well if they intend to go door to door any time soon they'll have to do it without the Awake & Watchtower magazines...last I heard they had to stop production for several months...Why?...Who in the hale knows
That means they'll have to.....Gasp!......use the Bible!!
I think eventually when they do go back the door to door work will just involve leafleting aka leaf-littering. Mainly because public opinion will not want potential virus carriers in their homes. So those low on the food chain will be doing this, higher up your'll get your cart work (they'll invent a new title for this, like pioneer assistant).
Then I can also see them handing all Bible studies over to pioneers to carry out, for clout and to ensure they get enough hours in.
By the way, how can they claim JW women cannot teach, when that's precisely what a Bible study is? After all, if you have a student you must also have a teacher, no?🤔
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Door to door again?
by Zeds Dead indo you think the jdubs will start up the door whacking again one day?.
there has to be many inside the org that are dreading having to do that again and as for the general public seeing this, it’s hard to imagine.
What's the job of an elder?
by asp59 inwith the current discussion if someone in his twenties can be elder or not.
i'm interested in what a elder in jw land really do.
all speeches already come in video format from headquarters.
Excellent piece.
An elder has become Watchtower Spyware which means anyone can do it.
Annual service report - yet another analysis - big trouble for the WTS
by FFGhost inthere's already been a couple of threads on the 2021 report with insightful comments, but i'm vain enough to want to start my own topic with some additional thoughts..... as others on the other thread noted, it's useful to compare the 2021 numbers not only to 2020 but also 2019 (the last non-pandemic report).. there are some really troubling (if you're a wt headquarters guy) news in the latest report.. 1) baptisms plummet.
2021 - 171,393. baptisms dropped 20% in 2020, and 30% more in 2021. the total drop from 2019 to 2021 is an amazing 44%.. one could argue that without in-person assemblies and conventions you'd expect baptisms to drop.
but....if someone really wants to get baptized, jws will find a way.
Blues Brother I am not so sure that “it has never been easier to count time” . For some maybe but I know devout believing Witnesses who cannot bring themselves to write a letter . Whenever I did it in my dub days I found it incredibly boring and the notion that I was just counting time killed any motivation. Those Witnesses, older ones , admit they have slipped into inactivity. It remains to be seen if they can be reactivated in the future.
I agree BB. For the real believers, ones who are not solely social witnesses but take their commission seriously, it is hard to get any real time in. This is especially true in countries where uninvited contact by letter is illegal and you are only allowed to telephone people already known to you. It's certainly difficult to get pre pandemic or pioneer-level time in.
However I do think Watchtower is glad to be using the pandemic as a sort of Trojan horse of an excuse/cover for falling numbers.
The Watchtowers
by BluesBrother inedit .. i messed up the title, on this touchscreen tablet and now i can’t edit it !
the title should be “ the watchtower’s (sort of) apology for 1975 ….. sorry.
january 1st 1976, i remember that day when i heard a radio disc jockey gleefully announce that the world had not ended as jehovah’s witnesses had said it would .
I'd love to have a recording of that 1976 DJ ribbing JWs about the failure of their prediction!!!
A little something you have not yet heard.
by lastmanstanding ini hope to make a very interesting post here, and informative.
i’m quite sure no one here has heard this content.
i would like to finally make known some heretofore undisclosed details concerning something that has affected probably everyone on this board to some degree.
I think they simply don't want Witnesses seeing their hypocrisy, so they've taken to printing "Nations". If they print "United Nations" in their rags, it's so easy to look online and find evidence of their once being in bed with "the beast". In fact I believe they recognize their own indiscretion and now care to pretend the whole sordid thing didn't happen and as usual re write history.
Article to discuss or argue over: Buddha, Abraham, Jesus and Muhammed: Larger-than-life historic figures or largely legends?
by AndersonsInfo ini've posted a link to an article that contains important food for thought.
as we search for information to free our minds and hearts of cult-like thinking which entails being able to critically think, we need to ponder research that is available to help us to make important decisions.
we need to allow ourselves to consider other possibilities, something that jw’s are discouraged from doing.
Listening to him speak and having read nearly every one of his books I think it's pretty hard not to come to the conclusion Bart Erhman is an atheist.
He's disingenuous and knows which side his bread is buttered on.
NASA hiring religious leaders on extraterrestrial life....
by mikeflood innasa hiring religious leaders just in case they found extraterrestrial life, at priceton university's center of theological inquiry.
just of curiosity, if nasa find something, how do you think the borg is gonna spin it.
Whatever's going on it seems to be darn quiet out there!! Perhaps everyone else is either in hiding (maybe for good reason) or have been eliminated already!
If you look at life on earth, it seems to be the norm that dominant life forms exploit everything/one else.
Maybe it's for the best that we don't find them...... or they don't find us 🤫👽😬
Can Anyone Help Me Modify My Profile? (especially these UGLY icon/avatars) Uggghhh! Nothing works...won't save changes
by utopian_reformist_returns innone of my changes save, and no messages or warnings or errors to indicate why?
is that turned off?
why isn't there any feedback from the server?
Click on the menu start button (the 3 horizontal lines) at the top right corner and it will drop down. Bottom left your'll see you name next to your image. If you click on your name it will take you to your own page which will have two buttons....refresh avatar and upload image. By pressing refresh avatar you can keep clicking till you find a monster you want. Or you can upload your own image using the upload button. Have a go...
Anyone watch Evans video on the Bethalite who left?
by mickbobcat ini don't know if he was a regular betalite but either way he left and in the interview he says some of the gb are very intelligent.
the whole thing came across to me as this guy may have just left and is still a little wonky about talking against the gb.
i don't buy from all i have seen that any of the gb are very intelligent.. [video removed].
I'd hazard a guess that Marc Saundersons SAT scores were higher than average and if he'd been allowed he would have gone to college and I can imagine David Splane as an accountant somewhere in another life(although maybe I'm giving him a little too much credit😂 ) but other than that I don't think we have too many earth shattering geniuses up there.
For native guile, though, and I don't mean this as a compliment, I don't think you can beat Stephen Lett. There's something about that man that I just don't trust. I think he's a money grubbing, paedophile defending hypocrite.
Dimwits running the show
by punkofnice ini often found that there were some real dimwits that thought they were marvellous.
a sort of dunning kruger spectrum going on.. donkeys leading princes.
just like our corrupt and retarded politicians.
He said, 'No. It's to stop people putting hose-pipes through the letter box and flooding the hall.'
😳I only got a B in GCSE physics but won't water go through the 'holes' in a cage pretty easily??!