LOL hey admit it, if Blanket Jackson showed up at your door you'd be inclined to listen LOL! Seriously, it's disturbing on so many levels, the kids go from being completely isolated and pampered, to well, literally knocking on strangers doors who will be rude to them or worse. It's one thing to ease them into a private school with other uber rich kids of politicians, and prehaps royalty living abroad in the US, but thats crazy. I didn't mean to repeat the discussion, I just happened to read it today, but it is old news, I see.
JoinedPosts by Confuzzled
Michael Jackson's Kids Doing Field Service
by Confuzzled ini don't know if this has already been discussed, but i thought y'all might find it interesting, or disgusting.. .
********************** article start ********************** pop tartssource: michael jackson's formerly reclusive children now spreading religious message door-to-doorby hollie mckay.
published june 23, 2010.
Whooping Cough Epidemic in California
by blondie ini remember these immunizations and the boosters when i was a kid; i also remember the terrible cough the next door neighbors little girl had.
are your children's immunizations up to date?
also yours, your family, the neighbors, anyone who will be around the baby?.
Because a few New Agey parents object to vaccination, babies are getting ill.
Michael Jackson's Kids Doing Field Service
by Confuzzled ini don't know if this has already been discussed, but i thought y'all might find it interesting, or disgusting.. .
********************** article start ********************** pop tartssource: michael jackson's formerly reclusive children now spreading religious message door-to-doorby hollie mckay.
published june 23, 2010.
I don't know if this has already been discussed, but I thought y'all might find it interesting, or disgusting.
Pop Tarts
Source: Michael Jackson's Formerly Reclusive Children Now Spreading Religious Message Door-to-Door
By Hollie McKay
Published June 23, 2010
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Paris, Blanket and Prince Jackson (l to r)
At this time last year, two days before the tragic death of Michael Jackson, his children Prince,13, Paris, 12, and Blanket, 8, would have been barely recognizable to even the most devoted Jackson fan. The King of Pop went to inordinate measures to shield his kids from the harsh spotlight that he grew to loathe – hiding their faces with an array of odd masks and hoodies during their rare public appearances.
While a couple of sneaky pap snaps revealing Prince and Paris’ faces were able to slip through the cracks over the years, we never actually saw Blanket (who was infamously dangled over a fourth-floor balcony in Germany by his dad in 2002) uncovered until Jackson’s memorial last July.
Now fast forward to 2010, almost one year since MJ’s death: Not only are the Jackson children able to step outside sans the masks, apparently they’re even able to knock on the doors of strangers' homes.
According to a Jackson insider, the kids (under the guidance of their grandmother and legal guardian, Katherine Jackson) have been doing the standard field service as part of their involvement with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, encouraging others to convert.
SLIDESHOW: Michael Jackson's Kids Step in to the Spotlight
“Growing up, Michael did it, too. It’s an important part of their faith,” said our source. “Nobody even seems to know it is them.”
Longtime Jackson family friend and biographer, Stacy Brown, also told us that he “wouldn’t be surprised” at all to learn the Jackson youngsters were undertaking field service, despite their star-studded status.
“I am sure it is something Katherine would encourage,” Brown said. “Becoming a Jehovah’s Witness was something she wanted for all her kids.”
A representative for Katherine did not respond for comment.
On the subject of exposure, this week Katherine Jackson reportedly revealed that the three kids (who have been home-schooled) will be attending a private school in Los Angeles at the conclusion of the summer break.
SLIDESHOW: Scenes From the Life and Death of Michael Jackson
But is it all too much, too soon?
“It is definitely a huge step, but it is great for them to be socialized like this,” Hollywood image consultant Michael Sands, who has worked with members of the Jackson family in the past, told Pop Tarts. “The President’s kids go to school, so do Royals like Prince Harry and Prince William. I am sure the school and Jackson estate will work together to take the necessary safety precautions.”
However, being around other children on a daily basis, as well as having been privy to the forms of social communication like the Internet over the past year (Blanket and Paris proved this last month when they made their home video YouTube debuts) means that the kids will likely learn several of the negative parts of their father’s disturbing past.
“I believe that Michael did a very good job of slowly enlightening them to these things, and teaching them that this was the way of the world, and preparing them so it shouldn’t be too much of a shock,” Brown said. “He didn’t shield them from what was out there.”
Moreover, MJ’s mom isn’t the only grandparent playing a prominent role in the lives of the Jackson three. We’re also told that Joe Jackson spends a great deal of time with his grandchildren, and has developed a strong, “normal” grandfather-to-grandchild bond with Prince, Paris and Blanket.
Surprisingly, despite the disdain Michael felt for his estranged father and former manager, who he claimed was both physically and emotionally abusive, Brown doesn’t believe the late King of Pop would be bothered by his beloved children spending time with the man who caused him so much grief.
“I don't think he (Michael) would have much of a problem with it. Prior to Michael's unfortunate death, he was again including Joseph in some of his business affairs. It seemed that Michael-- more and more-- began to seek Joseph's support/backing,” Brown said. “I think Michael had grown extremely insecure and feared for his safety, so he called upon Joseph for help.”
And even in the year since his death, Jackson cannot escape the family friction, finger-pointing, legal woes and financial issues that plagued him for a good part of his 50 years. But while these things are still very much alive, it seems, for the most part, people have let go of their negative perceptions toward the troubled star.
“Before Michael died you couldn’t go a week without him being referred to as ‘Wacko Jacko’ or a child molester in the media,” Brown said. “But you won’t see or hear of him being referred to as that anymore. It’s been a 360-degree turnaround. He’s become a huge hero. “
"You Would Make a Good Pioneer!" - May 2010 Our Kingdom Ministry
by pirata in"you would make a good pioneer!".
