I'm going to get Steve Hassans books, though....If a window washer with a high school diploma can program him, a unemployed stay-at-home mom with nothing better to do can help him de-program.
JoinedPosts by Confuzzled
I just want to say how much I hate the f***ing cult
by Confuzzled ini posted here a few times some months back about my jw bf, and i'm glad i did because i was on the fence about the whole thing.
i had to stop because the nature of his profession might have brought him here, and the details i had given it wouldn't have taken much to figure out who i was talking about.
i still lurk though, daily.. i hate this.
I just want to say how much I hate the f***ing cult
by Confuzzled ini posted here a few times some months back about my jw bf, and i'm glad i did because i was on the fence about the whole thing.
i had to stop because the nature of his profession might have brought him here, and the details i had given it wouldn't have taken much to figure out who i was talking about.
i still lurk though, daily.. i hate this.
I know a little about cult identities, that is, I can define what they are. I think my problem is that I have a hard time believing that this person in particular actually has one. If you knew this person, you would say, "There is no possible way he could be a JW. There's no way a person like that couldn't see the liquid bullshit that they spray." He can smell a manipulator from a mile off, and I believe, may have a empathic six sense. You don't have to believe in it, but he can look at you and tell you everything about your life. It has a lot to do with his profession, if he couldn't do it, he'd be shitty at his job (another one of those details I'm not going into, you just have to go with me here). That's whats infuriating. With other people without reasoning skills that they are forced to use everyday (his survival depends on it sometimes), I'd say, "Ok, they are ignorant, and easily swayed by a stronger personality, I get why they would fall for it." Its dumbfounding to me. I get so angry because he has no excuse for his ignorance. Now I see he has a definate cult identity, and it makes me SO mad I could spit nails. There is a lot more to this story. a lot more to his story. Long story short, he has a black and white personality that he tries to balance. He feels that the ONLY way he can be forgiven for his past, and to not continue with the darker, "sinful" sides to his personality are to give his life over to servitude to the JWs. He believes they are Holy people who live the way true Christians should. He believes that this is the only way he can get "God Protection" (or whatever) back. He doesn't even consider himself a JW because he believes he is not worthy of the title. He says not to group him in with them because he doesn't want to make them look bad.....OOOOOkkkkkaaaaayyy......
I'd rather chew tin foil with wearing braces then give this anymore thought. I have entirely to much on my mind right now, to much in my life that should have my attention, and I still have an under lying fear he may find this place. I told him last time we fought, "I give up, let the wolves have you, let them suck you dry, whore you out, make you give up everything that you love because it only appears "rebellious", give up those you love because of it, but I'll be goddamned if I let you expose anybody else to this."
My brain hurts.
I just want to say how much I hate the f***ing cult
by Confuzzled ini posted here a few times some months back about my jw bf, and i'm glad i did because i was on the fence about the whole thing.
i had to stop because the nature of his profession might have brought him here, and the details i had given it wouldn't have taken much to figure out who i was talking about.
i still lurk though, daily.. i hate this.
My biggest hope in this is that he figures it out on his own, not from anything I've told him. Do to the nature of what he does for a living, I am shocked he cannot see the WTS for what it is, a racketeering and money laundering network. All he sees is good, God fearing people who teach him about the Bible, and wll lead him to salvation. He will not do any research on his own, and will only listen to members in good standing. Although he has been exposed to the teachings for his whole life, he only got so far over the years, and the inner workings and some of the doctrines havent been disclosed to him yet. I know hey arent going to let him go without a fight, he makes entirely too much money for them to not continue to groom him. I asked him recently, "What happens when they get wind of your paycheck?" He told me they already knew. I told him," We shall see how fast the Elders are inviting you for coffee and hinting about the needs of the hall after you are baptized. Will they let you dry before they have their hands in your pockets?" He swears they never would, and it only royally pisses him off.
I need to stop making nasty comments to him, it doesn't get me anywhere and only puts him on the defensive. I'm going to shhut up about it for awhile, and not erupt everytime he goes to Bible study, it is counter productive.
I just want to say how much I hate the f***ing cult
by Confuzzled ini posted here a few times some months back about my jw bf, and i'm glad i did because i was on the fence about the whole thing.
i had to stop because the nature of his profession might have brought him here, and the details i had given it wouldn't have taken much to figure out who i was talking about.
i still lurk though, daily.. i hate this.
Part of me believes that he believes he will break me eventually. But like I think DPG said, "We are made to not believe."
I just want to say how much I hate the f***ing cult
by Confuzzled ini posted here a few times some months back about my jw bf, and i'm glad i did because i was on the fence about the whole thing.
i had to stop because the nature of his profession might have brought him here, and the details i had given it wouldn't have taken much to figure out who i was talking about.
i still lurk though, daily.. i hate this.
He wouldn't watch it, even if I tried. Anything I present to him if it is about the WTS, he refuses to watch, read, or discuss. His reaction is always, "Here, call my teacher, I've told you a million times I can't answer you." This teacher BTW, is the one who told him, after I confronted him with the facts about the translators of the raped verison of the Bible: Franz, Knorr, Henschel, Schroder, Klein, and Gangas, that "Franz, you see, is exalted as one of the finest scholars that ever lived. Even non-believers know that."
Thats all you got? AND YOU BELIEVE HIM?????????????
I HATE his cult identity. I hate, hate, hate it. It's like a spilt personality, one completely diametrically opposed to the other.
Just talked to him. He is going away to another state for a family function, and is in a happy mood. I'm pissed because I know he's in a good mood because he attended the memorial last night, and meetings always make him happy, even after nuclear arguments.
