I'm just shocked it didn't read "Be sure to wipe front to back."
@exwhyzee Only fush for BM? I bet that bathroom smelled like piss and ammonia!
this was posted in the men's room stall, i hear the instructions in the womens room was more detailed.. this was in addition to having a "bathroom attendant" handing out 1 paper towel per person.. i haven't felt so childish since i was in grade schooll, i had to wonder if all the tall people around me were really grown men and women.. .
I'm just shocked it didn't read "Be sure to wipe front to back."
@exwhyzee Only fush for BM? I bet that bathroom smelled like piss and ammonia!
just a update for anyone who's interested:.
so i had the baby at the end of june, he is a healthy, albeit large, baby boy, and prehaps the only man i may ever truly love.
the dubby one foot in the other out bf has been an amazing help and is totally and completely in love with his son.
His position about the org has to do with the fact he respects devout JWs so much, and when they fall he's the worst to judge them, as with the situation with his mother. He can be a drunk and a womanizer, but Jehovah-forbid that a Witness who is supposedly in good standing do something. I think I had a thread asking about the whole "Asshole Until Baptisim" thing.
just a update for anyone who's interested:.
so i had the baby at the end of june, he is a healthy, albeit large, baby boy, and prehaps the only man i may ever truly love.
the dubby one foot in the other out bf has been an amazing help and is totally and completely in love with his son.
Thank you everybody for your well wishes!
The good part is I guess is that hes in to much of a good mood to really persue his cultish leanings right now. When darkness falls, the he starts studying again, and the vultures swoop down. Oh, and his shift changed to Sundays, so that helps.
just a update for anyone who's interested:.
so i had the baby at the end of june, he is a healthy, albeit large, baby boy, and prehaps the only man i may ever truly love.
the dubby one foot in the other out bf has been an amazing help and is totally and completely in love with his son.
@Yknot thank you! That's the thing, our christenings are normally a big to-do with a party and all...My dad's whole argument is what could it hurt, and he's right. If we are wrong we are going to have my eyes pecked out any way, right? BF changed tactics and said why don't we let him choose when he's older, to which i said, what if your wrong, and I'm right, and I neglect my duty? He then pointed out that how can an infant understand, and I tried to explain getting confirmed....It's a circle. I plan on instilling a foundation of beliefs in him early. My daughter is 9 and we haven't been regular church goers for years but she has a basic christian concept of God.
@Witness 007 and Garyneal My son may really be the only man I ever love. I have a warped relationship with his father. Somewhere between soulmate, best friend, and worst enemy, throw some sex, and co-dependency in for good measure. I'm still to hormonal and trying to figure things out to think about completely shedding him. The waters are pretty calm so I'm staying in the boat until I can completely figure things out. Yes I have been putting it off for awhile, but being pregnant, and now with a newborn, also recovering from surgery is not the time to make major life decisions. Not that I want to go into this, but I suffer from depression and anxiety, and I've finally decided to get some counseling for myself, so maybe it will help me out. Would I marry him? Right now, hell-the-f*ck-no! After HE recieves intensive therapy for his non-witness related issues, and becomes a completely different person, and actually wants to marry me for me and not for duty.....maybe. I'm telling you him being a witness is just the rainbow sprinkles on the f*ckery I've had to deal with. @ garyneal congrats on the new bundle! I wish you nights of endless sleep and lower formula prices!
@jamiebowers I don't need a DNA test. I have nothing to justify to anyone. I can count on less then one hand how many men I've slept with, and the rumors of a jealous ex and some nosey relatives aren't going to make me spend my money on a test that I don't need. As far as the love bombing, it's a shame because they seem really genuine. Maybe they are in their warped way. As far as the letter goes, he was writing to his brother in jail, and it's their mom who is going to hell. I posted a lengthy thread about it awhile ago. She's turned away from the org.
just a update for anyone who's interested:.
so i had the baby at the end of june, he is a healthy, albeit large, baby boy, and prehaps the only man i may ever truly love.
the dubby one foot in the other out bf has been an amazing help and is totally and completely in love with his son.
Just a update for anyone who's interested:
So I had the baby at the end of June, he is a healthy, albeit large, baby boy, and prehaps the only man I may ever truly love. The dubby one foot in the other out BF has been an amazing help and is totally and completely in love with his son. (yes, there was eye rolling at the three times I had to sign for permission for blood transfusion at the birth)
So with the birth, I FINALLY get to meet the family. I hit it off with his sister and a sis-in-law. Amazingly nice women. Really sweet. They love my son and made me feel really welcome in this large family, with it's own rules, and expectations. Wouldn't hesitate to leave my son with them to go to the store or something. After a few family functions, riding home, BF says, "So you really hit it off with Sister and Sister-In-Law, huh?" Me: "For as much as I know them, yeah. Very nice. They made me feel the most welcome." Him: "HA! They are both baptised and devout Jws! Ain't that hilarious?" Me: "They didn't discuss the cult with me at all, I'd like to keep it that way, you should warn them I'm a "stumbler". To which followed an argument about how he'll take the baby to the hall when he's old enough, how my dad is pissed about the lack of a christening (i'm getting it done, i don't care), the usual "Over my dead body will my son be a drone", ect, ect, ect. It was sad because it's been months since we've had an argument about it, it's come up, but no real arguments. As far as the family goes, I immediately knew who most of the Jeh-hoobie praising ones were, the most ramrod didn't like me from the jump (i.e. My son is his father's clone, but the sister showed no interest in the baby, or holding him, and said he didn't Look anything like BF. There are floating rumors about BF, and sterilty, and if my son is really his.). I just hope he didn't send the other sister and sister in law to purposely love bomb me.