1. how did one sister feel about her pioneer ministry?.
1 "i could not have found any other work that could have brought me as much contentment or could have been so spiritually rewarding.
Even fucking Catholic Nuns in convents get degrees. My JW looks at those lobotomized sheep trudging around in 100 degrees in their Payless clearance heels as saints. He came home recently extolling the benefits of career schools and "leaving time for God". I said thats easy for somebody to say that is as comfortable as he is. They are REALLY pushing the evils of college lately. I see they have always been against it but my outsiders POV says that it has something to do with the dwindling numbers. What are they going to do when everybody left is broke making less then 15 grand a year? When the coffers are drying up, we'll see how fast they start pushing college attendence so you can Pioneer at school.
New Generation -- NO Thinking Allowed!
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe new, new, new, new light on the generation: just believe it -- or else!.
the watchtower, august 1st, 2001 issue, page 14, paragraph 8:.
"first, since oneness is to be observed, a mature christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned.
This isn't the exact clip I was looking for, the one I was looking for was of Jeffs talking about never questioning the Prophet...I think some of the ideas are in the same context as the WTS.....
New Generation -- NO Thinking Allowed!
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe new, new, new, new light on the generation: just believe it -- or else!.
the watchtower, august 1st, 2001 issue, page 14, paragraph 8:.
"first, since oneness is to be observed, a mature christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned.
I'd find this hilarious if it wasn't so damn...... well....frightening. I don't want these people around my son AT ALL. It's VERY Warren Jeffs/FLDS. Did you ever go to Youtube and listen to his recordings? It's really similar. Jeffs made almost the exact same proclamations right before they started building the YFZ Ranch. 0_o
What Perplexes You About Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus ini'll tell you what i just can't get.. how the hell can anyone cry wolf as many times as the witnesses have without huge repercussions afterward?
i don't get it.. "the end is sooooooooo sooooooooooo close and you better get back to the organization for protection before it is too late!!!".
have they no shame???.
How they can be completely and totally rational about certain things, but when it comes to the WTS they refuse to question it. Like, if you handed them documents about the WTS with all words pretaining to the cult blacked out, they would see it for what is really criminal, racketeering, and extorting people for the gains of a multimillion dollar publishing company, but at long as they know they are talking about the WTS, they are completely irrational.
How do you help a girl having panic attacks?
by Cagefighter ini am so inlove with this woman.... we have been dating for six months and she is finally starting to let me in.
she is the portrait of sweet country feminitiy and i am a masculine little macho but smart and sweet meat head.. she called me the other night having a panic attack.
well she texted b/c she couldn't talk.
OUTLAW I have a anxiety/panic disorder, AND I had a python! LOL he was very calming, actualy. RIP Topaz!
An untreated anxiety disorder is terrible. Mine has been one of the death tolls in my relationship. The best advice I can give is to be understanding of the situation as best as you can. As a matter of fact, I was told just today AGAIN when trying to explain my feelings "get over shit and move on". Bone crippling panic, overwhelming dread, and worry are hard to explain to someone who has no idea what it's like. People just think you are nuts. My best suggestion is why don't you lovingly suggest you go see the Dr. together? Sometimes a milligrams of something are all you need to get through the day. I take wellbutrin once a day and an Ambien about 2-3 times a week to ward off "night worries" and my speeding brain. Oh, and Eckhart Tolle's books ARE AMAZING to help you deal with anxiety and depression. The Power Of Now has helped me so much in that area.
He attempted to apply JW practices on My Dad/I Expect An Argument In The AM
by Confuzzled inmaybe i spoke to soon about all being quiet on the jw front in my.......ehhhhhh........ so-called relationship with my dub baby dad.
well, this doesnt come strictly from a jw doctrine, it is a practice.
the words "headship" was used numerous times, also "head of house", "man of house", and "submit".
Maybe I spoke to soon about all being quiet on the JW front in my.......ehhhhhh........ so-called relationship with my Dub Baby Dad. Well, this doesnt come strictly from a JW doctrine, it is a practice. The words "headship" was used numerous times, also "head of house", "man of house", and "submit". On with the show!
My dad is a practicing Episcopalian. Mass every Sunday, sterotypical Anglican. His relationships with my mother, and his fiance were/are partnerships. They make all decisions together, if my Dad went behind my future step-mom's back and made a choice without her, she would be PISSED (she can be shrill, too, glass shatteringly shrill). Well, Humpty DuBty decided to call my Dad and ask him for something that concerned me without my knowledge, nor did he include my future-stepmother in this discussion. Man to man, so he says, he is the man of the house!
*Buries face in hands*
I told him if he wanted to do that, he shoulda waited until I was out and came over and consulted them both. Now my stepmother will assume I knew about this and it will undoubtly start a huge issue between them and I will be put in the middle. They will fight about it. I freaked when he told me what he did. He said he was respecting my father's "headship". My father, evidently was polite to him and knew from where he was coming from and I had no idea about the call until Dub-ope On A Rope informed me of it at around midnight. My step-mom ain't so understanding. She has told him before where he can stick his opinions on women. She will see this move as disrespectful and underhanded. I don't know if she knows about the call yet, but my father WILL tell her.
I need a drink. Several.
The Fickle JW & I Update
by Confuzzled inhello, 'tis i, sorta girlfriend to the biggest convaluted part-time dubby in the world.
all is calm on the shores of complicationville, and i have the baby at the end of june.
well now, boyfriend's family has stabilized and he is not attending meetings or study regularly anymore.
Thank you very much !
Now that the Church Of Our Lady Of Field Service is out of the way (for now) I can work on bigger issues.......Like his glaring short comings. If I joined a support bulletin board for ALL our issues, I'd be online 24 hrs a day!