I posted here a few times some months back about my JW BF, and I'm glad I did because I was on the fence about the whole thing. I had to stop because the nature of his profession might have brought him here, and the details I had given it wouldn't have taken much to figure out who I was talking about. I still lurk though, daily.
I HATE this. He's getting back into it, and all we do is fight. I hate that he does and says exactly what the script tells him. I hate that my rebel is turning into a mindless drone. I hate the fact that if I handed him documents w/the Watchtower blacked out, or the letterhead cut off, he would be the first to cry criminals. I hate the fact that a person that smart and independent feels the only way he can be a good person is through the rules and regulations of a publishing company. I hate the fact he refuses to see that God's Love is freely given, not something you have to earn. I scream at him, and tell him "one day, I pray you wake up, before it's too late. It's a cult."
You will all tell me to cut and run, but circumstances have changed, and I will be involved w/him in some way, shape or form for the rest of my life (lets just leave it at that, details, you see). I just needed to vent, sorry. It's infuriating.