So couple days later he asked me to read a letter he was sending to a brother who in polite company one would describe as being "away" to tell him what I thought. Some where at the end of the letter was a diatribe about how Mama had fallen away from the bright light of Jahoover and how he feels there is no coming back....I closed the laptop.
I think I'm heading into round three with this. The sad thing is our relationship, for as much as it's worth, is improving because of the time we are spending together. We are appreciating each other more. Sorry about punctuation. Juggling newborn, bottle, and trying to type is difficult.
i'm a really big eckhart tolle follower, and recently i was rereading a new earth and i showed my dubby this proverb he mentioned, which kind of bothered him when i explained it.. "the hand pointing to the moon is not the moon.".
he didn't quite get it, so i explained that it basically means that just because a man, or religion, is pointing out god to you, it doesn't mean you worship the man or religion.
he didn't seem to want to debate it because he didn't have an answer or counter point.. also while explaining the path tolle shows (pragmatic explainations of age-old beliefs, from jesus to buddah, they all said the same things), he said he didn't think tolle believed in god.
@Poppers I have the book. I Also have the FindHorn Retreat on DVD but I have to find 4 hours to sit and really watch it.
i'm a really big eckhart tolle follower, and recently i was rereading a new earth and i showed my dubby this proverb he mentioned, which kind of bothered him when i explained it.. "the hand pointing to the moon is not the moon.".
he didn't quite get it, so i explained that it basically means that just because a man, or religion, is pointing out god to you, it doesn't mean you worship the man or religion.
he didn't seem to want to debate it because he didn't have an answer or counter point.. also while explaining the path tolle shows (pragmatic explainations of age-old beliefs, from jesus to buddah, they all said the same things), he said he didn't think tolle believed in god.
I'm a really big Eckhart Tolle follower, and recently I was rereading A New Earth and I showed my Dubby this proverb he mentioned, which kind of bothered him when I explained it.
"The hand pointing to the moon is not the moon."
He didn't quite get it, so I explained that it basically means that just because a man, or religion, is pointing out God to you, it doesn't mean you worship the man or religion. He didn't seem to want to debate it because he didn't have an answer or counter point.
Also while explaining the path Tolle shows (pragmatic explainations of age-old beliefs, from Jesus to Buddah, they all said the same things), he said he didn't think Tolle believed in God. I told him that the idea of God he presents are not his ideas, but ancient ones, and that these ideas have made me see that religion has reduced The Lord God to a dirty old man riding on a cloud peeking under bed sheets. Also that if he really thought about it, does it make any sense that the omnipresent, omnipotent, creator of The Universe would have the time to speak to a group of old men in NYC, or that he would ONLY speak through them, out of the millions people on earth? I got a hairy eyeball, but he didn't respond, and shutting that Dub up is no small feat!
is the use of a pendulum to communicate with the unconscious mind dangerous?.
i have had it done on me a few years ago and for months after i was so consumed with guilt!
i prayed for jah to forgive me and i lived in fear that.
Ever been to the Franklin Institute in Philly? It's a vortex of evil 0_o. Beware Foucalt's Pendulum!
Be very afraid!
i remember these immunizations and the boosters when i was a kid; i also remember the terrible cough the next door neighbors little girl had.
are your children's immunizations up to date?
also yours, your family, the neighbors, anyone who will be around the baby?.
I should clarify. It was a knee jerk response. I'm the biggest Eckhart Tolle-ite, so I guess I should watch who I call new agey! I'm giving birth next Tuesday, and vaccines, circumsion, ect, are on my mind and consent forms are a file waiting to be filled out on the kitchen table. I actually question the use of some vaccines so early, and the use of mercury in the shots at all. I have a girlfriend who's son as Aspbergers, and she still isn't positive it didn't come from the vaccines (yes I know about the study that says this has been disproven for the most part, but i still don't know). BUT the benefits still out weigh the risks.
i don't know if this has already been discussed, but i thought y'all might find it interesting, or disgusting.. .
********************** article start ********************** pop tartssource: michael jackson's formerly reclusive children now spreading religious message door-to-doorby hollie mckay.
published june 23, 2010.
I wonder if Katherine Jackson is getting instructions from NYC to parade them around like that.