NCC I have never read the book Moby Dick, but Lloyd is Captain Ahab to Watchtower's white whale.
Holy moly great analogy!๐๐๐
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NCC I have never read the book Moby Dick, but Lloyd is Captain Ahab to Watchtower's white whale.
Holy moly great analogy!๐๐๐
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Just watched Cappy tans interview.
1.Dijana is saying the screenshots are false.
2. Kim talks about what's going on with Dijana and Lloyd. He's an emotionally abusive A-hole. Apparently she was in pieces. When Lloyd went online and said he needs a break because "things aren't working out for him" it was basically a tantrum because Dijana had said "no more. It's not ok for you to be visiting prostitutes all the time" so...... he went to Thailand to try and stop his sex worker addiction!!๐ณAs a FU to Dijana. He said to Kim "she doesn't even know what a massage parlour is!".
Dijana was left alone with the kids in bits.....all the time he's tweeting what a beautiful view etc and how he needs a mental health break was all a lie. Oh....and her therapist thinks he's in an emotionally controlling, abusive relationship.
i saw the post on reddit and the thread got many responses..can anybody believe the religion is still saying this??
it has to be as plain as day that so many jws are poor and struggling today because they never got a career or decent job years ago.. sadly, there are still witnesses who believe money will fall from heaven if they are in the full-time ministry.
they expect some miracle to occur..but, we all know the truth: people in the congregation will be hit up for yet more money for another bunch of irresponsible people pursuing poverty.
It's really the Watchtower's own version of prosperity gospel
The bigger donation to Watchtower = the greater the Blessings for you - Jah will provide!
(Funny how Watchtower isn't willing to take a chance on earning a crust by making large charitable donations, too! ๐ค)
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Simon says - what would you do if your husband was caught living the life he has and was unapologetic about it?
My tuppence worth:
I think it's a combination of things.
There's something very particular about Dijana's family situation which for different reasons I can identify with. Dijana's brother, whom by all accounts she deeply loved, committed suicide very young and her parents are elderly and rely on her care. Hence despite being apostates they still live with her JW parents. So I think Dijana's not just responsible for the kids, but her parents, too.
Another thing: She's also attending college.
I believe she's planning for her future and doing what she views is the best thing right NOW - not for Lloyd, not for her - but those she loves and is responsible for. I think there's an element of fear there, too. Of being left to alone to emotionally care for, but also financially care for, parents & kids without him (& his money) to help.
But im guessing she's not planning on being reliant on Lloyd - and you tube - forever.
this letter will be read this week.
you read it here first!.
re: use of revised new world translation .
S & R wow....... the religion I grew up in would not have once said this.... shameful.
My goodness no one needed to tell us to give Bibles out.....๐ณ๐ณ. You know I think this, more than any single change I've seen, makes the widest bridge to the religion I knew. It really is a different religion.
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Pale E That was the reason I stopped watching him years ago. In the early days I'd crack open a beer and get the scoop for half an hour. One hour max. Now? It's like 4 hours per half for each convention day. 24 hours to get the info from 1 convention weekend?!!
Yeah he obviously hugely extends his reviews to increase revenue per convention. I mean it's not like watchtower is pumping out content of any interest 99.98% of the time for him to work with so he re-uses it by recycling it into "sushi" or his very own Questions from Readers using PipeSpeak.
It's just going over the same ground again and again. Therefore so does he - sometimes repeating every video almost.
Someone made an excellent point when they said it's almost as if exjw's are attending the Kingdom Hall Hall by consuming this content!
We're getting the dopamine hit we were conditioned to need.
NCC Curiosity got the best of me and I had to check for how many subscribers Lloyd had in Patreon. The new number is 745. Considering he was very close to 1000 at one point, that is really good.
He said analytics show over half his subscribers are not exJWs. I think a lot of them are atheists and anti cult activists. His subs went up a lot when he hit the atheist group in Austin and then did the rounds with Cosmic Skeptic etc So presumably a lot of his patreon's are atheists and don't know about this.
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don't believe Lloyd is a WT plant. Not their style. I think he a Narcissistic Personality and probably needs counseling and medication. He certainly needs a large supply of condoms.
Me three. He's got NPD for sure. Possibly bi polar, too. I noticed that his weight fluctuates wildly from month to month. Also personality disorders cannot be cured or treated as such....but can be managed.
NB. Lloyd was not an elder when he was 29/28 when these online chats supposedly happened, as someone stated above.
More "evidence" from an unverifiable online source: The three elders who stepped down in his old Cong: apparently it was because some elder "unbaptised" a publisher.
Hence Watchtower sent down someone to sort it out and he was DF. Person appears to claim elders stepping down was nothing to do with Lloyd(they weren't an elder btw) Though I'd imagine if an elder decided a baptism was not kosher it was probably a kid, so.....was that to protect a kid from Watchtower consequences of 'behaviour' when baptised?? Reverse the baptism?
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I'm still confused as to how they fell into this person's hands in the first place.
Did Dijana or the elders screen shot it and send it to her cousin?
Has anyone established Dijana has a female cousin who is married to a non JW, for starters?
as expected from a man who prioritizes the most vulnerable members of our community, marc has made a sober statement that explains why there's a deep conflict of interest between lloyds recent behaviour and the work they do at jw watch.
you can read it here:.
public statement of mark oโdonnell.
Did they meet in a car-park, in secret, while he was married to someone else with no intention of ever marrying her?
Obviously not. So not the same thing at all.
The full context matters. Intent and behavior matters.
Fully agree with you here. We know people mature at different ages but In this case and era it's almost a dead cert they didn't even engage in sex until they were married anyways. I think there's been a few JWs on here that mentioned their spouse was 17 when they got engaged and they were in their 20s. Very different situation.
That's why I don't get hung up too much on the age of the women Lloyd engaged with because it's also about his intentions and the power imbalance. Obviously it's worse if the Thai girls were 15 but to me it's still pretty bad even if they were 18.
It utterly spins my head that people don't get why a young girl in a poverty stricken country, coerced, enslaved or otherwise, being bought by a 40+ yr old man from a wealthy nation that claims to represent rape victims, is beyond sic
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I suspect Lloyds wife and her parents know about the abuse and were complicit in covering it up. And now heโs holding that against them.
What I must say in Dijanas defence is that when they moved to Croatia she was still a believing witness. We know witness wives are conditioned to forgive their spouse and leave it in Jehovah's hands. She probably believed she was doing her bit by reporting it to the elders. It also explains where these screen shots originally came from, or why they were taken.
NE I know we're being accused of creating the pdf of Marko's statement.
Never for a second would I believe you would create this. At worst I might think someone took advantage of your trusting nature. At absolute worst.
Simon But at the very least, people should be able to make an informed choice if he's really the kind of person they want to give money for, and whether that money truly goes to anti-Watchtower activities or enabling sleazy behavior.
He will never wake another Jehovah's witness up again. In fact he's more likely to drive them back in. If they find his channel they'll pretty soon find all this and then it's game over they won't trust a word he's saying.
He's a liability to us all.