This letter will be read this week. You read it here first!
Re: Use of revised New World Translation
Dear Brothers:
Since the October 5, 2013, release of the revised English edition of the New World Trans- lation of the Holy Scriptures, your appreciation of this superb translation has no doubt become greatly enhanced. Now that most English-speaking congregations have a modest stock of the re- vised New World Translation on hand at the literature counter, please proceed with offering this translation of the Bible to those studying the Bible, to regular return visits, or to other sincerely interested persons in the field ministry who express a desire to have a Bible. If you would benefit from having additional copies for your personal use, there is no restriction on requesting them at the literature counter. The regular-size, deluxe Bible ( nwt- E) is not a special-request item, and efforts will be made to maintain a modest supply at the Kingdom Hall so that they are readily available for use in the ministry.
Some may be hesitant to place the regular-size, gray deluxe Bibles with individuals when making return visits or encountering interested persons in the field because of the tangible value of this printed edition. However, we advise you to apply the direction given in the “Question Box” on page 2 of the December 2011 Our Kingdom Ministry . With regard to offering literature to an individual, it stated: “If he demonstrates genuine interest, we may leave him two maga- zines, a brochure, a book, or other literature that we are offering. This is true even if we discern that he has little or no money to donate toward the worldwide work. (Job 34:19; Rev. 22:17) On the other hand, we would not leave our precious literature with those who do not appreciate it. (Matt. 7:6) . . . Publis hers should use good judgment to determine the individual’s interest.”
Congregations that use tables or carts for public witnessing should take note of the third announcement on page 4 of the February 2014 Our Kingdom Ministry. It states: “ When engaging in public witnessing using a table or a cart, publishers should not display Bibles. However, they may have Bibles available to offer to individuals who request one or who demonstrate sincere interest in the truth. ”
It is our hope that many more will “form a longing for the unadulterated milk of the word” as a result of having access to a reliable, easy -to-understand translation of the Bible. (1 Pet. 2:2) We send our warm Christian love.