Black Sheep—Thanks for the link! Looks interesting!
CrazyBlondeB—I’d love to have that kind of stipulation. Thanks, I’m gonna try for it.
JaimeBowers—He is a nutjob cult member. Lol. We are working with a counselor now and I feel that she is sympathetic to my side. She is supposed to be examining the kids at some point too. It’s just SUCH a sticky thing in this country to get a judge to rule against a religion. My only option in my state is to go for “detriment of parent/child bond”. Seems like an easy thing to prove based on my being df’d and him working the girls towards baptism but I’m not ashamed to say that I’m afraid of the WTBS machine. I’m afraid of forcing the girls to NOT go and alienating them further. I would prefer to continue to just show them a better way and hope they choose the real “truth” but at times feel that is a luxury that I cannot afford. Thanks for writing, AwSnap keeps telling me to contact you, she says you’d be a great support in this area. I just get so overwhelmed at times and the thought of writing out my story in a coherent fashion can be daunting.
GLTirebiter—Yeah he’s also a hypocrite. Lol. So weird for a JW to like that, huh? He & I went to all the Harry Potter movies and LOTR when we were married. But because the Watchtower specifically named Potter, the girls can’t watch it. It’s SUCH crap because he lets him watch worse and he lets them play Xbox & Playstation games that are full of magic and fighting and “too-old” themes. Halo, Oblivion, Morrowwind, etc. It is impossible to reason with him on any such matter. There was a line from the tv show House that I just love. It was something like “you can’t reason with religious people. If you could, there wouldn’t BE any religious people.” Hugh Laurie is so awesome in his delivery and that is how I feel constantly about my ex. I don’t know how to work with someone that has zero reasoning powers.
Thank you everyone for the well wishes and the tips. I am always open to anything that has worked or is working. Keep them coming!