Peaceful PIt's like my doctor telling me there are no warnings for cancer to occur, it can happen when least expected, so I interpret my lack of symptoms as a sign of cancer.
last night at my bible study group we looked at 1thessalonians ch 5 .
we have been working through the whole letter.
verses 1-11 start with .
Peaceful PIt's like my doctor telling me there are no warnings for cancer to occur, it can happen when least expected, so I interpret my lack of symptoms as a sign of cancer.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Simon Most would be disfellowshipped for this - many aren't allowed to speak to relatives that don't even live with them. So either the WTS cares so little about him that they don't bother to keep track
I've been given to understand many non English speaking cultures find shunning particularly distasteful, too. Well it's pretty certain they have no 'privileges' & they may have be able to get around the 'not living together' clause?
But I think the main thing may be the very young death of Dijanas brother. It may be accepted that due to his loss, they cannot live without Dijana as the only child left.
Derek moors My theory is that Lloyd didn't have this leaked to him before everyone else in the community and couldn't find someone of importance to interview about it before anyone else. So, since he couldn't twist it to make him look more important than anyone else, he dismissed it.
Yeah That's usually what he does. He has form with that.
i’ve not been paying close attention to watchtower developments, but talking to a jw yesterday it occurred to me the society (yes, still use that term - old school) have been sending out mixed messages in recent years.
from what i gather, a few years ago the gb announced that during the great tribulation jws would be required to preach a “hailstone message of judgement” which involved telling people it was too late for them to repent and they were definitely going to be destroyed.
there were hints that this could be very soon, “any day now” preaching could stop and the hailstone message come in, kind of thing.
Jeffro Apparently it's very important to let people know what a hypothetical warning weighs. 🤦♂️
👍🏻Love it, Jeffro!
there is a new approach to ministry where the direction is to just talk to people and listen to what they want to talk about.
the new school for the midweek meeting is completely different and is all about the new approach .
even before the no reporting changes field service dropped right off.
Great, I met a couple of nice girls down there and had a chat."
"What did you talk about?"
"Oh not much, the weather, the flowers ... that kind of stuff."
No Zombie that's what they do in China. Because it's a banned organisation, they pretend to make friends with their "target" first. It's quite cruel really. They spend sometimes years forming a solid relationship before starting to bring up religion. They start with regular Christian beliefs - bible stories, that kind of thing, before going in for 'the kill' when they know they can trust them not to spill the beans to the authorities and/or think they're ripe for conversion*.
Imagine if the 'mark' doesn't want to convert? They then get dropped by their JW 'best friend' on watchtower orders.😞
More broken hearts keft by the Watchtower.
They've left a trail of them all over the world ...😡
*Check out Amber Socorah's excellent book.
there is a new approach to ministry where the direction is to just talk to people and listen to what they want to talk about.
the new school for the midweek meeting is completely different and is all about the new approach .
even before the no reporting changes field service dropped right off.
The whizzThe one time Tony the Turd did anything right, they booted him--for resisting mandatory coronavirus shots for the whole congregation.
I wasn't aware of that! Good on him! That's because he's a trained paramedic and the idea of forcing medical treatment on patients is anathema to his everything he was taught.
When I was a young, a mandated vaccine would have prompted a mass walk out by medical staff imo, on principal. It goes against the basic tenets of the medical, nursing & all ancillary professions. Toni is right.👍🏻
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
The difference is that no one read their children Hansel and Gretel and used it as a threat of what would happen if you dared........
......[bite your nails, refuse a hair cut, tell lies, suck your thumb, fidget, tease animals, not eat yer tea etc etc] you've clearly not read "Struwwelpeter"😂😂
I joke. Yes I agree it's the JW parenting that goes with the book, rather than just the stories in the book itself. As you say D it's the terrorizing kids with JW doctrine that does the damage.👍🏻
Here's a link to struwwelpeter. A very popular book for kids back in the day!
wife and i visited the russell gravesite in allegheny (pittsburgh) pennsylvania yesterday.
i’ll post photos if i can get them to upload on the hotel wifi..
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
What's with asking her if the "1970s clothing looked weird to her"?? I mean if they were wearing giant bell bottoms, George Clinton Funkadelic-style 10 inch stacked platforms and Elton John's giant sparkly glasses maybe.....But apart from a tank top (which is back in fashion by the way Lloyd) nothing was especially out of place🤔
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Trying to make out you have some kind of PTSD due to it is pure hyperbole.
IKR🙄If you were really, truly traumatized by something you'd be a monster to expose your child to it. Jessica seemed to find it pretty entertaining all in all and thought "Wednesday" was more gorey (what Dad of a 9 year old girl doesn't know who Wednesday is? He's clearly not very involved🙄)
I found it really uncomfortable watching Jessica being told what she must believe. I thought it was about encouraging kids to think for themselves?? Jessica is just as indoctrinated as any witness kid! As for causing a family "war", since his kids are living under Grandma's roof if I were her I'd tell him until he can provide for his family himself, he doesn't get to tell me what I can and cannot talk about in my own house!! It was just an offhand comment about paradise! She's not exactly marching Jessica down the kingdom hall!!
I've also got a feeling Jessica is obfuscating what they learn about Jesus in school, too, because she's worried he'll go and make trouble there as well (she was quickly trying to lodge in they teach 'about science')
She's cute as a button, though! Absolutely doesn't deserve her :/
The average current Redress Scheme payout, across all institutions, is approximately $90,000. This makes the JWs potential exposure at around $68 million.
If I recall correctly, the Australia branch only keeps a relatively small amount in savings/liquid assets. Most of the revenue obtained from publishers/property flipping/wills etc is sent straight to World headquarters in the form of 'charitable donations' to the "World wide work©" .
Will the Ozzie govt will be able to prevent them diverting their money back to Warwick, until they've fulfilled what they owe in redress scheme payments??