Just to update: There is nothing to update.
It's been six weeks since they've gotten my letter and I have not received any type of response.
ok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
Just to update: There is nothing to update.
It's been six weeks since they've gotten my letter and I have not received any type of response.
ok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
Thanks JWB. I did read that and tried to incorporate a lot of the points that that father did.
ok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
The letters are in the mail! I'll be sure to keep everyone updated if I get any sort of response.
Thanks for all the tips/insight/experiences.
ok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
@flg8ter thanks. I agree it's something to consider, but I've been discussing it with my kids and even talked with them about sending a letter. I feel like if they're gonna get baptized there's not much I can do to stop it. My main goal is trying to get them to wait as long as possible with the hope that they never will.
@vanderhoven7 I am sending it certified mail and regular mail. I talk with my kids all the time about the shunning and how ridiculous it is to shut out friends and family because they believe differently. We talk all the time about how "different" is not "bad".
to all who are still active...& those who are not...... is everyone ready for wt for sunday....1914....is everyone ready to see the friends faces, that will pretend all is well.
but their minds will be racing.
i started the article...talk about confusing...but maybe on purpose only a few in the hall will be able to break it down.
I agree. They won't even notice. I went to the meeting (for fun) when they changed the "generation doctrine" this most recent time and it went over just like normal. It's the mind numbing way the meetings are, they do it on purpose so that you're never really paying attention.
ok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
Thank you again for all the enouragement and tips/ideas/comments. I'll try to answer the questions posed.
@steve2- I agree and I get what you're saying. This is a long shot and I'm aware it may backfire. My main goal is to do anything and everything that MAY prevent them from making a huge mistake at such a young age.
@ruderedhaed- I am not taking them to any other churches at this point. I have considered it off and on for years, but really really just don't want too. I want no part of god or religion.
@yanbibiyan- I did talk to a friend who is a divorce laywer and an exjw last night. He gave me some great tips very much along the lines of what you said. His advice was to put into the letter the actual wording from our custody agreement and to give the case number and information so that the elders know that it's a legally binding contract that my ex signed and not just some random agreement between him and I.
@problemaddict- My ex and I have a great relationship as long as I do whatever he wants all the time without question and don't ever ever challenge him. Much like our marriage. :-) Of course I have been talking to my kids. I've discussed it at length and always try to frame it as just WAITING, not forbidding them to ever get baptized, just asking them to wait until they are 18 at LEAST if not older.
@oubliette- great point! thanks. I changed it!
ok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate all the feedback. I added this paragraph in at the end---
Please forward your response to either my physical address or email address listed above. Please note, I have “cc’d” my attorney and the Jehovah’s Witnesses branch in New York on this correspondence, should my rights be ignored and this matter proceeds to litigation.
ok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
@besty hahaha. I know. I struggled with that. I don't want to be like the JWs and FORCE the kids one way or the other. But I also felt that even if they may be mad now, I at least tried to save them the heartache later should they chose the leave the cult. I don't even really think the letter will work, but wanted to feel like I did all I can do.
I am working on educating them and showing them a life outside of the JW religion and teaching them to reason but as we know it's hard. Especially when my ex and his whole family on brainwashing them the other way.
ok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
@losingit- I'll definitely post any updates! I wonder if I'll get any response at all.
ok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
@Clarity- thanks! I am debating the legal threat, I did "cc" my attorney on the letter, but am thinking my first letter shouldn't have any threats?? IDK.
@happy@last- hmm I like that. Maybe I can work that in.