Diogenesister is this what you had in mind ?
🤣🤣🤣😭 Brilliant!!
Although I think Lloyd might get ideas... Look out Toblerone5 we might find this month's picture in his Grindr profile or whatever it's called lol!😂😭
time for this month's patreoff!
the fat one's numbers seem to be leveling off a bit, but we all know someone with his gravitational pull can't keep up momentum for long.. i made up another chart and used 356 for april because that's where he was on the 2nd.
also, this time last year was when he put out his "things are bad and i don't just mean what i look like naked" video and got a +187 bump.
Diogenesister is this what you had in mind ?
🤣🤣🤣😭 Brilliant!!
Although I think Lloyd might get ideas... Look out Toblerone5 we might find this month's picture in his Grindr profile or whatever it's called lol!😂😭
there are assignments on the life and ministry school now where they are suggested to just talk to people without giving a witness.. they are supposed to practice starting conversations with strangers and listening to them to talk about whatever they want to talk about .
there is an assignment this week where the conversation ends without giving a witness.
jws don’t look like jws anymore and now they don’t actually preach.. you could get bearded men with sweaters or other such tops and women in pants or slacks coming upto you in the park or on the street and starting a conversation with you.. then you hear them listening to you and talking about whatever they think that you wanted to talk about .
This is kinda how it works in China, according to Amber Scorah in her book "Leaving the Witness". You make friends with householders in informal settings - such places as the launderette, café, library etc. You don't raise the issue of religion until much later, initially explaining your faith in terms of Christian bible stories etc.
Because JWs are banned in China it may be years before you raise specifically Watchtower doctrine.
I always thought it was somewhat cruel. To befriend someone over years and years and then just drop them if they aren't interested in becoming a JW. At least with the western Bible study model you know where you stand from the start (well...mostly.I know this point is arguable, there's still quite a bit JWs hide from Bible students)
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
JeHalapeno It's safer than being an alcoholic like Lloyd is
MikeJW Is there any evidence of this?
Well, there's this kind of thing on the regular.....
DM Does he ever do anything he's supposed to do? How many calls and other perks has he missed because he's "sick"? (And I call bullshit on that... he's either hungover or just can't be arsed.)
On the other hand there's THIS all the time......
LMsA I read this as a bitter and jaded man who feels that he’s woefully underpaid and doing a job that he hates. Of course he’s going to always look for ways to get out of it.
And definitely this:
T5 maybe that would explain why he has a sudden fascination with hallucinogen drug 🍄 When he take some , it make things appear larger than it really is ?
time for this month's patreoff!
the fat one's numbers seem to be leveling off a bit, but we all know someone with his gravitational pull can't keep up momentum for long.. i made up another chart and used 356 for april because that's where he was on the 2nd.
also, this time last year was when he put out his "things are bad and i don't just mean what i look like naked" video and got a +187 bump.
'Ello 'ello Toblerone5! Maybe we could have a photo of him dancing around the May POLE - like a Morris dancer, you know. Since he thinks he's such a fertility God!
For me please 339
i believe an an elder told someone who's daughter (14 yo) became sexually active with a 26 year old in the neighborhood, that maybe they should get married.
so, they did... with parental consent.
he turned out to be a ex-convict who shot his first wife in the face with a shotgun.
LHG People in the religion who already have a career, wealth/education under their belt but push a life of poverty on some naive young person - are among the worst, in my opinion!
Exactly ! I remember expecting to meet an older, married lady, not an unmarried young woman barely out of High school! Being from a somewhat worldly background even as a young child I questioned the sense of a girl like that choosing to go part time in a bakery*. Not lost of me the daughter of her pioneer partner who brought her in, was studying at Swansea university for her BA in french!!
Thank goodness you had the good sense not to give up your pensionable earnings! What brought this lass to mind was the fact she will be just now hitting retirement age. 😞
*This girl was a convert not someone with witness parents supporting her.
i believe an an elder told someone who's daughter (14 yo) became sexually active with a 26 year old in the neighborhood, that maybe they should get married.
so, they did... with parental consent.
he turned out to be a ex-convict who shot his first wife in the face with a shotgun.
Iwasn’t born-in but came into the JWs already with a full-time job.
My study teacher tried her darndest to get me to quit and it was suggested that I should take up housecleaning.. I said ‘no way’ and was insulted for doing so. This self-righteous old lady probably didn’t think very highly of me as a ‘worldly’ young woman.. My dress was highly scrutinized.
LHG My Bible study teacher was a very good teacher and bought several people to baptism from the D2D.
One such young lass of about 20 She persuaded to take a job serving in a bakery so she could finish at 2pm and cone out in service everyday with her. She was a convert & passionate believer who quit her job as a teacher herself to pioneer.
Difference being she'd already had her education, a career and was married to an Aerospace design engineer who was probably in the top 5% of wage earners in the country. Worse still, due to the happy influence of her husband, her own daughter's went to uni or community colleges gaining M.Sc. or B.A.s
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Jehalapeno It shouldn’t be. Taking mushrooms is not “reckless” and who gives a crap about them being illegal. They’re mostly harmless, safer than being an alcoholic like Lloyd is, and the only reason they’re illegal is because the government is a cult and wants its pound of flesh.
With a caveat I'd say they're harmless. For fully grown adults only, because any psychedelic can potentially trigger longer term psychotic behaviour in a young developing brain or if a youth undiagnosed or prone to schizophrenia etc
Other than that I'm with you 100% compared to alcohol and many many prescription drugs it's no risk to family life.
Taking it definitely gives you food for thought anyway (which I guess you would know about being a food item yourself !)
stumbled across this new channel.
this is amazing!!.
Great talk. Interesting other Bethelites were willing to open up and say they wouldn't send their kids there.
Another tragedy of a torn apart family.
leave your ipad and go bag behind...but don't forget your new watchtower ar-15 or sniper rifle!
wear your watchtower baseball cap and t-shirt to command the high ground at the next jw picnic or fishing trip!
sure to raise some eyebrows!
if it is illegal for minors to get married, enter into contracts, drink, and smoke, why is it legal for them to enter into lifelong religious contracts they can not break without family shunning and community ostracism????
how religious shunning ruins lives.
a form of institutionalized estrangement, shunning hurts health of the excluded.. updated march 27, 2024 |psychology today magazine.
Fantastic article. Absolutely fantastic.Great post Balaams Ass.
Id say way more than one million people are affected by some form of shunning from exposure to WT theology.
I agree Sea Breeze There's many people I've come across who were never baptised but are shunned by family just the same. Many having psychological problems, mental health issues, extreme risk taking behaviour, sexual self harm (I'd term it), addiction, alcoholism etc