I just want to say how much I hate the f***ing cult
by Confuzzled ini posted here a few times some months back about my jw bf, and i'm glad i did because i was on the fence about the whole thing.
i had to stop because the nature of his profession might have brought him here, and the details i had given it wouldn't have taken much to figure out who i was talking about.
i still lurk though, daily.. i hate this.
I keep thinking of the wasted hours I've spend researching this. So much laundry to fold, the Twilight series I haven't even read yet, although I bought it some months ago, the sunbathing I could be doing...Hell, I should be studying my own Bible, and getting involved with my own church. I have no desire to become a crusader bent on taking down the WTS, since the beginning of recorded history there have been false prophets, one scorned woman's research isn't going to stop them. I just want him out! I'm at the point where I have 3 options (a) quit my relationship (b) shut up & keep quiet (c) slap on a fake dead eyed stare and become Sister Questionable&SuspectedApostate......
I don't think I'll be taking option C.
I just want to say how much I hate the f***ing cult
by Confuzzled ini posted here a few times some months back about my jw bf, and i'm glad i did because i was on the fence about the whole thing.
i had to stop because the nature of his profession might have brought him here, and the details i had given it wouldn't have taken much to figure out who i was talking about.
i still lurk though, daily.. i hate this.
I found this article interesting http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/statistics.php .....I even looked up non-biased stats on all religions and they pretty much said the same thing. But, according to an active JW, most of those numbers are fixed, you see, because we are an opressed and hated religion.
I just want to say how much I hate the f***ing cult
by Confuzzled ini posted here a few times some months back about my jw bf, and i'm glad i did because i was on the fence about the whole thing.
i had to stop because the nature of his profession might have brought him here, and the details i had given it wouldn't have taken much to figure out who i was talking about.
i still lurk though, daily.. i hate this.
Yes, many eyes would be opened, but not all 8(. I think its rule number #25 in the JW handbook: Research the questionable history, and all the warts in every other religion, but your own, because everything contrary to what the WTS puts out is false and written by apostates or people who don't know what they are talking about. Only active JWs in good standing can give a truthful history about the cult. 0_o.
Yeeeeaaahhhh I've heard thatone about 2000 times.
I think this dead horse I've beaten is decomposing and mummified. It may be time to bury it. Like it has been said, it is like a drug addict. They will only give it up when they realize on their own it is a problem.
I just want to say how much I hate the f***ing cult
by Confuzzled ini posted here a few times some months back about my jw bf, and i'm glad i did because i was on the fence about the whole thing.
i had to stop because the nature of his profession might have brought him here, and the details i had given it wouldn't have taken much to figure out who i was talking about.
i still lurk though, daily.. i hate this.
I did think,"Could I go through the motions? I don't really having a problem w/clean living (i.e, not smoking, not drinking, Bible study, ehh I can wear a skirt once a week). I just at being at the mercy of the elders, and being treated like I'm stupid and can't read or understand the Gospel for myself, the raped Bible they use, Franz being an utter fraud, harboring pedophiles, the GB getting handed $$ hand over fist, judging ppl, destroying ppl, ect. ect. (OK EVERYTHING that has been mentioned on this board&evry other Proud Apostate Website, and book) There would be ways around it. Could I do it, but keep my identity? As long as I know it's a lie, I'd be alright, right?"
I luckily have a family who would call me on my bullshit, and there iis always an opportunity for Stockholm Syndrome. Thats sad I actually thought that and sometimes still think that. I wonder if other people have just thrown up their hands and drank the Kool-Aid just to keep the peace (could you even drink the Kool-Aid, if your not annointed? 0_o Trying to be funny.)
I just want to say how much I hate the f***ing cult
by Confuzzled ini posted here a few times some months back about my jw bf, and i'm glad i did because i was on the fence about the whole thing.
i had to stop because the nature of his profession might have brought him here, and the details i had given it wouldn't have taken much to figure out who i was talking about.
i still lurk though, daily.. i hate this.
Thanks. It's dumfounding. I cannot believe that he is doing, and saying, exactly what everybody says he would. I jokingly asked him if they gave him a handbook on what to say and do, and then I remembered, yeah, they do. Hundreds. He is being trained by some of the best sales ppl in the world. I told him I have no doubt the ppl in the pews honestly believe they are doing God's Work, but look at the big picture. Wasted oxygen. I hate his cult identity. He thinks he either has to be 100% good, or 100% bad. But, he doesn't have to be 100% good yet because he isn't baptized. WTF? I can read all the books, quote all the statistics, make the paralells between JWs, FLDS, Children of God, and Scientology, but it's a waste of time. I've planted all the recommended "seedling" questions, but these "good people" have got their meat hooks in him. I asked him how long it will take before he limits contact w/me, before his Bible Study teacher tells him I am demonized, and a stumbling block, or a bad asssociation. How long will it be before they have Sister GoodChristian picked out for him to date. They know about me. He says they never will, but threatens to limit our contact when we really get into it, like hes done recently to somebody else (yeah, hypocrite, much?). He tells them everything I say. I say tell them I am a supporter of the vast Apostate Army. He wants me to talk to his Bible teacher, I tell him I refuse to talk to an indocrinated cult member, I cannot argue with him, he will be better at because HE IS TRAINED in debate, and has memorized answers, and could probably sell water to a drowneding man, and no matter what I say or present, you will believe him anyway. It's the hamster wheel effect. I know you all have heard this story before, it's almost laughable. Ever see the movie Groundhog Day? I read the posts here from other people in my suituation. I'm in for a world of hurt. I found myself actually thinking how long could I possibly live a lie just to avoid all this, but I can't. I've read to much, seen to much for myself, and he'd know I was lying.