who just bought his Bible with him and we had a nice conversation. Next time he came around he bought a woman with him about my age, who'd obviously had been raised in the cult.
He talked briefly about his son and mentioned his son saying how much he loved his mum and dad. The woman asked smilingly "was it so-and-so" when he said "no it was John" her face suddenly had a look of revulsion and I knew this son had left the cult! She'd displayed her programming perfectly.
When we ended by discussing their 'closed off' attitude to non JWs she became increasingly unpleasant and finally hit back at me with "bad associations spoil useful habits"(obviously testing me since that's a dog whistle to exJWs). She said "you should only associate with good people" (iron sharpens iron etc)and I was a bit stumped.
I wish I'd had read what you've written about what "encouragement" really means in a cult. I'd have been able to craft a far better response.