Answer his question please.
Does it matter what his motive is? After all, aren't we here to help? Not be sarcastic?
simple.. you cannot find the word there (or many of the comical variations such as: a triune godhead, the triunity, co-equal god beings, godhead, a hypostaic union, divine essences, divine natures, a god-the-son, a god-the-ghost, hypostasis, homoousios, perichoresis , a godman, omnipresence, incarnation, a god who is a sacred mystery, a god 'in three persons', dual natures, a reincarnate god, a first person of the trinity, a second person of the trinity, a third person of the trinity, godness, a tri-unity or a multipersonal god), or any of the so-mentioned aspects.. jehovah identified himself (not 'themselves") as on one god, as did jesus and all the prophets.
so, come, let us know of the simple twists of the clergy!.
Answer his question please.
Does it matter what his motive is? After all, aren't we here to help? Not be sarcastic?
my wife has begun to attend meetings at the kh.. do the wt ask if attendees have had the jab?
anyone know?.
In an indoor environment and no fresh air coming in, particularly during winter months.
A lot of Kingdom Halls are built with few windows to let in fresh air, using air con that probably won't have the best standard modern filters so blasts someone else's bugs straight at your face.
my in-laws are two such people.
people who pioneered and did not work and try to save, instead they made just enough to get by and waited for the end to come.
now my mil is in palliative care and the state is paying for her keep, my fil lives in a dilapidated home and can not keep it up.
Longhair GalThe generation before them (the Greatest Generation) has very few still surviving.
The generation before the "baby boomers" is called "The Silent Generation". The *"greatest generation" was the one before that.
*Always thought that was a funny term for group that encompassed the Nazis, Stalin's henchmen and the Vichy French.
Personally I think the Boomers were the greatest generation. They bought us kicking and screaming into a modern world of equality, took us to the moon and founded the computer age.
NB I'm gen X
i just posted this on a seperate thread, but i think it deserves its own thread.
this is with regard to the pew survey that states “2 out of three 3 born into the jehovah’s witness faith.
will not remain in the faith as adults.”.
This is why I can't accept JW numbers joe134CD . If the Mormons need three children families to prop up numbers, and we know JWs don't have a lot of children and certainly are not making converts can JW numbers have remained at 8 million for over ten years? Even with PiMO's included, It's just not possible!
is watchtower faking there member numbers?
i live in europe.
for the last 15 year's probably 25 person i knew or more were df, pimo, left by own will, inactive.
WT wizard couldn't agree more.
this could be a big one.
sexual abuse case naming the gb as co-defendants.
watchtower's response is due on january 21, 2022. here is the docket:
Watchtower obviously don't trust their own useless lawyers for this one.
NB Jan...nothing to do with you I take it?☺️
is watchtower faking there member numbers?
i live in europe.
for the last 15 year's probably 25 person i knew or more were df, pimo, left by own will, inactive.
At this stage they have to be using numbers of baptised individuals who haven't been df or DA. It's just not possible that numbers have remained at 8 million for the last, well, I don't know how many years.
In fact someone that worked at a branch headquarters (Russian, but possibly worked in Germany, this was before the ban) stated he knew for a fact, because they'd collated figures, that the number was nearer 5 and a half million. And that must have been five years ago.
so alec baldwin shot a woman dead on set and seriously injured another man.. what do we put this down as?
a tragic accident?
maybe ... except that implies no one was to blame.. the more you find out, the more it seems that this was due to negligence and lack of attention to safety.
Pete I know nothing about guns being a Brit (only fired one WW2 gun belonging to a paranoid relative at 12😳the bullet lodged in Sid Barret's shed) but that video about gun safety is about the most sensible I've seen.
so alec baldwin shot a woman dead on set and seriously injured another man.. what do we put this down as?
a tragic accident?
maybe ... except that implies no one was to blame.. the more you find out, the more it seems that this was due to negligence and lack of attention to safety.
StephaneLaLiberte If you are physically fit to work and don't, this likely shows issues with Mental wellness and/or drug dependencies.
Thank you! Nobody wants to be homeless...nobody doesn't want to have a job, a career, a life for goodness sakes.
The majority of people in this situation either have mental health issues, are personality or learning disordered, or have serious addictions and often concomitant history of abuse and/or PTSD.
Pete Having said that, the Senorita above appears actually brain damaged. A president with dementia hires someone he's just dragged off of the street, judging by her answers...WTF!!😳🙄
i wasn't sure where to post this.
not sure why i'm posting this.
it's only going to add fuel to the fire.
Wow! I'm guessing the conspiracy theorists will definitely run with the idea that the Watchtower has a long a chain of spirit anointed providing young girls at the proper time
( In bad taste I know😬)