Queequeg They have scorn for their brothers of the right-hand path because their religions carry different labels, and somehow this animosity must be released. What better way than through "prayer"! What a simperingly polite way of saying: "I hate your guts," is the thinly disguised device known as praying for your enemy! Praying for one's own enemy is nothing more than bargain-basement anger, and of a decidedly shoddy and inferior quality!"
- The Satanic Bible
Proverbs 25:21/22 In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you.
I always thought that was a terrible concept....be kind to someone so that in doing so God will punish them? 🤨 How sinister!
If you were a good person it's therefore better to not be kind - so that God does nothing cruel on your behalf!!