I’ve not been paying close attention to Watchtower developments, but talking to a JW yesterday it occurred to me the Society (yes, still use that term - old school) have been sending out mixed messages in recent years.
From what I gather, a few years ago the GB announced that during the Great Tribulation JWs would be required to preach a “hailstone message of judgement” which involved telling people it was too late for them to repent and they were definitely going to be destroyed. There were hints that this could be very soon, “any day now” preaching could stop and the hailstone message come in, kind of thing. Have I got that right? If so, that seemed like a hardening in their position from the traditional ambiguity about exactly who would be saved, or could repent and get saved at what time.
But now, at the latest annual meeting, and in the recent WT, the Society have announced a complete reversal. Instead of people being condemned during the Great Tribulation they can repent and be saved right up to the last minute, regardless of their earlier actions.
Have I got the original position right, and now the revision?
If so, I’ve got questions. What have they done with the idea of the “hailstone message”? Have they given it a new interpretation, abandoned the idea, or just ignored what they said previously?
If this description of the change in position is accurate, does anyone have any ideas what prompted it? It is part of a larger programme of liberalisation, including beards, and what else? Do you think the removal of Morris from the GB is related to these changes in any way?