I just posted this on a seperate thread, but I think it deserves its own thread. This is with regard to the pew survey that states “2 out of three 3 born into the Jehovah’s Witness faith. Will not remain in the faith as adults.”
Ok fair enough. Now compare this with a quote from John Delin, of Mormon stories pod cast, where he says “ the only thing that is stopping the Mormon church from free fall in the USA, is the Mormon birth rate of 3 children per house hold.”
There are a couple of things to think about here?
LDS need 3 children house holds to stop membership from free fall in the USA. On the other hand JWs lose 2/3 of their youth but still manage to maintain their membership in the USA.
Mormons have been encouraged to have families, and in some cases large ones. JWs have been discouraged from having any children. One could assume with the ageing JW membership, along with the attitude to having children. Their stocks would be a lot lower in supporting membership in the USA through internal births. This hasn’t happened, as yet, as it’s been 1.2 million JW members in the USA for some time.
Interesting I thought.