Thanks Besty! What's your secret??
JoinedPosts by Michelle365
Letter to BOE re: baptism of my minor children
by Michelle365 inok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
Letter to BOE re: baptism of my minor children
by Michelle365 inok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
How do I get it to stay formatted?
Letter to BOE re: baptism of my minor children
by Michelle365 inok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
UGH. What is up with the formatting disappearing? Michelle LXXXX XXXXX. Cape Coral, Fl 33993 [email protected] September 4, 2013 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL NO.:7013 1090 0001 3703 7910 AND REGULAR MAIL XXXXX Congregation Body of Elders XXXXX Cape Coral, FL 33991 RE: JXXXX & HXXXX To The XXXXX Congregation Body of Elders: I am the natural mother of JXXXX & HXXXX XXXX and I have joint custody with their father James XXXX, who is a member of your congregation. Our custody agreement indicates that James & I have joint decision making powers regarding religious matters. It has come to my attention that one or both of my daughters may be contemplating baptism now or in the near future. I understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the Young People Ask book points out: "Is there a certain age by which you should be baptized? Age is not the primary factor. Still, you should be old enough -- and mature enough -- to understand the meaning of dedication." - Young People Ask Vol 2, Chapter 31 ("Should I Get Baptized?") I do not feel that JXXXX or HXXXX are old enough or mature enough to understand and comprehend the full meaning of being baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. This same book includes the following advice: "What if you want to get baptized but your parents say you should wait? Perhaps they’d like you to gain more experience in Christian living. Value their advice, and use this time to grow in your friendship with Jehovah.--1 Samuel 2:26." I consider the second question of the baptism 'vows' to be equivalent to agreeing to a life long contract, which would require them to accept all that went with being a recognized member of Jehovah's Witnesses. Therefore, making any vow of allegiance to an organization, religious or otherwise, is something that I as their mother object to. Much in the way that my children are not mature enough to get married, they are also not mature enough to get baptized as baptism is a commitment even more serious than marriage. This is a weighty decision for a person of any age and I am adamantly against my children making the biggest decision of their lives prior to becoming a legal adult at the age of 18. I expressly deny permission for my children to get baptized. I expect that my wishes as their mother will be honored and my children, JXXXX & HXXXX XXXX, will not be recommended for baptism prior to their respective 18th birthdays. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Michelle LXXXX cc: Jehovah’s Witnesses 25 Columbia Heights Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483 Certified Mail No.: 7013 1090 0001 3703 7897 Simmons Law Firm, P.A. 2211 Widman Way, Ste 650 Fort Myers, Fl 33901 Certified Mail No.: 7013 7090 0001 3703 7880
Letter to BOE re: baptism of my minor children
by Michelle365 inok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
Question for Current or Former Elders (baptism of minors)
by Michelle365 ini have joint custody of my two children with my ex husband who is still raising the kids on his time as jws.
my 11 year old claims she is getting baptized at the next assembly.
i have heard that i can write a letter to the boe and say that i oppose her getting baptized before she is 18. is that true?
Awesome. Kinda figure that is what's gonna happen to me. Thanks for the link, I'll go read it now.
Question for Current or Former Elders (baptism of minors)
by Michelle365 ini have joint custody of my two children with my ex husband who is still raising the kids on his time as jws.
my 11 year old claims she is getting baptized at the next assembly.
i have heard that i can write a letter to the boe and say that i oppose her getting baptized before she is 18. is that true?
I was born and raised in the cult so am well aware of the dangers of my daughter getting baptized this young. I was "disassociated by my actions" apparently so it's important to me that they don't decide so young and then try to cut off contact with me. I fully intend to write a letter to the BOE and the Headquarters and to "cc" my attorney on it. I've been discussing the seriousness of baptism with my daughters but since they are aged 10 and 11 I don't feel they are mature enough to grasp the situation THUS also not mature enough to make the decision, but we all know how that goes. In my mind, it's the same as forbidding she get a tattoo at 11. No life changing decisions made at young ages is my motto. lol
I understand that she may decide at 18 to get baptised, but at least I can say I tried to save her from doing it too young.
I was just wondering if anyone has tried to do this and if it's something the BOE is supposed to respect.Michelle
Question for Current or Former Elders (baptism of minors)
by Michelle365 ini have joint custody of my two children with my ex husband who is still raising the kids on his time as jws.
my 11 year old claims she is getting baptized at the next assembly.
i have heard that i can write a letter to the boe and say that i oppose her getting baptized before she is 18. is that true?
I do have joint custody and "religious decisions" are supposed to be made together.
Question for Current or Former Elders (baptism of minors)
by Michelle365 ini have joint custody of my two children with my ex husband who is still raising the kids on his time as jws.
my 11 year old claims she is getting baptized at the next assembly.
i have heard that i can write a letter to the boe and say that i oppose her getting baptized before she is 18. is that true?
Splash, I agree with you that they will likely baptize her anyway. Figured it's worth a shot if it is something they are "supposed" to abide by. As Out4good3 says she doesn't know the pain she's setting herself up for and I am TRYING to push it off until she's at least legal age. I work for a lawyer so won't be too hard to get someone to allow me to send it on letterhead.
Question for Current or Former Elders (baptism of minors)
by Michelle365 ini have joint custody of my two children with my ex husband who is still raising the kids on his time as jws.
my 11 year old claims she is getting baptized at the next assembly.
i have heard that i can write a letter to the boe and say that i oppose her getting baptized before she is 18. is that true?
I have joint custody of my two children with my ex husband who is still raising the kids on his time as JWs. My 11 year old claims she is getting baptized at the next assembly.
I have heard that I can write a letter to the BOE and say that I oppose her getting baptized before she is 18. Is that true? Does it work? If so, any specific wording that must be used?Thanks in advance for any help.
My Father passed away during the night
by jwfacts indad was a great man, great, despite the religion.
he was powerful, tall and intelligent, yet humble and kind.
he was an introvert, and a circuit overseer.
Paul, I'm so sorry. Your eulogy is very beautiful and I'm glad you were able to make peace with him. (((HUGS)))