Slim that piece you posted is bang on. I agree about Robert Kennedy too.
And yes punky...politicians are all corrupt charlatans who are only there for their own gain and to stick their filthy fingers in the pie.
i've filed this under news and world events, although i could've posted it under entertainment, lol.
apparently, joe biden will be seeking re-election for another term in the white house.. this, despite a recent poll showing that 70% of people don't want him to run again.. biden just has to be the worst president i've seen.
his gaffes, over-relience on a prompter, and, more than any other president, his refusal to answer journalists' questions, all go to make him top of the list in terms of bad presidents.. it will certainly provide entertainment, if nothing else..
Slim that piece you posted is bang on. I agree about Robert Kennedy too.
And yes punky...politicians are all corrupt charlatans who are only there for their own gain and to stick their filthy fingers in the pie.
original reddit post (removed).
😂😂🤦🏻♀️Sashees/Moshees mom is such a troll they've removed her posts.
They know she doxxed Kim, Mikey & kids and they are not having it!!! About time Reddit! Better late than never tho'!
i was listening to the news and there is this big brouhaha about someone shooting someone through their front door.
apparently the person tried to open the door of an elderly person, scaring the homeowner and they shot a gun injuring the person.
obvious castle doctrine case.. which made me remember a rather overzealous old pioneer that used the same tactics when he knew the homeowners were home but didn’t want to come to the door, he would start opening the storm doors and try to see if the door was unlocked so he could yell inside.
I was listening to the news and there is this big brouhaha about someone shooting someone through their front door.
There's been two in one week. Second was fatal. A young lady turned into the wrong driveway. The second didn't make many news stations because doesn't fit the media's current narrative...perpetrator and victim being the same race.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Let's not underestimate Mark Sanderson. Behind the gentle porky look could lie a big bad wolf.
100% He's got to divert that sex drive somewhere (well food, obviously....but the will to power.....)
i've filed this under news and world events, although i could've posted it under entertainment, lol.
apparently, joe biden will be seeking re-election for another term in the white house.. this, despite a recent poll showing that 70% of people don't want him to run again.. biden just has to be the worst president i've seen.
his gaffes, over-relience on a prompter, and, more than any other president, his refusal to answer journalists' questions, all go to make him top of the list in terms of bad presidents.. it will certainly provide entertainment, if nothing else..
America is finished. All the while men in dresses have been piping up about Russian dis information the Chinese have been laughing their asses off. Asians in the US have the battle of their lives to obtain places at the prestigious universities, meanwhile kids who can barely manage average scores gain places because diversity🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
We honestly don't deserve it. May the title 'superpower of the coming century' go to the most deserving nation.....which won't be us*.
*When I say "us" I mean our offspring of course. Not literally 🇬🇧😂
the first of god's works was..........behemoth.
job 40:19 he is the reshit (firstling) of the ways of el; he, his maker, can approach it with his cherev (sword).. ok, where to start.
first of all, yes the word in context does imply 'first'.
Peaceful P. Note that the ferocity of the Behemoth is such that only God can approach it with his sword. Thus demonstrating his control over his creation.
Interesting! The more ancient the writing/section of the Bible, the more anthropomorphic God is. Hence God literally "wielding" a sword
for newbies, who was carl olof jonsson?
he was a jw in sweden who was challenged by a householder in the 1960s, who pointed out to him that secular history books don’t agree with watchtower that jerusalem was destroyed in 607 bce, but instead place the event 20 years later.
the reason the date is important is because it is the starting date for jw chronology which leads to 1914 as the end of the gentile times, and the beginning of the last days, as jws understand it.
And some of the many Jews who remained in Babylon might also have helped with the preparations.
I'm very ignorant about all this but weren't there Jews left behind in Jerusalem who could easily have began preparations particularly as they were working class and likely to be the kind to do most of the actual rebuilding / cleaning etc?.
Jeffro Which means Tyre is still a definite failure. And so is Babylon since Hillah occupies the same land with only a small heritage protected area of ruins a few hundred meters across.
Nice one!☺️
original reddit post (removed).
Lloyd Suffice to say you think the NSPCC report on how to deal with convicting offenders is ...blah blah blah off on tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent tangent ......finally completes sentence he began in the first place.
But the other guy is too loquacious?!!
i used to post here under the name nobleheart but forgot the old password, so put up a new account (nobleheart1).
was a jw (2002-2011), ended up writing a da letter.
i am a christian (since leaving the org).
I won't give you anything to ask because I'm sure you know as much & probably much more than I do & Vandy gave you loads, too.
But one thing I will say. In my experience asking questions is by far the most powerful technique for waking people up. Making statements that clearly debunks their doctrine just shuts them down, as they're trained to do.
Socratic questioning is the key.
Of course sometimes you can couch the answers in questions, such as "I heard many early Bible students didn't become Jehovah's witnesses. Do you think it's because they were disappointed when Armageddon didn't come in 1914 as Russell predicted?"
original reddit post (removed).
He felt he was untouchable and that his cult of personality was powerful enough to shout down any possible dissenters and leakers.
I think he was so angry with Dijana for daring to back out of his "ethical" whore mongering, that he planned to have his minions teach her a lesson....starting with Kim & Producer Bob.
Then if that wasn't enough, he would summon his Demons patrons to let her know in no uncertain terms she was in the wrong! (you could see it in his eyes during that "I need a break" video: Cold. Narcissistic. Petulant. Fury.)
What he has now is sufficient to live on semi-comfortably but it comes nowhere close to his ultimate dream which is retirement and full pension on the exJW dime.
Yup. He's still after that holiday home. That letter clearly intimates that Dijana enjoys their comfortable lifestyle and needs to be grateful to him for getting to spend all that exjw ca$h.